Number of days left in the current year


1=TODAY() = Monday 01 July 2024
2=NOW() = Monday 01 July 2024 06:51:44
3=NOW()-20 = 11-Jun-24
4=DATE(YEAR(A3), 12, 31), A3 = 202.714077777775
5=DATE(YEAR(A2), 12, 31), NOW() = Saturday 30 June 1900 17:08:16
6=DATE(YEAR("19/08/2005"), 12, 31)-NOW() = -6757.28592118056
7=DATE(YEAR(NOW()), 12, 31), NOW() = 182.714078819445

1 - Displays the current date. Custom format "dddd dd mmmm yyyy".
2 - Displays the current date and time. Custom format "dddd dd mmmm yyyy hh:mm:ss".

Built-in Functions

DATE - The date as a date serial number given a year, month, day.
NOW - The date serial number of the current system date and time.
YEAR - The year as an integer given a date serial number.

Related Formulas

Number of days between 2 dates
Number of days in a particular month
Number of days left in the current month
Number of days that have passed in the current month
Number of days that have passed in the current year

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