switch - case

This is a control statement that chooses a section block from a list of possible choices.
You typically use a break statement to terminate a switch section block
You can throw and return to exit a block
A switch statement includes one or more switch section blocks.
A switch contains one or more case labels, followed by one or more statements
If no match is found, control is transferred to the default section block (if there is one)
If there is no match and no default section then no action is taken
Execution continues in the section until a jump statement is reached: break; goto case; return; throw

switch (Temp) 
   case 0:
        r += 1;
   case "green"

   case "blue" : break;

   case "red": case "yellow": case "purple":

   case "pink"
   case "violet"
   case "black"

      break; //you must always have a break out from a case

Fall Through Cases

The following fall through case is supported

int x = 1; 
switch (x)
    case 0:
    case 1:


Goto Transfers

The goto keyword can be used for explicit transfers

int x = 0; 
switch (x)
    case 0 :
        goto case 1
    case 1 :
        goto default;


Unlike C++, control cannot continue from one switch to the next.

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