Return the first day of the current month

1=TODAY() = Monday 01 July 2024
2=NOW() = Monday 01 July 2024 06:51:44
3=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), MONTH(TODAY()), 1) = 7/1/2024 0:00

Built-in Functions

TODAY - The date serial number representing today's date.
NOW - The date serial number of the current system date and time.
DATE - The date as a date serial number given a year, month, day.
YEAR - The year as an integer given a date serial number.
MONTH - The month as an integer given a date serial number.

Related Formulas

Return the first day of the next month
Return the first day of the previous month
Return the last day of the current month
Return the last day of the next month
Return the last day of the previous month

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