Highlight End Points


microsoft excel docs

Step 1 - 2D Clustered Bar Chart

Select cells "B2:C14" and create a 2D Clustered Bar Chart
Remove the Title and the Legend

microsoft excel docs

Step 2 - Two Extra Columns

Create two additional columns. One called "Count" and the other called "Spacing"
The Count column contains a count of the number of items, starting at 1.
The Spacing column contains an evenly distributed number of points between 0 and 1.
We have 12 points so we need 12 equal points distributed between 0 and 1

microsoft excel docs

Step 3 - Additional Series

Add another series to this chart containing the "Spacing" column
Click on the chart and select "Select Data"

microsoft excel docs

Click "Add" and add the following range
Select cells "D15:D26" for the series value

microsoft excel docs
microsoft excel docs

Step 4 - Move the Value series to the Secondary Axis

Click on the 'Value' series and right mouse click, select "Format Data Series"

microsoft excel docs

Under the Series Options
Change the "Plot Series On" to secondary axis

microsoft excel docs
microsoft excel docs

Step 5 - Display the Y-axis for the secondary axis

Click on the chart, select the Value series and click the Chart Tools - Design tab.
Select Add Chart Element > Axes > Secondary Vertical

microsoft excel docs

Step 6 - Add the correct series labels for the "Value" series

Click on the chart and select "Select Data"
Select the "Scaling" series on the left and press the Edit button on the right hand side (underneath Horizonal Axis labels)
Select cells "C15:C26" for the series value

microsoft excel docs

Step 7 - Change the chart type of the "Scaling" series to XY Scatter

Click on the Value series and right mouse click, select "Change Series Chart Type"

microsoft excel docs

Step 8 - Change the primary axis scale to be from 0 to 1


microsoft excel docs

Step 9 - Hide the gridlines on the primary axis

Click on the gridlines and press Delete

microsoft excel docs

Step 10 - Hide the "Vertical" primary axis

Click on the chart and select the Chart Tools - Design tab.
Click on Axes > Primary Vertical Axis and select "None"

microsoft excel docs

Step 11 - Move the Secondary Vertical axis to the left hand side

Click on the chart and select the secondary horizontal axis
Right mouse button, select "Format Axis"
Change the "Vertical axis crosses" to Axis value and enter the value 0.

microsoft excel docs

Step 12 - Hide the "Horizontal" secondary axis

Click on the chart and select the Chart Tools - Design tab.
Click on Add Chart Element > Axes > Secondary Vertical
For some reason these axes are back to front

microsoft excel docs

Step 13 - Reverse the category labels for the "Value" series

Click on the horizontal axis and select Format Axis

microsoft excel docs

Change the formatting accordingly

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