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Updated: 01 March 2025
01 March 2025
Complete List
Abbreviate name and words*
Add business days to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Add business days to a date changing the days of the weekend
Date - Add or Subtract
Add business days to a date excluding public holidays
Date - Add or Subtract
Add days to a date excluding weekends and changing the days of the weekend*
Add days to a date excluding weekends and public holidays*
Add days to a date excluding weekends*
Add days to a date including weekends
Date - Add or Subtract
Add days to a date not landing on a weekend
Date - Add or Subtract
Add decimal hours to time*
Add decimal minutes to time*
Add decimal seconds to time*
Add hours to a time
Time - Add or Subtract
Add minutes to a time
Time - Add or Subtract
Add months to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Add seconds to a time
Time - Add or Subtract
Add weeks to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Add working days to a date changing the days of the weekend*
Add working days to a date excluding public holidays*
Add working days to a date*
Add years to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Average cells
Number - Average
Average cells after subtraction
Number - Average
Average cells ignoring duplicates
Number - Average
Average cells ignoring zeros
Number - Average
Average cells in a table when a column meets multiple conditions
Number - Average
Average cells that are not errors
Number - Average
Average cells that are not hidden
Number - Average
Average cells using the n largest numbers
Number - Average
Average cells using the n last numbers
Number - Average
Average cells using the n smallest numbers
Number - Average
Average cells using weighted average
Number - Average
Convert a date string to a date value
Date - Convert
Convert a number into currency format
Number - Convert
Convert a number into words
Number - Convert
Convert a word into numbers
Text - Convert
Convert column letter to column number
Other - Other
Convert column number to column letter
Other - Other
Convert decimal hours to time
Time - Convert
Convert decimal minutes to time
Time - Convert
Convert decimal seconds to time
Time - Convert
Convert hours to time*
Convert minutes to time*
Convert numbers to text
Text - Convert
Convert seconds to time*
Convert time to hours
Time - Convert
Convert time to minutes
Time - Convert
Convert time to seconds
Time - Convert
Convert time to time zone
Time - Convert
Count cells equal to 2 values
Counting - Equal To
Count cells equal to 3 or more values
Counting - Equal To
Count cells equal to one of many
Counting - Equal To
Count cells equal to this or that
Counting - Equal To
Count cells in a table when a column is greater than a value
Counting - Table
Count cells in a table when a column is less than a value
Counting - Table
Count cells in a table when a column is unique with 1 condition
Counting - Are
Count cells in a table when a column meets 1 condition
Counting - Table
Count cells in a table when a column meets multiple conditions
Counting - Table
Count cells not equal to 2 values
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells not equal to 3 or more values
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells not equal to a value
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells not equal to one of many
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are blank
Counting - Equal To
Count cells that are dates
Counting - Equal To
Count cells that are dates and either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and in a particular month
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and in a particular year
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and not between 2 dates
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and not equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and unique
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates between 2 dates
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates by day of week
Counting - Other
Count cells that are errors
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are hidden
Counting - Other
Count cells that are not blank
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not dates
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not errors
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not hidden
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not numbers
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are not text
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not text or numbers
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and do not equal a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and do not equal either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and even
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and greater than a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and less than a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and negative
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and odd
Counting - Are
Count cells that are numbers and positive
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and unique
Counting - Are
Count cells that are numbers in a range
Counting - Other
Count cells that are numbers with leading zeros
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text
Counting - Are
Count cells that are text and begin with
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and contain a value
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and contain a value case sensitive
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and contain either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and do not begin with
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and do not contain a value
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and do not end with
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and do not equal a value
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and do not equal either x or y
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and either x or y
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and end with
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and equal to a value case sensitive
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and n characters long
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and over n characters long
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and unique
Counting - Are
Count cells that are visible
Counting - Other
Count cells with formatting
