VB.Net - Syntax


Public Class MyClass 
   Public Sub New(ByVal myVar1 As String,
                  ByVal myVar2 As String)
   End Sub

   Public Sub New(ByVal myVar1 As String)
   End Sub
End Class

Public Class MyClass 
   Private _internal1 As String
   Private _internal2 As String
   Private _internal3 As String

   Public Sub New(param1 As String)
      Me._internal1 = param1
   End Sub

   Public Sub New(param1 As String, param2 As String)
      Me._internal2 = param2
   End Sub

   Public Sub New(param1 As String, param2 As String, param3 As String)
      Me.New(param1, param2)
      Me._internal3 = param3
   End Sub
End Class


The Me keyword provides a way to refer to the specific instance of a class or structure in which the code is currently executing.
Me behaves like either an object variable or a structure variable referring to the current instance.
Using Me is particularly useful for passing information about the currently executing instance of a class or structure to a procedure in another class, structure, or module.


The MyBase keyword behaves like an object variable referring to the base class of the current instance of a class.
MyBase is commonly used to access base class members that are overridden or shadowed in a derived class.
MyBase.New is used to explicitly call a base class constructor from a derived class constructor.


The MyClass keyword behaves like an object variable referring to the current instance of a class as originally implemented.
MyClass is similar to Me, but all method calls on it are treated as if the method were NotOverridable.


The Class_Initialize event is no longer supported. Use 'Sub New' to initialize a class.

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