C# Snippets


Public Shared Function Combine2SingleArrays(ByVal sArray1Name As String, _
ByVal sngArrayName1() As Single, _
ByVal sArray2Name As String, _
ByVal sngArrayName2() As Single, _
Optional ByVal ilower As Integer = -1, _
Optional ByVal iupper As Integer = -1) _
As Single()

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim iarraycount As Integer
Dim sngArrayNameSum() As Single

If ilower = -1 Then ilower = 0
If iupper = -1 Then iupper = sngArrayName1.Length - 1

ReDim sngArrayNameSum(iupper)

If iupper = sngArrayName2.Length - 1 Then
For iarraycount = ilower To iupper
sngArrayNameSum(iarraycount) = sngArrayName1(iarraycount) + sngArrayName2(iarraycount)
Next iarraycount

End If
Combine2SingleArrays = sngArrayNameSum

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("Combine2SingleArrays", msCLASSNAME, _
"combine the two single dimensional arrays " & _
"'" & sArray1Name & "' and '" & sArray2Name & "'" & _
gsCRLF & "and return the array which is the total of the two arrays.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function Combine2StringArrays(ByVal sArray1Name As String, _
ByVal asArrayName1() As String, _
ByVal sArray2Name As String, _
ByVal asArrayName2() As String) _
As String()

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim iarraycount As Integer
Dim icombinationcount As Integer
Dim asCombination() As String

ReDim asCombination(asArrayName1.GetUpperBound(0) + asArrayName2.GetUpperBound(0) - 1)

For iarraycount = 0 To asArrayName1.Length - 1
If asArrayName1(iarraycount).Length > 0 Then
asCombination(icombinationcount) = asArrayName1(iarraycount)
icombinationcount += 1
End If
Next iarraycount

For iarraycount = 0 To asArrayName2.Length - 1
If asArrayName2(iarraycount).Length > 0 Then
asCombination(icombinationcount) = asArrayName2(iarraycount)
icombinationcount += 1
End If
Next iarraycount

Combine2StringArrays = asCombination

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("Combine2StringArrays", msCLASSNAME, _
"combine the two string dimensional arrays " & _
"'" & sArray1Name & "' and '" & sArray2Name & "'" & _
gsCRLF & "and return the array which is a concatenation of the two arrays.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Returns the total number of rows in a single dimensional array that match a particular string or value.
Public Function Array_CountEntriesSingle(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As Variant, _
ByVal sText As String) As Long
Dim larraycount As Long
Dim lnooftimes As Long
On Error GoTo AnError
lnooftimes = 0
For larraycount = 1 To UBound(vArrayName) - 1
If vArrayName(larraycount) = sText Then lnooftimes = lnooftimes + 1
Next larraycount
Array_CountEntriesSingle = lnooftimes
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Array_CountEntriesSingle = -1
Call Error_Handle("Array_CountEntriesSingle", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"count the total number of entires in the single dimensional array " & _
"""" & sArrayName & """" & vbCrLf & _
"that match """ & sText & """")
End Function


Public Function Array_DimensionExists(ByVal vArray As Variant, _
ByVal iDimension As Integer) As Boolean
Dim ltotal As Long

On Error GoTo AnError
Array_DimensionExists = True
ltotal = UBound(vArray, iDimension)
Exit Function

Array_DimensionExists = False
End Function


Public Shared Sub ItemAddAfter(ByVal sText As String, _
ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByRef vArrayName As System.Array)

Dim iarraycount As System.Int32

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

If vArrayName Is Nothing Then


For iarraycount = 0 To vArrayName.Length - 1
vArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount) = vArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount) & sText
Next iarraycount

End If

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("ItemAddAfter", msCLASSNAME, _
"add the entry '" & sText & "'" & _
"to end of the single dimensional array '" & sArrayName & "'", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Function Array_ItemExists(ByVal arStringArray As String(), _
ByVal sItemToFind As String) As Boolean
Dim icount As Integer
Dim bfound As Boolean

bfound = False
For icount = 0 To arStringArray.GetUpperBound(0)