Counting - Conditional
Count cells with shading
Counting - Conditional
Count differences between 2 cell ranges
Counting - Conditional
Count occurrences in entire workbook
Counting - Other
Count or sum variance
Counting - Other
Count substring occurrences
Counting - Other
Count times in a particular range
Counting - Other
Count total characters in range
Counting - Other
Count total matches in 2 ranges
Counting - Other
Count unique dates
Counting - Other
Count unique numbers
Counting - Other
Count unique numbers with 1 condition
Counting - Other
Count unique text strings
Counting - Other
Count unique text strings with 1 condition
Counting - Other
Count unique values
Counting - Other
Count visible cells
Counting - Other
Count visible columns
Counting - Other
Count visible rows
Counting - Other
Count visible rows in a filtered column
Counting - Other
Count visible rows with 1 condition
Counting - Other
Count visible rows with multiple conditions
Counting - Other
Count whole numbers only
Counting - Other
Filter cells based on dates
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells based on either condition
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells based on multiple conditions
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells based on text
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells using array formulas
Filtering - Filtering
Find a matching value
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value case sensitive
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value cross reference
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value in any column
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value in first column
Lookup - Find
Find a partial match
Lookup - Find
Find a particular occurrence
Lookup - Find
Find the cell address of the largest number
Other - Other
Find the closest match
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number excluding zero
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number with multiple conditions
Lookup - Find
Find the last entry in a column
Lookup - Find
Find the n largest numbers
Lookup - Find
Find the n smallest numbers
Lookup - Find
Find the nth largest number
Lookup - Find
Find the nth largest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the nth match
Lookup - Find
Find the nth smallest number
Lookup - Find
Find the nth smallest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the position of the active worksheet in the workbook
Other - Other
Find the row of the largest number
Other - Other
Find the smallest number
Lookup - Find
Find the smallest number excluding zero
Lookup - Find
Find the smallest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the smallest number with multiple conditions
Lookup - Find
Find the unique values in a range
Lookup - Find
Multiply numbers and sum
Summing - Other
Number of business days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days in a particular month
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days in a particular year
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days left in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days left in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days that have passed in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days that have passed in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days*
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates excluding weekends
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates ignoring months and years
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates ignoring years
Date - Number of Days
Number of days in a particular month
Date - Number of Days
Number of days in a particular year
Date - Number of Days
Number of days left in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of days left in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of days months years from a date
Date - Number of Days
Number of days that have passed in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of days that have passed in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of Mondays between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of months and days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Months
Number of months between 2 dates
Date - Number of Months
Number of months between 2 dates ignoring days and years
Date - Number of Months
Number of months weeks days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Months
Number of occurrences of a particular day of the week
Date - Number of
Number of weekend days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of weekend days in a particular month
Date - Number of Days
Number of weekend days in a particular year
Date - Number of Days
Number of weekend days*
Number of weeks and days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Weeks
Number of weeks between 2 dates
Date - Number of Weeks
Number of working days between 2 dates*
Number of working days in a particular month*
Number of working days in a particular year*
Number of working days left in the current month*
Number of working days left in the current year*
Number of working days that have passed in the current month*
Number of working days that have passed in the current year*
Number of working days*
Number of working hours between 2 dates
Time - Number of Hours
Number of working hours between 2 times
Time - Number of Hours
Number of years and days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Years
Number of years between 2 dates
Date - Number of Years
Number of years months days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Years
Number of years months days from a date
Date - Number of Years
Only allow a certain number of characters*
Only allow characters in uppercase*
Only allow dates in a particular range*
Only allow dates in a particular year
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates in the current year
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates in the next 30 days
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates that are weekdays*
Only allow dates that are weekends
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates*
Only allow entries in a particular format*
Only allow numbers in a particular range*
Only allow numbers that are whole numbers
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow numbers*
Only allow percentages that are whole numbers
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow percentages*
Only allow text in uppercase*
Only allow text*
Only allow times*
Only allow unique values no duplicates*
