
GetCurrentDirectory - Returns the current directory (string) - equivalent to ChDrive, ChDir and CurDir functions
SetCurrentDirectory - Sets the current directory
GetParent(path) - Returns the parent directory as a DirectoryInfo object
GetDirectoryRoot(path) - Returns the root directory for the specified path (string)
CreateDirectory(path) - Creates the specified directory and all the directories on its path if necessary
GetLogicalDrives - Returns a string array with all the logical drives in the system
GetDirectories(path [,filespec]) - Returns a string array will all the subdirectories in a directory, optionally filtered by the specified criteria
GetFiles(path [,filespec]) - Returns a string array will all the files in a directory, optionally filtered by the specified criteria
GetFileSystemEntries(path [,filespec]) - Returns a string array will all the files and directories in a directory, optionally filtered by the specified criteria
Delete(path [recursive]) - Deletes a directory and optionally all its subdirectories

Delete(path) - Deletes a directory
Move(source, dest) - Moves a directory
Exists(path) - Returns True if the directory exists
GetCreationTime(path) - Returns the creation time of the directory
SetCreatiionTime(path, datetime) - Sets the creation time of the directory
GetLastAccessTime(path) - Returns the last access time of the directory
SetLastAccessTime(path, datetime) - Sets the last access time of the directory
GetLastWriteTime(path) - Returns the last write time of a directory
SetLastWriteTime(path, datetime) - Sets the last write time of the directory

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