Text Editor - C#

C# > General

microsoft excel docs

Auto list members -
Hide advanced members -
Parameter information - (Disabled)
Enable virtual space -
Word wrap -
Show visual glyphs for word wrap - (Disabled)
Apply cut or copy commands to blank lines when there is no selection -
Line numbers -
Enable sngle-click URL navigation -
Navigation bar - (Disabled)

C# > Tabs

microsoft excel docs

None - No indenting
Block -
Smart -
Tab Size - Default 4.
Indent Size - Default 4.
Insert Spaces - Default.
Keep tabs -

C# > Advanced

microsoft excel docs

Enter outlining mode when files open -
Underline errors in the editors -
Show line semantic errors -
Highlight references to symbol under cursor -
Verify results of refactoring -
Warn if there are compiler generated references -
Generate XML documentation comments for /// -
Surround generated code with #region -
Place 'System' directives first when sorting usings -

C# > Code Style > Formatting

microsoft excel docs

C# > Intellisense

microsoft excel docs

Show completion list after a character is typed -
Place keywords in completion list -
Place code snippets in completion list -
Committed by typing the following characters -
Committed by pressing the space bar -
Add new line on enter at end of fully typed word -
Pre-select most recently used member -

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