Only allow values from a predefined list*
Only allow values that are not in a predefined list
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow values whose sum is restricted*
Only allow yes or no*
Remove last n characters
Text - Remove
Remove one word
Text - Remove
Remove unwanted characters
Text - Remove
Replace one character with another
Text - Replace
Replace one word with another
Text - Replace
Replace text by matching
Text - Replace
Replace text by position
Text - Replace
Return a date from a date string
Date - Display
Return a date in a particular format
Date - Display
Return a date in US date format
Date - Display
Return a list of non blank items
Other - Other
Return a list of random dates in a particular range
Date - Display
Return a list of random numbers in a particular range
Other - Other
Return a list of unique values
Other - Other
Return a list of unique values ignoring blanks
Other - Other
Return a number reduced by 10 percent
Number - Return
Return a persons age in years
Date - Display
Return a persons age in years months days
Date - Display
Return a substring
Text - Return
Return an array of worksheet names
Other - Other
Return every fourth entry in a list
Text - Return
Return numbers to the nearest fraction
Number - Display
Return random characters
Text - Display
Return random dates in a particular range
Date - Display
Return random numbers in a particular range
Number - Return
Return the 3rd Monday in a month
Date - Display
Return the acronym from a text string
Text - Return
Return the business days
Date - Display
Return the current date
Date - Display
Return the current date and time
Date - Display
Return the current day
Date - Display
Return the current month
Date - Display
Return the current quarter
Date - Display
Return the current time
Time - Display
Return the current year
Date - Display
Return the date from a date and time
Date - Display
Return the date from a date string
Date - Display
Return the date of the Monday in the current week
Date - Display
Return the date of the Monday in the next week
Date - Display
Return the date of the Monday in the previous week
Date - Display
Return the day from a date
Date - Return
Return the day name
Date - Display
Return the decimal part of a number
Number - Return
Return the digits in reverse order
Number - Return
Return the first business day of the year
Date - First
Return the first day of the current month
Date - First
Return the first day of the current quarter
Date - First
Return the first day of the next month
Date - First
Return the first day of the previous month
Date - First
Return the first day of the previous quarter
Date - First
Return the first letter of each word
Text - Return
Return the first Monday of the current month
Date - First
Return the first Monday of the next month
Date - First
Return the first Monday of the previous month
Date - First
Return the first name from a full name
Text - Return
Return the first weekday of the month
Date - First
Return the first weekday of the year
Date - First
Return the first word
Text - Return
Return the integer part of a number
Number - Return
Return the last business day of the year
Date - Last
Return the last day of the current month
Date - Last
Return the last day of the current quarter
Date - Last
Return the last day of the next month
Date - Last
Return the last day of the previous month
Date - Last
Return the last day of the previous quarter
Date - Last
Return the last Monday of the current month
Date - Last
Return the last Monday of the next month
Date - Last
Return the last Monday of the previous month
Date - Last
Return the last name from a full name
Text - Return
Return the last weekday of the month
Date - Last
Return the last weekday of the year
Date - Last
Return the last word
Text - Return
Return the longest string in a column
Text - Return
Return the middle name from a full name
Text - Return
Return the month from a date
Date - Return
Return the most frequently occurring word
Text - Return
Return the most recent Friday*
Date - Return
Return the most recent Monday*
Date - Return
Return the next business day
Date - Return
Return the next Friday
Date - Return
Return the next Monday
Date - Return
Return the next working day
Date - Return
Return the non blank items in a list
Other - Other
Return the nth business day of the year
Date - Return
Return the nth day of a month
Date - Return
Return the nth day of a week
Date - Return
Return the nth day of a year
Date - Return
Return the nth word
Text - Return
Return the number corresponding to a given month
Date - Display
Return the number equivalent for a number written as text
Text - Return
Return the number from a number and text
Text - Return
Return the percentage change
Number - Display
Return the previous business day
Date - Return
Return the previous Friday
Date - Return
Return the previous Monday
Date - Return
Return the previous working day
Date - Return
Return the second word
Text - Return
Return the shortest string in a column
Text - Return
Return the text converted to sentence case
Text - Return
Return the time elapsed between 2 times
Time - Display
Return the time from a date and time
Time - Display
Return the time rounded to the nearest 15 minutes
Time - Display
Return the value from the cell above
Text - Return
Return the week number of the current date
Date - Return
Return the word equivalent for a numerical number
Text - Return
Return the words in reverse order
Text - Return
Return the workbook name from a full path
Other - Other
Return the working hours between 2 dates
Time - Display
Return the working hours between 2 times
Time - Display
Return the year from a date
Date - Return
Return two strings joined together
Text - Display
Round a number down
Number - Round
Round a number down to the nearest 100
Number - Round
Round a number down to the nearest 5
Number - Round
Round a number down to the nearest multiple
Number - Round
Round a number to n significant figures
Number - Round
Round a number up
Number - Round
Round a number up to the nearest 100
Number - Round
Round a number up to the nearest 5
Number - Round
Round a number up to the nearest multiple
Number - Round
Shade cells between 2 dates
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells between 2 numbers
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells in a particular row
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells in alternate rows
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are blank
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and business days
