User FAQs

If you have a question, please send it to us.

1) What is the Open XML SDK ?
This provides a set of classes that can be used to manipulate documents in the Office Open XML file format.
This can be used for working with Excel, Word and PowerPoint documents.

2) What is the Open XML SDK 2.5 Productivity Tool ?
This requires SDK 2.5 and can be used to get a quick start on generating Open XML 2.5 source code.

3) What is Html2OpenXML ?
This is a small .NET library that can convert HTML to plain OpenXml components.

4) What is well formed XML ?
XML containing descriptive markup tags where all the tags are correctly formed and follow certain rules
Must contain at least one element
Must contain a unique opening and closing tag
All tags must be nested correctly
Xml tags are case sensitive
Attribute values must always be enclosed in double quotes.

5) What is XSLT ?
This stands for XML Stylesheet Language Transformations and is an xml based document used for transforming one type of XML into another type of XML.

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