
This control allows the user to select from a list of possible choices.

The value returned is the list index.
In the object model this is RibbonDropDown
A dropdown control can contain items or even buttons after its selection items.
This control is similar to a gallery control but the gallery control also allows items to be arranged in a grid.
You cannot manipulate the buttons collections at runtime but you can show and hide existing buttons to create the equivalent of a dynamic list.
RibbonDropDown has an Items collection that contains RibbonDropDownItem controls.
This collection can be modified at runtime.

link - learn.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/office_standards/ms-customui/700e4451-8706-40c5-8d7b-896e4ae21b69 

<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"> 
    <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
            <tab id="CustomTab" label="My Tab">
                <group id="Group1" label="MyGroup">
                    <dropDown id="MyDropDown"
                        <item id="One" label="Mon"/>
                        <item id="Two" label="Tue"/>
                        <item id="Three" label="Wed"/>
                        <button id="button" label="Another Button" onAction="Button_OnAction" />

Attributes (properties)

enabled(Enabled) "true" | "false"
showImage"true" | "false"
showItemLabel"true" | "false"
showItemImage"true" | "false"
showLabel"true" | "false"
size(ItemImageSize) size of the images displayed
sizestring(SizeString) "xxxxxxxx" ??
visible(Visible) "true" | "false"
 (Buttons) add buttons to the list, can only be done at design-time
 (Items) add items to the list can also be done at run-time


This control can contain the following controls


C# Events (design-time)

These events can be accessed if you use the Visual Studio Ribbon Designer.

ItemsLoadingThe ItemsLoading event is raised before the dropdown is displayed
SelectionChangedOnAction attribute - This is the design-time equivalent of the run-time OnAction callback event

' C#
void DropDown_ButtonClick(object sender,
                          RibbonControlEventArgs e)

void DropDown_ItemsLoading

void DropDown_SelectionChanged(

Callbacks (run-time)

onActionDropDown_OnAction - Fired when you choose an item in the drop-down.
This is the run-time equivalent to the design-time SelectedChanged event
getEnabledDropDown_OnGetEnabled - Whether the drop-down is enabled or not.
getImageDropDown_OnGetImage - Gets the image associated with the drop-down.
getItemCountDropDown_OnGetItemCount - Gets the total number of items to display in the drop-down.
getItemIDDropDown_OnGetItemID - Gets the ID for a particular item.
(The "Generate Callbacks" inside the Custom UI Editor does not generate this)
getItemImageDropDown_OnGetItemImage - Gets the image for a particular item.
getItemLabelDropDown_OnGetItemLabel - Gets the label for a particular item.
getItemScreentipDropDown_OnGetItemScreentip - Gets the screentip for a particular item.
(The "Generate Callbacks" inside the Custom UI Editor does not generate this)
getItemSupertipDropDown_OnGetItemSupertip - Gets the supertip for a particular item.
(The "Generate Callbacks" inside the Custom UI Editor does not generate this)
getKeytipDropDown_OnGetKeytip - Gets the keytip to display with the drop-down.
getLabelDropDown_OnGetLabel - Gets the label to display next to the drop-down.
This callback cannot be placed in the ThisWorkbook code module, it must be placed in a regular Code Module.
This cannot be used if you have hard coded a Label attribute because getLabel and Label are mutually exclusive.
getScreentipDropDown_OnGetScreentip - Returns the screentip to display with the drop-down.
getSelectedItemIDDropDown_OnGetSelectedItemId - Returns the ID of the item that you want selected by default.
This is mutually exclusive with the getSelectedItemIndex callback.
getSelectedItemIndexDropDown_OnGetSelectedItemIndex - Returns the Index of the item that you want selected by default.
This is mutually exclusive with the getSelectedItemId callback.
getShowImageDropDown_OnGetShowImage - Whether the image is displayed next to the drop-down.
getShowLabelDropDown_OnGetShowLabel - Whether the label is displayed next to the drop-down.
getSupertipDropDown_OnGetSupertip - Gets the supertip to display with the drop-down.
getVisibleDropDown_OnGetVisible - Whether the drop-down is visible or not.

Public Sub DropDown_OnAction( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef dropdownID As String, _
   ByRef selectedIndex As Variant)

   Call MsgBox("OnAction" & selectedIndex)
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
void DropDown_OnAction(
   Office.IRibbonControl control,
   string dropdownID,
   int selectedIndex)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetEnabled( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Enabled As Variant)

   Enabled = True
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
bool DropDown_OnGetEnabled(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetImage( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Image As Variant)

End Sub

' C# Equivalent
System.Drawing.Bitmap DropDown_OnGetImage(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)
   return new System.Drawing.Bitmap(Properties.Resources.untitled);

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetItemCount( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Count As Variant)

   Count = 5
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
int DropDown_OnGetItemCount(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

' Generate Callbacks does not generate this
Public Sub DropDown_OnGetItemID( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Index As Integer, _
   ByRef ItemID As Variant)
   ItemID = "ID" & Index
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetItemID(
   Office.IRibbonControl control,
   int Index)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetItemImage( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Index As Integer, _
   ByRef Image As Variant)

   Set Image = LoadPicture(ThisWorkbook.Path & "image_" & index + 1 & ".jpg")
   Set Image = Application.Commandbars.GetImageMso("",16,16)
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetItemImage(
   Office.IRibbonControl control,
   int Index)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetItemLabel( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Index As Integer, _
   ByRef ItemLabel As Variant)

   ItemLabel = "Item - " & Index
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetItemLabel(
   Office.IRibbonControl control,
   int Index)

' Generate Callbacks does not generate this
Public Sub DropDown_OnGetItemScreentip( _

' Generate Callbacks does not generate this
Public Sub DropDown_OnGetItemSupertip( _

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetKeytip( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Keytip As Variant)

End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetKeytip(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetLabel( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Label As Variant)

   Label = "My Label Text"
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetLabel(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetScreentip( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Screentip As Variant)

End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetScreentip(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetSelectedItemID( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef SelectedItem As Variant)

End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetSelectedItemId(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

' Generate Callbacks does not generate this
Public Sub DropDown_OnGetSelectedItemIndex( _
   ByRef control As IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef returnedVal As Variant)
   returnedVal = 1
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
int DropDown_OnGetSelectedItemIndex(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetShowImage( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef ShowImage As Variant)

End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetShowImage(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetShowLabel( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef ShowLabel As Variant)

   ShowLabel = True
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetShowLabel(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetSupertip( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Supertip As Variant)

End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetSupertip(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

Public Sub DropDown_OnGetVisible( _
   ByRef control As Office.IRibbonControl, _
   ByRef Visible As Variant)

   Visible = True
End Sub

' C# Equivalent
string DropDown_OnGetVisible(
   Office.IRibbonControl control)

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