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and greater than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and less than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and weekdays
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and weekends
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates in the next n days
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are errors
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are not errors
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are not numbers
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are not text
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and even
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and greater than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and less than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and negative
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and odd
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and positive
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are text
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are text and do not contain specific text
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with dates equal to a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with duplicate rows
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with duplicate values
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with formatting
Formatting - Shade all
Shade items in a list that appear in a sub list
Formatting - Shade all
Shade positive changes
Formatting - Shade all
Sort into a random order
Other - Other
Sort using a custom list
Other - Other
Sort using one column
Other - Other
Sort using two columns
Other - Other
Subtract business days from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract business days from a date changing the days of the weekend
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract business days from a date excluding public holidays
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract days from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract hours from a time
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract minutes from a time
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract months from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract seconds from a time
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract weeks from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract years from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Sum across worksheets
Summing - Other
Sum across worksheets with 1 condition
Summing - Other
Sum all the individual digits of a number
Summing - Other
Sum by group
Summing - Other
Sum by month
Summing - Other
Sum by year
Summing - Other
Sum cells in a table when a column contains n characters
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column does not contain a value
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is either x or y
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to 2 values
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to 3 or more values
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to a value
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to a value case sensitive
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is not blank
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is text
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is text and begins with
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is text and ends with
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column meets 1 condition
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column meets multiple conditions
Summing - Table
Sum cells that are not errors
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are not hidden
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers after multiplying
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and even
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and greater than a value
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and less than a value
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and negative
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and odd
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and positive
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and unique
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers in a range
Summing - Other
Sum cells using array formula
Summing - Other
Sum cells with formatting
Summing - Other
Sum cells with OR criteria
Summing - Other
Sum cells with shading
Summing - Other
Sum comma delimited numbers
Summing - Other
Sum entire column
Summing - Other
Sum entire row
Summing - Other
Sum every n cells in a column
Summing - Other
Sum every n cells in a range
Summing - Other
Sum every n cells in a row
Summing - Other
Sum numbers
Summing - Other
Sum running total
Summing - Other
Sum the last n numbers
Summing - Other
Sum the n largest numbers
Summing - Other
Sum the n smallest numbers
Summing - Other
Sum visible rows in a filtered column
Summing - Other
Sum visible rows with 1 condition
Summing - Other
Sum visible rows with multiple conditions
Summing - Other
Sum whole numbers only
Summing - Other
Test if a cell begins with x y or z
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 1 text string
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 1 word
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 2 text strings
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 2 words
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals 1 value
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals this
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals this and another cells equals that
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals this or that
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals x y or z
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is between 2 dates
Date - Test
Test if a cell is between 2 numbers
Number - Test
Test if a cell is blank
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is greater than 1 value
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is less than 1 value
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is not blank
Conditional - If
Test if a date is in a particular range
Date - Test
Test if a month has 30 days
Date - Test
Test if a month has 31 days
Date - Test
Test if a number is prime
Conditional - If
Test if a year is a leap year
Date - Test
Test if not blank multiple cells
Conditional - If
Test if this and that*
Conditional - If
Test if this or that*
Conditional - If
