Return the last day of the current month

You can return the last day in the month by using the EOMONTH function.

1=TODAY() = 01 Monday July 2024
2=EOMONTH(TODAY(), 0) = 31 Wednesday July 2024
3=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY())+1, 1)-1 = 31 Wednesday July 2024

1 - Displays a date.
2 - Displays the last day in this month.
3 - Displays an alternative formula.
All these cells have been formatted with the custom number format "dd dddd mmmm yyyy".

Built-in Functions

DATE - The date as a date serial number given a year, month, day.
EOMONTH - The date serial number of the last day of a month before or after a date.
MONTH - The month as an integer given a date serial number.
TODAY - The date serial number representing today's date.

Related Formulas

Return the first day of the current month
Return the first day of the next month
Return the first day of the previous month
Return the last day of the next month
Return the last day of the previous month

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