If (arStringArray(icount) = sItemToFind) Then
bfound = True
Exit For
End If
Next icount

Return bfound

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call modMessages.ErrorMessage(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, ex.Message)
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function ItemGetLargestSingle(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal sngArrayName As System.Array, _
Optional ByVal sngPreviousLargest As Single = -1.0E+20) _
As Single

Dim iarrayno As System.Int32 = 0
Dim snglarge As Single

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Do Until (sngArrayName.GetValue(iarrayno) <> 0)
iarrayno = iarrayno + 1
snglarge = sngArrayName.GetValue(iarrayno)

For iarrayno = iarrayno + 1 To sngArrayName.Length - 1
If (sngArrayName.GetValue(iarrayno) <> 0) And _
(sngArrayName.GetValue(iarrayno) > snglarge) Then snglarge = sngArrayName.GetValue(iarrayno)

If sngPreviousLargest <> -1.0E+20 Then
If sngPreviousLargest > snglarge Then snglarge = sngPreviousLargest
End If

ItemGetLargestSingle = snglarge

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("ItemGetLargestSingle", msCLASSNAME, _
"return the largest number in the " & _
"single dimensional array '" & sArrayName & "'", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function ItemGetSmallestSingle(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal sngArrayName() As Single, _
Optional ByVal sngPreviousSmallest As Single = 1.0E+20, _
Optional ByVal iupper As Integer = -1, _
Optional ByVal ilower As Integer = -1) _
As Single

Dim iarrayno As Integer = 0
Dim sngsmall As Single

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Do Until (sngArrayName(iarrayno) <> 0)
iarrayno = iarrayno + 1
sngsmall = sngArrayName(iarrayno)

For iarrayno = iarrayno + 1 To sngArrayName.Length - 1
If (sngArrayName(iarrayno) <> 0) And _
(sngArrayName(iarrayno) < sngsmall) Then sngsmall = sngArrayName(iarrayno)

If sngPreviousSmallest <> 1.0E+20 Then
If sngPreviousSmallest < sngsmall Then sngsmall = sngPreviousSmallest
End If

ItemGetSmallestSingle = sngsmall

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("ItemGetSmallestSingle", msCLASSNAME, _
"return the smallest number in the " & _
"single dimensional array '" & sArrayName & "'", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


Public Function Array_OfArray(ByVal vArray As Variant) As Boolean
Dim vvalue As Variant
On Error GoTo AnError

vvalue = vArray(0)(0)
Array_OfArray = True
Exit Function

Array_OfArray = False
End Function


Public Function Array_ParamArray1Dimension(ByVal vArray2Dimension As Variant) As Variant
Dim svalue As String
Dim larraycount As Long
Dim vtemp As Variant
On Error GoTo AnError

If Array_OfArray(vArray2Dimension) = False Then
Array_ParamArray1Dimension = vArray2Dimension
Exit Function
End If

ReDim vtemp(UBound(vArray2Dimension(0), 1))

For larraycount = 0 To UBound(vArray2Dimension(0), 1)
vtemp(larraycount) = vArray2Dimension(0)(larraycount)
Next larraycount

Array_ParamArray1Dimension = vtemp
Exit Function
Call Error_Handle(Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, "Array_ParamArray1Dimension")
End Function


Public Function Array_Redim1(ByVal vaArrayName As Variant, _
ByVal lUpper As Long) As Variant
ReDim vaArrayName(lUpper)
Array_Redim1 = vaArrayName
End Function


Public Shared Sub RemoveChars(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByRef vArrayName As System.Array, _
ByVal iNoOfCharsLeft As Integer, _
ByVal iNoOfCharsRight As Integer)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

Dim iarraycount As System.Int32
Dim iopenbracketpos As System.Int32
Dim stemp As String

For iarraycount = 0 To vArrayName.Length - 1

stemp = vArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount)
'stemp = Right(stemp, stemp.Length - iNoOfCharsLeft)
stemp = stemp.Substring(iNoOfCharsLeft)

