

CreateDirectoryCreates the specified directory and all the directories on its path if necessary
DeleteDeletes a directory and optionally all its subdirectories
MoveMoves a directory
GetFileSystemEntriesReturns a string array will all the files and directories in a directory, optionally filtered by the specified criteria
GetFilesReturns a string array will all the files in a directory, optionally filtered by the specified criteria
GetDirectoriesReturns a string array will all the subdirectories in a directory, optionally filtered by the specified criteria
GetLogicalDrivesReturns a string array with all the logical drives in the system
GetCreationTimeReturns the creation time of the directory
GetCurrentDirectoryReturns the current directory (string) - equivalent to ChDrive, ChDir and CurDir functions
GetLastAccessTimeReturns the last access time of the directory
GetLastWriteTimeReturns the last write time of a directory
GetParentReturns the parent directory as a DirectoryInfo object
GetDirectoryRootReturns the root directory for the specified path (string)
ExistsReturns True if the directory exists
SetCreatiionTimeSets the creation time of the directory
SetCurrentDirectorySets the current directory
SetLastWriteTimeSets the last write time of the directory
SetLastAccessTimeSets the last access time of the directory

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