Test if with wildcards
Conditional - If
Abbreviate name and words*
Add business days to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Add business days to a date changing the days of the weekend
Date - Add or Subtract
Add business days to a date excluding public holidays
Date - Add or Subtract
Add days to a date excluding weekends and changing the days of the weekend*
Add days to a date excluding weekends and public holidays*
Add days to a date excluding weekends*
Add days to a date including weekends
Date - Add or Subtract
Add days to a date not landing on a weekend
Date - Add or Subtract
Add decimal hours to time*
Add decimal minutes to time*
Add decimal seconds to time*
Add hours to a time
Time - Add or Subtract
Add minutes to a time
Time - Add or Subtract
Add months to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Add seconds to a time
Time - Add or Subtract
Add weeks to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Add working days to a date changing the days of the weekend*
Add working days to a date excluding public holidays*
Add working days to a date*
Add years to a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Average cells
Number - Average
Average cells after subtraction
Number - Average
Average cells ignoring duplicates
Number - Average
Average cells ignoring zeros
Number - Average
Average cells in a table when a column meets multiple conditions
Number - Average
Average cells that are not errors
Number - Average
Average cells that are not hidden
Number - Average
Average cells using the n largest numbers
Number - Average
Average cells using the n last numbers
Number - Average
Average cells using the n smallest numbers
Number - Average
Average cells using weighted average
Number - Average
Convert a date string to a date value
Date - Convert
Convert a number into currency format
Number - Convert
Convert a number into words
Number - Convert
Convert a word into numbers
Text - Convert
Convert column letter to column number
Other - Other
Convert column number to column letter
Other - Other
Convert decimal hours to time
Time - Convert
Convert decimal minutes to time
Time - Convert
Convert decimal seconds to time
Time - Convert
Convert hours to time*
Convert minutes to time*
Convert numbers to text
Text - Convert
Convert seconds to time*
Convert time to hours
Time - Convert
Convert time to minutes
Time - Convert
Convert time to seconds
Time - Convert
Convert time to time zone
Time - Convert
Count cells equal to 2 values
Counting - Equal To
Count cells equal to 3 or more values
Counting - Equal To
Count cells equal to one of many
Counting - Equal To
Count cells equal to this or that
Counting - Equal To
Count cells in a table when a column is greater than a value
Counting - Table
Count cells in a table when a column is less than a value
Counting - Table
Count cells in a table when a column is unique with 1 condition
Counting - Are
Count cells in a table when a column meets 1 condition
Counting - Table
Count cells in a table when a column meets multiple conditions
Counting - Table
Count cells not equal to 2 values
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells not equal to 3 or more values
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells not equal to a value
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells not equal to one of many
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are blank
Counting - Equal To
Count cells that are dates
Counting - Equal To
Count cells that are dates and either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and in a particular month
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and in a particular year
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and not between 2 dates
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and not equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates and unique
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates between 2 dates
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are dates by day of week
Counting - Other
Count cells that are errors
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are hidden
Counting - Other
Count cells that are not blank
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not dates
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not errors
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not hidden
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not numbers
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are not text
Counting - Not Equal To
Count cells that are not text or numbers
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and do not equal a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and do not equal either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and even
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and greater than a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and less than a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and negative
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and odd
Counting - Are
Count cells that are numbers and positive
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are numbers and unique
Counting - Are
Count cells that are numbers in a range
Counting - Other
Count cells that are numbers with leading zeros
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text
Counting - Are
Count cells that are text and begin with
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and contain a value
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and contain a value case sensitive
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and contain either x or y
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and do not begin with
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and do not contain a value
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and do not end with
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and do not equal a value
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and do not equal either x or y
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and either x or y
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and end with
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and equal to a value
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and equal to a value case sensitive
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and n characters long
Counting - Contain
Count cells that are text and over n characters long
Counting - Other
Count cells that are text and unique
Counting - Are
Count cells that are visible
Counting - Other
Count cells with formatting