'stemp = Left(stemp, stemp.Length - iNoOfCharsRight)
stemp = stemp.Substring(0, stemp.Length - iNoOfCharsRight)

vArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount) = stemp

Next iarraycount

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("RemoveChars", msCLASSNAME, _
"remove the '" & iNoOfCharsLeft & "' characters from the left" & _
gsCRLF & "and the '" & iNoOfCharsRight & "' characters from the right" & _
" of every element in the single dimensional array '" & sArrayName & "'.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Removes all the entries from a single dimensional array that match a particular criteria. Normally used for filtering on numerical data. The slightly smaller single dimensional array is returned.
Public Function Array_RemoveCriteriaSingle() As Variant
On Error GoTo AnError

' Copy from Multi

If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("Array_RemoveCriteriaSingle", msMODULENAME, 1, _
End Function


Removes all the carriage returns from the text entries in a multi dimensional array.
Public Function Array_RemoveCRsMulti(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As Variant) As Variant
Dim lrowcounter As Long
Dim icolumncounter As Integer
On Error GoTo AnError
For icolumncounter = LBound(vArrayName, 1) To UBound(vArrayName, 1)
For lrowcounter = LBound(vArrayName, 2) To UBound(vArrayName, 2)

'REMOVE Str_Chars1013HasAny

If Str_Chars1013HasAny(vArrayName(icolumncounter, lrowcounter, 0)) = True Then
vArrayName(icolumncounter, lrowcounter, 0) = _
Str_Chars1013Remove(vArrayName(icolumncounter, lrowcounter, 0))
vArrayName(icolumncounter, lrowcounter, 1) = "1"
vArrayName(icolumncounter, lrowcounter, 0) = _
Str_Chars1013Remove(vArrayName(icolumncounter, lrowcounter, 0))
vArrayName(icolumncounter, lrowcounter, 1) = "0"
End If
Next lrowcounter
Next icolumncounter
Array_RemoveCRsMulti = vArrayName
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Array_RemoveCRsMulti = vArrayName
Call Error_Handle("Array_RemoveCRsMulti", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"remove all carriage returns from all entrie in the multi dimensional array " & _
"""" & sArrayName & """")
End Function


Removes all the carriage returns from the text entries in a single dimensional array.
Public Function Array_RemoveCRsSingle(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As Variant) As Variant
Dim lrowcount As Long
On Error GoTo AnError

For irowcounter = LBound(vArrayName) To UBound(vArrayName)
If Str_Chars1013HasAny(vArrayName(irowcount, 0)) = True Then

vArrayName(lrowcount, 0) = Str_Chars1013Remove(vArrayName(irowcount, 0))
vArrayName(lrowcount, 1) = "1"
vArrayName(lrowcount, 0) = Str_Chars1013Remove(vArrayName(irowcount, 0))
vArrayName(lrowcount, 1) = "0"
End If
Next lrowcount

Array_RemoveCRsSingle = vArrayName
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Call Error_Handle("Array_RemoveCRsSingle", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"remove all carriage returns from all entries in the single dimensional array " & _
"""" & sArrayName & """")
End Function


Removes any entries from a multi dimensional array that contain a duplicate entry in a given column. Maybe add all unique entries to a string, then populate again removing from the string concat and using Instr(). Alternatively use a collection ?? The slightly smaller multi dimensional array is returned TEST !!!.
Public Function Array_RemoveDuplicatesMulti(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As Variant, _
ByVal iDuplicateCol As Integer) As Variant
Dim clCells As New Collection
Dim cell As Range
Dim vvalue As Variant
Dim luniquecount As Long
Dim larraycount1 As Long
Dim larraycount2 As Long
Dim lmatches As Long
Dim vArrayNameTemp As Variant
Dim vcompare As Variant
On Error Resume Next
For larraycount1 = UBound(vArrayName, 1) To LBound(vArrayName, 1) Step -1
If vArrayName(larraycount1, iDimension) = Empty Then
clCells.Add "", ""
clCells.Add _
vArrayName(larraycount1, iDuplicateCol), _
vArrayName(larraycount1, iDuplicateCol)
End If
Next larraycount1
On Error GoTo 0
On Error GoTo AnError
ReDim vArrayNameTemp(clCells.Count, UBound(vArrayName, 2))
luniquecount = 1
For larraycount1 = UBound(vArrayName, 1) To LBound(vArrayName, 1) Step -1
vcompare = vArrayName(larraycount1, iDuplicateCol)
If Array_IsItIn(vArrayNameTemp, vcompare, iDuplicateCol) = False Then
For larraycount2 = LBound(vArrayName, 2) To UBound(vArrayName, 2)
vArrayNameTemp(luniquecount, larraycount2) = _
vArrayName(larraycount1, larraycount2)
Next larraycount2
luniquecount = luniquecount + 1
End If
Next larraycount1
Array_RemoveDuplicates = vArrayNameTemp
If gbDEBUG = False Then Exit Function
Array_RemoveDuplicatesMulti = vArrayName
Call Error_Handle("Array_RemoveDuplicatesMulti", msMODULENAME, 1, _
"remove any duplicate rows from the multi dimensional array " & _
"""" & sArrayName & """ in column """ & iDuplicateCol & """")
End Function


