String Literals
A string literal constant is a hard coded string value.
There are two types of string literals in C#.
You have the regular string literal which is enclosed in speech marks.
You also have the verbatim literal which is prefixed with an ampersand character.
Regular String Literals
string myString;
myString = "C:/temp"
System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(myString); '= "C:/temp"
myString = "C://temp"
System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(myString); '= "C://temp"
Some characters cannot be included directly into a string, for example a double quotation mark.
Instead of using just these characters you will have to prefix them with an escape sequence.
myString = "C:\\temp"
System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(myString); '= "C:\temp"
myString = "C:\"temp"
System.Diagnostics.Trace.Write(myString); '= "C:"temp"
Handles fixed length strings and do not need editing
The Chars property holds an array of all the characters in a string starting at index 0.
Hard code a string literal
If you want to hard code a string literal to get the length
"Details (" & sMyId & ")"
= Substring(LEN("Details"))
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