
Classes are Reference Data Types
Classes encapsulate the characteristics and capabilities of a type in a single, self contained unit
Allows you to encapsulate the data and the behaviour of an object in one place
Class modules allow you to create your own data types
Lets you define methods, properties and events

An object is an instance of a class
The behaviour a class is defined by the methods of that class.

public delegate void delMyDelegate(string sVariable); 
public delMyDelegate objDelegate;

public delegate void delMyDelegate(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event delMyDelegate objDelegate;
protected virtual void OnRestore(EventArgs e)
   delMyDelegate(this, e);




public static clsMyClass

public static string MyVariable;

public static MyMethod()


public override object DefaultNewRowValue

public clsDataGridViewColumn_2() : base(new clsDataGridViewTextBoxCell_2)

if myObject is clsClass


Creating an instance of a class allows you to call other members on the object


There is a fundamental difference between a method's visibility and its accessibility
Any method in a class declaration is visible (regardless of its protection level)
For a derived class to override a method it just has to be visible, not accessible
Members are accessible through object references
Methods, properties and indexers have an implied "this" reference


Creates an instance of the specified type using the constructor that best matches the specified parameters.
For example, let's say that you have the type name as a string, and you want to use the string to create an instance of that type. You could use Activator.CreateInstance for this:

string objTypeName = "Foo"; 
Foo foo = (Foo)Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetType(objTypeName));

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