Number of business days left in the current month

You can return the number of business days left in the current month by combining 2 functions.
The NETWORKDAYS.INTL function will ignore Saturdays and Sundays by default.

1=TODAY() = Monday 01 July 2024
2=NOW() = Monday 01 July 2024 06:51:44
4=NETWORKDAYS.INTL("20/01/2020", EOMONTH("20/01/2020", 0)) = 10
5=NETWORKDAYS.INTL("27/01/2020", EOMONTH("27/01/2020", 0)) = 5

1 - Displays the current date. Custom format "dddd dd mmmm yyyy".
2 - Displays the current date and time. Custom format "dddd dd mmmm yyyy hh:mm:ss".
3 - Displays the number of business days left in the month.
4 - Displays the number of business days left in January after Monday 20th.
5 - Displays the number of business days left in January after Monday 27th.

Built-in Functions

TODAY - The date serial number representing today's date.
NOW - The date serial number of the current system date and time.
EOMONTH - The date serial number of the last day of a month before or after a date.
NETWORKDAYS.INTL - The total number of working days between two dates excluding weekends and holidays.

Related Formulas

Add business days to a date changing the days of the weekend
Number of business days between 2 dates
Number of business days in a particular month
Number of business days left in the current year
Number of business days that have passed in the current month

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