Complete List

msoAlertButtonTypeSpecifies the buttons to be displayed when issuing an alert to the user with the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
msoAlertCancelTypeSpecifies behavior when the user cancels an alert.
msoAlertDefaultTypeSpecifies which button is set as the default when calling the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
msoAlertIconTypeSpecifies which icon, if any, to display with an alert.
msoAlignCmdSpecifies how to align specified objects relative to one another.
msoAnimationTypeSpecifies the animation action for the Office Assistant.
msoAppLanguageIDSpecifies a language setting in a Microsoft Office application.
msoArrowheadLengthSpecifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
msoArrowheadStyleSpecifies the style of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
msoArrowheadWidthSpecifies the width of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
msoAssignmentMethod(Added 2021) Specifies the assignment method in a LabelInfo object.
msoAutomationSecuritySpecifies the security mode an application uses when programmatically opening files.
msoAutoShapeTypeSpecifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.
msoAutoSizeSpecifies the type of automatic sizing allowed.
msoBackgroundStyleIndexSpecifies the background style for an object.
msoBackstageGroupStyle(no mso prefix) Specifies how the backstage group should appear on the File tab in Office 2010.
msoBalloonButtonTypeIndicates which button the user clicked in a balloon.
msoBalloonErrorTypeSpecifies what error occurred in a balloon.
msoBalloonTypeSpecifies the type of label used in a balloon.
msoBarPositionSpecifies the position or behavior of a command bar.
msoBarProtectionSpecifies how a command bar is protected from user customization.
msoBarRowSpecifies whether a command bar is in the first row or last row relative to other command bars.
msoBarTypeSpecifies the type of the command bar.
msoBaselineAlignmentSpecifies the baseline text alignment.
msoBevelTypeSpecifies the bevel type of a ThreeDFormat object.
msoBlackWhiteModeSpecifies how a shape appears when viewed in black-and-white mode.
msoBlogCategorySupportSpecifies how many categories are supported by the provider.
msoBlogImageTypeSpecifies the type of blog image.
msoBroadcastCapabilitiesSpecifies the application capabilities available for a document or presentation broadcasting session.
msoBroadcastStateSpecifies the current state of a document or presentation broadcast.
msoBulletTypeSpecifies the different types of bullets.
msoButtonSetTypeSpecifies the type of button to be displayed at the bottom of an Office Assistant balloon.
msoButtonStateSpecifies the appearance of a command bar button control.
msoButtonStyleSpecifies the style of a command bar button.
msoButtonStyleHiddenNot to be used directly from code.
msoCalloutAngleTypeSpecifies the size of the angle between the callout line and the side of the callout text box.
msoCalloutDropTypeSpecifies starting position of the callout line relative to the text bounding box.
msoCalloutTypeSpecifies the type of callout line.
msoCertificateDetail(no mso prefix) Specifies details about a digital certificate.
msoCertificateVerificationResults(no mso prefix) Specifies the results of verifying a digital certificate.
msoCharacterSetSpecifies the character set to be used when rendering text.
msoChartElementTypeSpecifies whether and how to display chart elements.
msoChartFieldTypeSpecifies the type of data field to be inserted into a data label in a chart.
msoClipboardFormatSpecifies the format.
msoColorTypeSpecifies the color type.
msoComboStyleSpecifies whether the command bar combo box includes a label or not.
msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkTypeSpecifies whether the command bar button is a hyperlink.
msoConditionSpecifies the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search.
msoConnectorSpecifies the connector between two similar property test values.
msoConnectorTypeSpecifies a type of connector.
msoContactCardAddressTypeSpecifies the address type for a contact card.
msoContactCardStyleSpecifies how the contact card is displayed.
msoContactCardTypeSpecifies the contact card type.
msoContentVerificationResults(no mso prefix) Specifies whether the content of a document has changed.
msoControlOLEUsageSpecifies the OLE client and OLE server roles in which a command bar control is used when two applications are merged.
msoControlTypeSpecifies the type of the command bar control.
msoCTPDockPositionSpecifies the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
msoCTPDockPositionRestrictSpecifies the restrictions on the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
msoCustomXMLNodeTypeSpecifies the type of the XML node.
msoCustomXMLValidationErrorTypeSpecifies how validation errors are cleared or generated.
msoDateTimeFormatSpecifies the format of a date/time data type.
msoDiagramNodeTypeSpecifies type of diagram node.
msoDiagramTypeSpecifies the type of diagram.
msoDistributeCmdSpecifies how to evenly distribute a collection of shapes.
msoDocInspectorStatusSpecifies the results from running a Document Inspector module.
msoDocPropertiesSpecifies the data type for a document property.
msoEditingTypeSpecifies the editing type of a node.
msoEncodingSpecifies the document encoding for the Web browser to use when a user views a saved document.
msoEncryptionCipherMode(no mso prefix) Specifies the type of cipher mode.
msoEncryptionProviderDetail(no mso prefix) Specifies the encryption provider detail.
msoEnvelopeSpecifies constants used for sending documents as emails directly from Microsoft Office applications.