Counting - Conditional
Count cells with shading
Counting - Conditional
Count differences between 2 cell ranges
Counting - Conditional
Count occurrences in entire workbook
Counting - Other
Count or sum variance
Counting - Other
Count substring occurrences
Counting - Other
Count times in a particular range
Counting - Other
Count total characters in range
Counting - Other
Count total matches in 2 ranges
Counting - Other
Count unique dates
Counting - Other
Count unique numbers
Counting - Other
Count unique numbers with 1 condition
Counting - Other
Count unique text strings
Counting - Other
Count unique text strings with 1 condition
Counting - Other
Count unique values
Counting - Other
Count visible cells
Counting - Other
Count visible columns
Counting - Other
Count visible rows
Counting - Other
Count visible rows in a filtered column
Counting - Other
Count visible rows with 1 condition
Counting - Other
Count visible rows with multiple conditions
Counting - Other
Count whole numbers only
Counting - Other
Filter cells based on dates
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells based on either condition
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells based on multiple conditions
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells based on text
Filtering - Filtering
Filter cells using array formulas
Filtering - Filtering
Find a matching value
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value case sensitive
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value cross reference
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value in any column
Lookup - Find
Find a matching value in first column
Lookup - Find
Find a partial match
Lookup - Find
Find a particular occurrence
Lookup - Find
Find the cell address of the largest number
Other - Other
Find the closest match
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number excluding zero
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the largest number with multiple conditions
Lookup - Find
Find the last entry in a column
Lookup - Find
Find the n largest numbers
Lookup - Find
Find the n smallest numbers
Lookup - Find
Find the nth largest number
Lookup - Find
Find the nth largest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the nth match
Lookup - Find
Find the nth smallest number
Lookup - Find
Find the nth smallest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the position of the active worksheet in the workbook
Other - Other
Find the row of the largest number
Other - Other
Find the smallest number
Lookup - Find
Find the smallest number excluding zero
Lookup - Find
Find the smallest number with 1 condition
Lookup - Find
Find the smallest number with multiple conditions
Lookup - Find
Find the unique values in a range
Lookup - Find
Multiply numbers and sum
Summing - Other
Number of business days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days in a particular month
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days in a particular year
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days left in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days left in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days that have passed in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days that have passed in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of business days*
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates excluding weekends
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates ignoring months and years
Date - Number of Days
Number of days between 2 dates ignoring years
Date - Number of Days
Number of days in a particular month
Date - Number of Days
Number of days in a particular year
Date - Number of Days
Number of days left in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of days left in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of days months years from a date
Date - Number of Days
Number of days that have passed in the current month
Date - Number of Days
Number of days that have passed in the current year
Date - Number of Days
Number of Mondays between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of months and days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Months
Number of months between 2 dates
Date - Number of Months
Number of months between 2 dates ignoring days and years
Date - Number of Months
Number of months weeks days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Months
Number of occurrences of a particular day of the week
Date - Number of
Number of weekend days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Days
Number of weekend days in a particular month
Date - Number of Days
Number of weekend days in a particular year
Date - Number of Days
Number of weekend days*
Number of weeks and days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Weeks
Number of weeks between 2 dates
Date - Number of Weeks
Number of working days between 2 dates*
Number of working days in a particular month*
Number of working days in a particular year*
Number of working days left in the current month*
Number of working days left in the current year*
Number of working days that have passed in the current month*
Number of working days that have passed in the current year*
Number of working days*
Number of working hours between 2 dates
Time - Number of Hours
Number of working hours between 2 times
Time - Number of Hours
Number of years and days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Years
Number of years between 2 dates
Date - Number of Years
Number of years months days between 2 dates
Date - Number of Years
Number of years months days from a date
Date - Number of Years
Only allow a certain number of characters*
Only allow characters in uppercase*
Only allow dates in a particular range*
Only allow dates in a particular year
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates in the current year
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates in the next 30 days
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates that are weekdays*
Only allow dates that are weekends
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow dates*
Only allow entries in a particular format*
Only allow numbers in a particular range*
Only allow numbers that are whole numbers
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow numbers*
Only allow percentages that are whole numbers
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow percentages*
Only allow text in uppercase*
Only allow text*
Only allow times*
Only allow unique values no duplicates*
Only allow values from a predefined list*