Public Shared Sub RemoveHiddenFolders(ByRef asFoldersArray As System.Array)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

Dim iarraycount As System.Int32
Dim ifolderscount As System.Int32
Dim astemp As System.Array
Dim itempcount As System.Int32

For iarraycount = 0 To asFoldersArray.Length - 1
Dim objfileinfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(asFoldersArray.GetValue(iarraycount))

If (objfileinfo.Attributes And IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) <> _
IO.FileAttributes.Hidden Then
ifolderscount = ifolderscount + 1
End If
Next iarraycount

ReDim astemp(ifolderscount - 1)

For iarraycount = 0 To asFoldersArray.Length - 1
Dim objfileinfo As New System.IO.DirectoryInfo(asFoldersArray.GetValue(iarraycount))

If (objfileinfo.Attributes And IO.FileAttributes.Hidden) <> _
IO.FileAttributes.Hidden Then

astemp.GetValue(itempcount) = asFoldersArray.GetValue(iarraycount)
itempcount = itempcount + 1
End If

Next iarraycount

ReDim asFoldersArray(astemp.Length - 1)
asFoldersArray = astemp

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("RemoveHiddenFolders", msCLASSNAME, _
"remove the hidden folders from the array.", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Shared Sub Sort(ByVal saArrayName As System.Array)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub


Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex,
"sort the array.")
End Try
End Sub


Public Shared Function SortRecordsString(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal vArrayName As System.Array, _
ByVal iNumberOfColumns As Integer, _
ByVal iSortByColumn As Integer, _
Optional ByVal bAscending As Boolean = True) _
As String()

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim bsorted As Boolean
Dim iarraylistcount As Integer
Dim scomparevalue1 As String
Dim scomparevalue2 As String
Dim icolumncount As Integer
Dim asTempArray As System.Array

ReDim asTempArray(iNumberOfColumns - 1)

'Repeat until the array is sorted correctly
bsorted = True

'start looping through the array from the 2nd record
For iarraylistcount = 1 To (vArrayName.Length \ iNumberOfColumns) - 1

scomparevalue1 = CType(vArrayName.GetValue(((iarraylistcount - 1) * iNumberOfColumns) + (iSortByColumn - 1)), String)
scomparevalue2 = CType(vArrayName.GetValue((iarraylistcount * iNumberOfColumns) + (iSortByColumn - 1)), String)

If bAscending = True Then
'if scomparevalue1 > scomparevalue2
If String.Compare(scomparevalue1, scomparevalue2) = 1 Then

For icolumncount = 0 To (iNumberOfColumns - 1)
asTempArray.GetValue(icolumncount) = _
CType(vArrayName.GetValue(((iarraylistcount - 1) * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount), String)
Next icolumncount

For icolumncount = 0 To (iNumberOfColumns - 1)
vArrayName(((iarraylistcount - 1) * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount) = _
vArrayName.GetValue((iarraylistcount * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount)
Next icolumncount

For icolumncount = 0 To (iNumberOfColumns - 1)
vArrayName((iarraylistcount * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount) = _
Next icolumncount

bsorted = False
End If
End If

If bAscending = False Then
'if scomparevalue2 > scomparevalue1
If String.Compare(scomparevalue2, scomparevalue1) = 1 Then

