Return the acronym from a text string
You can return the acronym for up to three words by using these formulas.
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Built-in Functions
<A HREF="../functions/find-function.htm"><U>FIND</U></A> - The starting position of a substring within a larger text string (case sensitive).
<A HREF="../functions/iferror-function.htm"><U>IFERROR</U></A> - The value or something else if it evaluates to an error.
<A HREF="../functions/left-function.htm"><U>LEFT</U></A> - The first or left most characters in a text string.
<A HREF="../functions/len-function.htm"><U>LEN</U></A> - The number of characters in a text string.
<A HREF="../functions/mid-function.htm"><U>MID</U></A> - The characters from the middle of a text string.
<A HREF="../functions/search-function.htm"><U>SEARCH</U></A> - The starting position of a substring within a larger text string (not case sensitive).
<A HREF="../functions/substitute-function.htm"><U>SUBSTITUTE</U></A> - The text string after replacing instances of a substring.
User Defined Function
ACRONYM - Returns the first letter of each word.
Related Formulas
Remove one word
Replace one word with another
Return a substring
Return the first name from a full name
Return the last name from a full name
Return the second word
Return the words in reverse order
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