Change Author & Date

Lets you change author names and remove or change dates in existing tracked changes and comments.
The original document remains unchanged.
The command creates a copy of the document and changes the author name(s) and/or dates in the copy.
The document copy will automatically be saved in the same folder as the original document.
You can select whether to change author names in all changes and comments or only in changes and comments added by a specific author.

You can, for example, use this command to add your company name as the author and remove the date stamp in all tracked changes and comments before sending a document to external people. You can also use the command to correct an author name in case an incorrect name was set as the author's user name at the time when he/she added tracked changes or comments.

When you click Change Author & Date, you can select how to change author name(s) and or date stamps of tracked changes and comments.

The original document remains unchanged. The command creates a copy of the document and changes the author name(s) and/or dates in the copy.

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