For icolumncount = 0 To (iNumberOfColumns - 1)
asTempArray.GetValue(icolumncount) = _
CType(vArrayName.GetValue(((iarraylistcount - 1) * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount), String)
Next icolumncount

For icolumncount = 0 To (iNumberOfColumns - 1)
vArrayName.GetValue(((iarraylistcount - 1) * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount) = _
vArrayName.GetValue((iarraylistcount * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount)
Next icolumncount

For icolumncount = 0 To (iNumberOfColumns - 1)
vArrayName.GetValue((iarraylistcount * iNumberOfColumns) + icolumncount) = _
Next icolumncount

bsorted = False
End If
End If

Next iarraylistcount

Loop Until bsorted = True

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex)
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function ToArraySingle(ByVal objArray As System.Array) _
As Single()

ToArraySingle = Nothing
If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim iarraytotal As System.Int32
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32
Dim sngArraySingle() As Single

iarraytotal = objArray.GetUpperBound(0)

ReDim sngArraySingle(iarraytotal - 1)

For iarraycount = 1 To iarraytotal
sngArraySingle(iarraycount - 1) = CType(objArray.GetValue(iarraycount), Single)

Return sngArraySingle

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex)
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Function ToArrayString(ByVal objArray As System.Array) _
As String()

ToArrayString = Nothing
If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim iarraytotal As System.Int32
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32
Dim asArraySTring() As String

iarraytotal = objArray.GetUpperBound(0)

ReDim asArraySTring(iarraytotal - 1)

For iarraycount = 1 To iarraytotal
asArraySTring(iarraycount - 1) = CType(objArray.GetValue(iarraycount), String)

Return asArraySTring

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex)
End Try
End Function

Public Shared Function ToArrayString(ByVal objArray As System.Array) _
As System.Array

ToArrayString = Nothing
If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim iarraytotal As System.Int32
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32
Dim asArrayString As System.Array

iarraytotal = objArray.GetUpperBound(0)

System.Array.Resize(ByRef asArrayString, iarraytotal - 1)

For iarraycount = 1 To iarraytotal
asArrayString[iarraycount - 1] = CType(objArray.GetValue(iarraycount), String)

Return asArrayString

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex)
End Try
End Function


public static System.Array ToArrayStringUnique(
string sArrayName,
System.Array saArrayName)
System.Array saArrayTemp;
System.Int32 ifindunder;
string sprevious = "";
string scurrent = "";
System.Collections.ArrayList alUniqueList;
System.Int32 iarraycount;

ifindunder = saArrayName(0).ToString.IndexOf("_");
if (ifindunder > 0)
sprevious = saArrayName(0).ToString.SubString(0, ifindunder - 1);
if (ifindunder = 0)
sprevious = saArrayName(0).ToString();


for (iarraycount = 0; iarraycount < saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)
ifindunder = saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString.IndexOf("_");
if (ifindunder > 0)
scurrent = saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString.SubString(0, ifindunder - 1);
if (ifindunder = 0)
scurrent = saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString();

//could we / should we use :
//if (alUniqueList.Contains(scurrent) == false) { }
if (scurrent != sprevious)

sprevious = scurrent;

saArrayTemp = alUniqueList.ToArray();

return saArrayTemp;

catch { }
finally { }
Public Shared Function ToArrayStringUnique(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal saArrayName System.Array) _
As String()
Dim varraytemp As System.Array
Dim ifindunder As System.Int32
Dim sprevious As String
Dim scurrent As String
Dim colunique As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection()
Dim iarraycount As Integer

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

ifindunder = Microsoft.VisualBasic.InStr(saArrayName(0), "_")
If ifindunder > 0 Then sprevious = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(saArrayName.GetValue(0), ifindunder - 1)
If ifindunder = 0 Then sprevious = saArrayName(0)


