Aded in .NET 1.1
Can be used to serialise .NET types to XML files.
link -
Data is commonly sent and retrieved in an XML format but processing the XML directly is a nightmare
To make this transition easier you can convert from XML to an object.
Converting between XML and custom business objects is known as serialization and there is a namespace dedicated to this.
Was used by ASMX web services
Classes - System.XML.Serialization.XMLSerializer
Lets you convert objects to XML and visa versa.
This class will also automatically create arrays when there are nested elements
converts object to a stream of bytes
to persist the state of an object to a storage medium so an exact copy can be recreated at a later stage
to send an object by value from one app domain to another
can be used to save objects to the clipboard
.NET provides an automate serilization mechanism by using Reflection
When an object is serialized, the name of the class, the assembly and all the data members are written to storage.
Serialize and Deserialize can work with a Stream, XmlWriter/XmlReader or TextWriter/TextReader
Serializing a Class
Public Class MyClass
Private MyField As Boolean
Private m_bMyFlag As Boolean
Public Sub New
m_bMyFlag = False
End Sub
Public Property MyFlag() As Boolean
Return m_bFlag
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Boolean)
m_bMyFlag = value
End Set
End Property
Public Class AnotherClass
End Class
End Class
Renaming Classes
Public class MyClass
Renaming Elements
public string myelement
Renaming Attributes
public boolean myattribute
<newclass newattribute="one">
Ignoring Properties
Public string myproperty
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