msoExtraInfoMethodSpecifies how to use the value specified in the ExtraInfo property of the FollowHyperlink method.
msoExtrusionColorTypeSpecifies whether the extrusion color is based on the extruded shape's fill.
msoFarEastLineBreakLanguageIDSpecifies the language to use to determine which line break level is used when the line break control option is turned on.
msoFeatureInstallSpecifies how the application handles calls to methods and properties that require features not yet installed.
msoFileDialogTypeSpecifies the type of a FileDialog object.
msoFileDialogViewSpecifies the view presented to the user in a file dialog box.
msoFileFindListBy(Mac Only) This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
msoFileFindOptions(Mac Only) This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
msoFileFindSortBy(Mac Only) This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
msoFileFindViewSpecifies view to use for a file find process.
msoFileNewActionSpecifies action to take when a user clicks an item in the task pane.
msoFileNewSectionSpecifies the task pane section to which to add a file or where the file reference exists.
msoFileTypeSpecifies a type of file.
msoFileValidationModeSpecifies the file validation mode.
msoFillTypeSpecifies a shape's fill type.
msoFilterComparisonSpecifies how the Column and CompareTo properties are compared for an ODSOFilter object.
msoFilterConjunctionSpecifies how a filter criterion relates to other filter criteria.
msoFlipCmdSpecifies whether a shape should be flipped horizontally or vertically.
msoFontLanguageIndexSpecifies one of the three language fonts contained in the ThemeFonts collection.
msoFormShowConstants(no mso prefix) Specifies the modal or modeless state for userforms.
msoGradientColorTypeSpecifies the type of gradient used in a shape's fill.
msoGradientStyleSpecifies the style for a gradient fill.
msoGraphicStyleIndexSpecifies a list of preset graphic styles.
msoHorizontalAnchorSpecifies the horizontal alignment of text in a text frame.
msoHTMLProjectOpenSpecifies the view in which an HTML project or project item is opened.
msoHTMLProjectStateSpecifies the current state of an HTMLProject object.
msoHyperlinkTypeSpecifies the type of hyperlink.
msoIconTypeSpecifies an icon type to show in a Balloon object.
msoIodGroupSpecifies constants that define the IOD (install on demand) groups.
msoLanguageIDSpecifies which language to use.
msoLanguageIDHiddenNot to be used directly from code.
msoLastModifiedSpecifies the period of time to filter files by the date last modified.
msoLightRigTypeSpecifies the effects lighting for an object.
msoLineCapStyleSpecifies the type of line cap.
msoLineDashStyleSpecifies the dash style for a line.
msoLineFillTypeSpecifies the type of fill for a line.
msoLineJoinStyleSpecifies the type of join where two lines connect.
msoLineStyleSpecifies the style for a line.
msoMailFormat(no mso prefix) Specifies the mail format of an email message.
msoMenuAnimationSpecifies animation style for Microsoft Office command bars.
msoMergeCmdSpecifies the output of a merge shapes operation.
msoMetaPropertyTypeSpecifies the metadata property type.
msoMixedTypeThis enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used.
msoModeTypeSpecifies the mode type for a Balloon object.
msoMoveRowThis enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used.
msoNumberedBulletStyleSpecifies numbered bullet styles.
msoOLEMenuGroupSpecifies the menu group that a command bar pop-up control belongs to.
msoOrgChartLayoutTypeSpecifies how to format the child nodes in an organization chart.
msoOrgChartOrientationSpecifies orientation of an organization chart.
msoOrientationSpecifies orientation of an object when it is displayed or printed.
msoParagraphAlignmentSpecifies paragraph alignment for a text block.
msoPathFormatSpecifies the format of a file or folder path.
msoPatternTypeSpecifies the fill pattern used in a shape.
msoPermissionSpecifies an Information Rights Management (IRM) permission type for a document.
msoPickerFieldSpecifies contact-picker field types.
msoPictureColorTypeSpecifies the color transformation applied to a picture.
msoPictureCompressSpecifies whether a picture will be compressed or not when inserted into a file.
msoPictureEffectTypeSpecifies constants that define the types of picture effects.
msoPictureTypeSpecifies the type of picture.
msoPresetCameraSpecifies the effects camera type used by the specified object. the effects camera type used by the specified object.
msoPresetExtrusionDirectionSpecifies the direction that the extrusion's sweep path takes away from the extruded shape (the front face of the extrusion).
msoPresetGradientTypeSpecifies which predefined gradient to use to fill a shape.
msoPresetLightingDirectionSpecifies the location of lighting on an extruded (three-dimensional) shape relative to the shape.
msoPresetLightingSoftnessSpecifies the intensity of light used on a shape.
msoPresetMaterialSpecifies the extrusion surface material.
msoPresetTextEffectSpecifies what text effect to use on a WordArt object.
msoPresetTextEffectShapeSpecifies shape of WordArt text.
msoPresetTextureSpecifies texture to be used to fill a shape.
msoPresetThreeDFormatSpecifies an extrusion (three-dimensional) format.
msoPrivacyOptionSettingSpecifies the different privacy options.
msoRecolorTypeSpecifies the type of recolor to use when changing a color scheme.