For iarraycount = 0 To saArrayName.Length - 1

ifindunder = Microsoft.VisualBasic.InStr(saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount), "_")
If ifindunder > 0 Then scurrent = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount), ifindunder - 1)
If ifindunder = 0 Then scurrent = saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount)

If scurrent <> sprevious Then
End If

sprevious = scurrent
Next iarraycount

ReDim varraytemp(colunique.Count)

For iarraycount = 0 To colunique.Count - 1
varraytemp.GetValue(iarraycount) = CStr(colunique.Item(iarraycount + 1))
Next iarraycount

ToArrayStringUnique = varraytemp

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex,
"to return an array of unique elements.")
End Try
End Function


public static void ToCheckedListBox(
System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox objCheckedListBox,
string sArrayName,
System.Array saArrayName,
bool bClearList,
System.Array saExtrasBefore)
System.Int32 iarraycount;

if (bClearList == true)

for (iarraycount = saExtrasBefore.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saExtrasBefore.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)

for (iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)
if (saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0)

catch { }
finally { }
Public Shared Sub ToCheckedListBox(ByVal chlbCheckedListBox As System.Windows.Forms.CheckedListBox,
ByVal sArrayname As String,
ByVal saArrayName As System.Array,
ByVal bClearList As Boolean,
ByVal ParamArray saExtrasBefore() As String)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

Dim sText As String
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32

If bClearList = True Then chlbCheckedListBox.Items.Clear()
For Each sText In saExtrasBefore
For iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0) To saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0)
If (saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0) Then _
Next iarraycount

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex,
"transfer the contents of the array '" & sArrayname & "'" &
" to the checkedlistbox '" & chlbCheckedListBox.Name & "' one element at a time")
End Try
End Sub


public static void ToComboBox(
System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox objComboBox,
string sArrayName,
System.Array saArrayName,
bool bClearList,
System.Array saExtrasBefore)
System.Int32 iarraycount;

if (bClearList == true)

for (iarraycount = saExtrasBefore.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saExtrasBefore.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)

for (iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)
if (saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0)

catch { }
finally { }
Public Shared Sub ToComboBox(ByVal objComboBox As System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox,
ByVal sArrayName As String,
ByVal saArrayName As System.Array,
ByVal bClearList As Boolean,
ByVal ParamArray saExtrasBefore() As String)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

Dim sText As String = ""
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32

If bClearList = True Then objComboBox.Items.Clear()
For Each sText In saExtrasBefore

For iarraycount = 0 To saArrayName.Length - 1
If (saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0) Then _
Next iarraycount

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex,
"transfer the contents of the array '" & sArrayName & "'" &
" to the combobox '" & objComboBox.ToString & "' one element at a time")
End Try
End Sub


Public Sub Array_ToDataGridView(ByVal arItemsArray As System.Array, _
ByVal sArrayDelimiter As String, _
ByVal dgrDataGridView As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridView)

Dim objDataGridViewRow As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewRow
Dim arComponentsArray As System.Array
Dim iItemCount As System.Int32
Dim icolumnno As System.Int32

Call Tracer_Add2("SUBROUTINE", System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod.Name & " start")
If My.Settings.ERROR_OCCURRED = True Then Exit Sub

If Not (arItemsArray Is Nothing) Then
For iItemCount = 0 To arItemsArray.GetUpperBound(0)

arComponentsArray = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Split(arItemsArray.GetValue(iItemCount), sArrayDelimiter)

objDataGridViewRow = dgrDataGridView.Rows(dgrDataGridView.Rows.Count - 1)
For icolumnno = 0 To (dgrDataGridView.Columns.Count - 1)
objDataGridViewRow.Cells(icolumnno).Value = arComponentsArray.GetValue(icolumnno)
Next icolumnno

Next iItemCount
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Call modMessages.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex)
End Try
End Sub


Public Shared Function ToDataSet(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal asArrayName As System.Array) As DataSet

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim objDataSet As New DataSet("TempDataSet")
Dim objDataTable As New DataTable("ListBoxTable")
Dim objDataColumn As DataColumn
Dim objDataRow As DataRow

'objDataColumn = New DataColumn("First")
'objDataColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")