Only allow values that are not in a predefined list
Data Validation - Only allow
Only allow values whose sum is restricted*
Only allow yes or no*
Remove last n characters
Text - Remove
Remove one word
Text - Remove
Remove unwanted characters
Text - Remove
Replace one character with another
Text - Replace
Replace one word with another
Text - Replace
Replace text by matching
Text - Replace
Replace text by position
Text - Replace
Return a date from a date string
Date - Display
Return a date in a particular format
Date - Display
Return a date in US date format
Date - Display
Return a list of non blank items
Other - Other
Return a list of random dates in a particular range
Date - Display
Return a list of random numbers in a particular range
Other - Other
Return a list of unique values
Other - Other
Return a list of unique values ignoring blanks
Other - Other
Return a number reduced by 10 percent
Number - Return
Return a persons age in years
Date - Display
Return a persons age in years months days
Date - Display
Return a substring
Text - Return
Return an array of worksheet names
Other - Other
Return every fourth entry in a list
Text - Return
Return numbers to the nearest fraction
Number - Display
Return random characters
Text - Display
Return random dates in a particular range
Date - Display
Return random numbers in a particular range
Number - Return
Return the 3rd Monday in a month
Date - Display
Return the acronym from a text string
Text - Return
Return the business days
Date - Display
Return the current date
Date - Display
Return the current date and time
Date - Display
Return the current day
Date - Display
Return the current month
Date - Display
Return the current quarter
Date - Display
Return the current time
Time - Display
Return the current year
Date - Display
Return the date from a date and time
Date - Display
Return the date from a date string
Date - Display
Return the date of the Monday in the current week
Date - Display
Return the date of the Monday in the next week
Date - Display
Return the date of the Monday in the previous week
Date - Display
Return the day from a date
Date - Return
Return the day name
Date - Display
Return the decimal part of a number
Number - Return
Return the digits in reverse order
Number - Return
Return the first business day of the year
Date - First
Return the first day of the current month
Date - First
Return the first day of the current quarter
Date - First
Return the first day of the next month
Date - First
Return the first day of the previous month
Date - First
Return the first day of the previous quarter
Date - First
Return the first letter of each word
Text - Return
Return the first Monday of the current month
Date - First
Return the first Monday of the next month
Date - First
Return the first Monday of the previous month
Date - First
Return the first name from a full name
Text - Return
Return the first weekday of the month
Date - First
Return the first weekday of the year
Date - First
Return the first word
Text - Return
Return the integer part of a number
Number - Return
Return the last business day of the year
Date - Last
Return the last day of the current month
Date - Last
Return the last day of the current quarter
Date - Last
Return the last day of the next month
Date - Last
Return the last day of the previous month
Date - Last
Return the last day of the previous quarter
Date - Last
Return the last Monday of the current month
Date - Last
Return the last Monday of the next month
Date - Last
Return the last Monday of the previous month
Date - Last
Return the last name from a full name
Text - Return
Return the last weekday of the month
Date - Last
Return the last weekday of the year
Date - Last
Return the last word
Text - Return
Return the longest string in a column
Text - Return
Return the middle name from a full name
Text - Return
Return the month from a date
Date - Return
Return the most frequently occurring word
Text - Return
Return the most recent Friday*
Date - Return
Return the most recent Monday*
Date - Return
Return the next business day
Date - Return
Return the next Friday
Date - Return
Return the next Monday
Date - Return
Return the next working day
Date - Return
Return the non blank items in a list
Other - Other
Return the nth business day of the year
Date - Return
Return the nth day of a month
Date - Return
Return the nth day of a week
Date - Return
Return the nth day of a year
Date - Return
Return the nth word
Text - Return
Return the number corresponding to a given month
Date - Display
Return the number equivalent for a number written as text
Text - Return
Return the number from a number and text
Text - Return
Return the percentage change
Number - Display
Return the previous business day
Date - Return
Return the previous Friday
Date - Return
Return the previous Monday
Date - Return
Return the previous working day
Date - Return
Return the second word
Text - Return
Return the shortest string in a column
Text - Return
Return the text converted to sentence case
Text - Return
Return the time elapsed between 2 times
Time - Display
Return the time from a date and time
Time - Display
Return the time rounded to the nearest 15 minutes
Time - Display
Return the value from the cell above
Text - Return
Return the week number of the current date
Date - Return
Return the word equivalent for a numerical number
Text - Return
Return the words in reverse order
Text - Return
Return the workbook name from a full path
Other - Other
Return the working hours between 2 dates
Time - Display
Return the working hours between 2 times
Time - Display
Return the year from a date
Date - Return
Return two strings joined together
Text - Display
Round a number down
Number - Round
Round a number down to the nearest 100
Number - Round
Round a number down to the nearest 5
Number - Round
Round a number down to the nearest multiple
Number - Round
Round a number to n significant figures
Number - Round
Round a number up
Number - Round
Round a number up to the nearest 100
Number - Round
Round a number up to the nearest 5
Number - Round
Round a number up to the nearest multiple
Number - Round
Shade cells between 2 dates
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells between 2 numbers
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells in a particular row
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells in alternate rows
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are blank
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and business days
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and greater than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and less than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and weekdays
