Files & Directories

There are five classes in the System.IO namespace that are very useful:
Directory - Contains shared methods that let you enumerate and manipulate directories
DirectoryInfo - Represents an individual directory and exposes methods to query its attributes and manipulate them
File - Contains shared methods that let you enumerate and manipulate files
FileInfo - Represent an individual file and exposes methods to query its attributes and manipulate them
Path - Contains shared methods that let you manipulate path information
This namespace also provides classes to allow synchronous and asynchronous reading from and writing to data strreams and files.
FileStream -
StreamReader -
StreamWriter -


With System.IO.DriveInfo
End WIth

UNC - \\system\share\directory

CopyDirectory( , showUI)
showUI = UIOption.AllDialogs | OnlyErrorDialogs

With System.Environment.SystemDirectory
End With


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