'objDataColumn = New DataColumn("Second")
'objDataColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")

'objDataRow = objDataTable.NewRow()
'objDataRow.Item("First") = "1 - 1"
'objDataRow.Item("Second") = "1 - 2"

'objDataRow = objDataTable.NewRow()
'objDataRow.Item("First") = "2 - 1"
'objDataRow.Item("Second") = "2 - 2"

Dim icolumnnumber As System.Int32
Dim irowcount As System.Int32

For icolumnnumber = 0 To asArrayName.GetUpperBound(0)
objDataColumn = New DataColumn("Column" & icolumnnumber)
objDataColumn.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
Next icolumnnumber

For irowcount = 0 To asArrayName.GetUpperBound(1)

objDataRow = objDataTable.NewRow()

For icolumnnumber = 0 To asArrayName.GetUpperBound(0)

'If Len(CStr(asArrayName.GetValue(icolumnnumber, irowcount))) > 0 Then

objDataRow.Item("Column" & icolumnnumber) = asArrayName.GetValue(icolumnnumber, irowcount)

'End If

Next icolumnnumber


Next irowcount


ToDataSet = objDataSet

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("ToDataSet", msCLASSNAME, _
"", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Function


public static void ToListBox(
System.Windows.Forms.ListBox objListBox,
string sArrayName,
System.Array saArrayName,
bool bClearList,
System.Array saExtrasBefore)
System.Int32 iarraycount;

if (bClearList == true)

for (iarraycount = saExtrasBefore.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saExtrasBefore.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)

for (iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)
if (saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0)

catch { }
finally { }
Public Shared Sub ToListBox(ByVal objListBox As System.Windows.Forms.ListBox,
ByVal sArrayName As String,
ByVal saArrayName As System.Array,
ByVal bClearList As Boolean,
ByVal ParamArray saExtrasBefore() As String)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

Dim sText As String = ""
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32

If bClearList = True Then objListBox.Items.Clear()
For Each sText In saExtrasBefore
For iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0) To saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0)
If (saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0) Then _
Next iarraycount

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex,
"transfer the contents of the array '" & sArrayName & "'" &
" to the listbox '" & objListBox.ToString & "' one element at a time")
End Try
End Sub


public static void ToListView(
System.Windows.Forms.ListView objListView,
string sArrayName,
System.Array saArrayName,
bool bColumnHeadersIncluded,
bool bIncludeFolderBack,
bool bClearItems)
System.Int32 iarraycount;
System.Int32 icolumncount;


if (bClearList == true)
if (bIncludeFolderBack == true)

for (iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)
System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem objListViewItem = new System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem(saArrayName(iarraycount, 0), 0);

for (icolumncount = 0; icolumncount < saArrayName.GetUpperBound(1); icolumncount++)
objListViewItem.SubItems.Add(saArrayName(iarraycount, icolumncount));


catch { }
finally { }
Public Shared Sub ToListView(ByVal objListView As System.Windows.Forms.ListView,
ByVal Arrayname As String,
ByVal saArrayName As System.Array,
Optional ByVal bColumnHeadersIncluded As Boolean = False,
Optional ByVal bIncludeFolderBack As Boolean = False)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

Dim objListViewItem As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem

Dim iarraycount As System.Int32
Dim icolumncount As System.Int32


If bIncludeFolderBack = True Then
End If

For iarraycount = 0 To saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0)
objListViewItem = New System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem(saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount, 0).ToString(), 0)

For icolumncount = 1 To saArrayName.GetUpperBound(1)
objListViewItem.SubItems.Add(saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount, icolumncount).ToString())
Next icolumncount

Next iarraycount


Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex)
End Try
End Sub


public static void ToRegistryList(
string sArrayName,
System.Array saArrayName,
string sAppName,
string sSection,
System.Array asColumnsRegistryPrefix,
bool bDeleteExisting)
System.Int32 iarraycount;
System.Int32 icolcount;

if (clsRegistry.KeyExists(sAppName,sSection) == true) && (bDeleteExisting == true)

for (iarraycount = 0; iarraycount < saArrayName.GetLength; iarraycount++)
for (icolcount = 0; icolcount < asColumnsRegistryPrefix.GetLength; icolcount++)
asColumnsRegistryPrefix(icolcount) + " " + iarraycount + 1,


catch { }
finally { }
Public Shared Sub ToRegistryList(ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal saArrayName(,) As String, _
ByVal sAppName As String, _
ByVal sSection As String, _
ByVal asColumnsRegistryPrefix() As String, _
Optional ByVal bDeleteExisting As Boolean = True)