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates and weekends
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are dates in the next n days
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are errors
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are not errors
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are not numbers
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are not text
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and even
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and greater than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and less than a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and negative
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and odd
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are numbers and positive
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are text
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells that are text and do not contain specific text
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with dates equal to a value
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with duplicate rows
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with duplicate values
Formatting - Shade all
Shade cells with formatting
Formatting - Shade all
Shade items in a list that appear in a sub list
Formatting - Shade all
Shade positive changes
Formatting - Shade all
Sort into a random order
Other - Other
Sort using a custom list
Other - Other
Sort using one column
Other - Other
Sort using two columns
Other - Other
Subtract business days from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract business days from a date changing the days of the weekend
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract business days from a date excluding public holidays
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract days from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract hours from a time
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract minutes from a time
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract months from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract seconds from a time
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract weeks from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Subtract years from a date
Date - Add or Subtract
Sum across worksheets
Summing - Other
Sum across worksheets with 1 condition
Summing - Other
Sum all the individual digits of a number
Summing - Other
Sum by group
Summing - Other
Sum by month
Summing - Other
Sum by year
Summing - Other
Sum cells in a table when a column contains n characters
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column does not contain a value
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is either x or y
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to 2 values
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to 3 or more values
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to a value
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is equal to a value case sensitive
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is not blank
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is text
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is text and begins with
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column is text and ends with
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column meets 1 condition
Summing - Table
Sum cells in a table when a column meets multiple conditions
Summing - Table
Sum cells that are not errors
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are not hidden
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers after multiplying
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and even
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and greater than a value
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and less than a value
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and negative
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and odd
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and positive
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers and unique
Summing - Other
Sum cells that are numbers in a range
Summing - Other
Sum cells using array formula
Summing - Other
Sum cells with formatting
Summing - Other
Sum cells with OR criteria
Summing - Other
Sum cells with shading
Summing - Other
Sum comma delimited numbers
Summing - Other
Sum entire column
Summing - Other
Sum entire row
Summing - Other
Sum every n cells in a column
Summing - Other
Sum every n cells in a range
Summing - Other
Sum every n cells in a row
Summing - Other
Sum numbers
Summing - Other
Sum running total
Summing - Other
Sum the last n numbers
Summing - Other
Sum the n largest numbers
Summing - Other
Sum the n smallest numbers
Summing - Other
Sum visible rows in a filtered column
Summing - Other
Sum visible rows with 1 condition
Summing - Other
Sum visible rows with multiple conditions
Summing - Other
Sum whole numbers only
Summing - Other
Test if a cell begins with x y or z
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 1 text string
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 1 word
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 2 text strings
Conditional - If
Test if a cell contains 2 words
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals 1 value
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals this
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals this and another cells equals that
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals this or that
Conditional - If
Test if a cell equals x y or z
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is between 2 dates
Date - Test
Test if a cell is between 2 numbers
Number - Test
Test if a cell is blank
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is greater than 1 value
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is less than 1 value
Conditional - If
Test if a cell is not blank
Conditional - If
Test if a date is in a particular range
Date - Test
Test if a month has 30 days
Date - Test
Test if a month has 31 days
Date - Test
Test if a number is prime
Conditional - If
Test if a year is a leap year
Date - Test
Test if not blank multiple cells
Conditional - If
Test if this and that*
Conditional - If
Test if this or that*
Conditional - If
Test if with wildcards
Conditional - If
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Better Solutions Limited