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

Dim iarraycount As System.Int32
Dim icolcount As System.Int32

If clsRegistry.KeyExists(sAppName, sSection) = True And
bDeleteExisting = True Then
Call clsRegistry.Delete(sAppName, sSection)
End If

For iarraycount = 0 To saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0)

For icolcount = 0 To asColumnsRegistryPrefix.GetUpperBound(0)

Call clsRegistry.Save(sAppName, sSection,
asColumnsRegistryPrefix(icolcount) & " " & iarraycount + 1,
saArrayName(iarraycount, icolcount))

Next icolcount

Next iarraycount

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex)
End Try
End Sub


public static void ToStringConCat(
string sArrayName,
System.Array saArrayName,
string sSeperatorChar)
string sconcat = "";
System.Int32 iarraycount;

for (iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0); iarraycount < saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0); iarraycount++)
if (saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0)
sconcat += saArrayName(iarraycount).ToString;

return sconcat.Substring(0, sconcat.Length - 1);

catch { }
finally { }
Public Shared Function ToStringConCat(ByVal sArrayName As String,
ByVal saArrayName As System.Array,
Optional ByVal sSeperatorChar As String = ";") _
As String

ToStringConCat = ""
If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Function

Dim sconcat As String = ""
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32

For iarraycount = saArrayName.GetLowerBound(0) To saArrayName.GetUpperBound(0)
If (saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0) Then _
sconcat = sconcat & CStr(saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount))
Next iarraycount

Return sconcat.Substring(0, sconcat.Length - 1)

Catch ex As System.Exception
Call clsError.Exception(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod, Nothing, ex,
"transfer the contents of the array '" & sArrayName & "'" &
" to a string concatenation one element at a time")
End Try
End Function


Public Shared Sub ToTreeView(ByVal objAddToNode As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode, _
ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal saArrayName As System.Array, _
Optional ByVal iImageIndex As Integer = -1)

Dim sText As String
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

If saArrayName Is Nothing Then
clszMessagesGeneral.Message("The array argument 'saArrayName' is Nothing!", "clsArray.ToTreeView")
Exit Sub
End If

For iarraycount = 0 To saArrayName.Length - 1

If (saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0) Then
objAddToNode.Nodes.Add(CStr(saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount))).ImageIndex = iImageIndex

End If

Next iarraycount

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("ToTreeView", msCLASSNAME, _
"transfer the contents of the array '" & sArrayName & "'" & _
" to the treeview node """ & objAddToNode.Text & """ one element at a time", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub


Public Shared Sub ToTreeViewTags(ByVal objAddToNode As System.Windows.Forms.TreeNode, _
ByVal sArrayName As String, _
ByVal saArrayName As System.Array)

Dim sText As String
Dim iarraycount As System.Int32

If gbEND_GENERAL = True Then Exit Sub

For iarraycount = 0 To saArrayName.Length - 1

If (saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount).ToString.Length > 0) Then
objAddToNode.Nodes(iarraycount).Tag = CStr(saArrayName.GetValue(iarraycount))
End If

Next iarraycount

Catch objCOMException As System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
mobjCOMException = objCOMException
Catch objException As Exception
mobjException = objException

If gbDEBUG_GENERAL = True Or _
((Not mobjCOMException Is Nothing) Or (Not mobjException Is Nothing)) Then

Call clsError.Handle("ToTreeViewTags", msCLASSNAME, _
"transfer the contents of the array '" & sArrayName & "'" & _
" to the tags of the treeview node '" & objAddToNode.Text & "'", _
mobjCOMException, mobjException)
End If
End Try
End Sub

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