msoReflectionTypeSpecifies the type of the ReflectionFormat object.
msoRelativeNodePositionSpecifies where a node is added to a diagram relative to existing nodes.
msoRibbonControlSize(no mso prefix) Specifies the size of the ribbon control.
msoScaleFromSpecifies which part of the shape retains its position when the shape is scaled.
msoScreenSizeSpecifies the ideal screen resolution to be used to view a document in a Web browser.
msoScriptLanguageSpecifies scripting language of the active script.
msoScriptLocationSpecifies the location of the script anchor within a document.
msoSearchInSpecifies the area in which the Execute method of the FileSearch object searches for files.
msoSegmentTypeSpecifies the type for a segment.
msoSensitivityLabelError(Added 2021) Specifies the type of label error.
msoShadowStyleSpecifies the type of shadowing effect.
msoShadowTypeSpecifies the type of shadow displayed with a shape.
msoShapeStyleIndexSpecifies the line and shape style.
msoShapeTypeSpecifies the type of a shape or range of shapes.
msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPrioritySpecifies the priority for a shared workspace task.
msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatusSpecifies the status of a shared workspace task.
msoSignatureDetail(no mso prefix) Specifies additional information about a signtaure.
msoSignatureLineImage(no mso prefix) Specifies the signature line image.
msoSignatureProviderDetail(no mso prefix) Specifies properties of the signature provider.
msoSignatureSubsetSpecifies properties of the signature subset.
msoSignatureType(no mso prefix) Specifies properties of a signature.
msoSmartArtNodePositionSpecifies constants that define the different ways to add a new node to the data model in SmartArt.
msoSmartArtNodeTypeSpecifies constants that define the types of SmartArt nodes.
msoSoftEdgeTypeSpecifies the type of soft edge effect.
msoSortBySpecifies sort order for files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection.
msoSortOrderSpecifies whether files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
msoSyncAvailableTypeSpecifies whether and under what circumstances synchronization is available for the document.
msoSyncCompareTypeSpecifies how comparison between local copy and server copy should be done in a synchronization process.
msoSyncConflictResolutionTypeSpecifies how conflicts should be resolved when synchronizing a shared document.
msoSyncErrorTypeSpecifies a document synchronization error.
msoSyncEventTypeSpecifies the return value of a Sync event.
msoSyncStatusTypeSpecifies the status of the synchronization of the local copy of the active document with the server copy.
msoSyncVersionTypeSpecifies which version of a shared document to open alongside the currently open local version.
msoTabStopTypeSpecifies the type of tab stop.
msoTargetBrowserSpecifies target browser for documents viewed in a Web browser.
msoTelemetryConsentLevelSpecifies the different telemetry consent levels.
msoTextCapsSpecifies the capitalization of the text.
msoTextChangeCaseSpecifies the capitalization of text.
msoTextCharWrapSpecifies the type of text wrap.
msoTextDirectionSpecifies the direction that text runs.
msoTextEffectAlignmentSpecifies alignment for WordArt text.
msoTextFontAlignSpecifies the text alignment scheme used for an object.
msoTextOrientationSpecifies orientation for text.
msoTextRangeInsertPositionSpecifies where the text will be inserted.
msoTextStrikeSpecifies the number of times a character is printed to darken the image.
msoTextTabAlignSpecifies the text alignment against tab stops or line breaks.
msoTextUnderlineTypeSpecifies the type of underline for text.
msoTextureAlignmentSpecifies the alignment (the origin of the coordinate grid) for the tiling of the texture fill.
msoTextureTypeSpecifies the texture type for the selected fill.
msoThemeColorIndexSpecifies the Office theme color.
msoThemeColorSchemeIndexSpecifies the color scheme for an Office theme.
msoTriStateSpecifies a tri-state Boolean value.
msoVerticalAnchorSpecifies the vertical alignment of text in a text frame.
msoWarpFormatSpecifies various image warping formats.
msoWizardActTypeSpecifies the change to the Office Assistant Help session.
msoWizardMsgTypeSpecifies context under which a wizard's callback procedure is called.
msoZOrderCmdSpecifies where in the z-order a shape should be moved relative to other shapes.
Specifies the buttons to be displayed when issuing an alert to the user with the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
Specifies behavior when the user cancels an alert.
Specifies which button is set as the default when calling the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
Specifies which icon, if any, to display with an alert.
Specifies how to align specified objects relative to one another.
Specifies the animation action for the Office Assistant.
Specifies a language setting in a Microsoft Office application.
Specifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Specifies the style of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Specifies the width of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
(Added 2021) Specifies the assignment method in a LabelInfo object.
Specifies the security mode an application uses when programmatically opening files.
Specifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.
Specifies the type of automatic sizing allowed.
Specifies the background style for an object.
(no mso prefix) Specifies how the backstage group should appear on the File tab in Office 2010.
Indicates which button the user clicked in a balloon.
Specifies what error occurred in a balloon.
Specifies the type of label used in a balloon.
Specifies the position or behavior of a command bar.
Specifies how a command bar is protected from user customization.
Specifies whether a command bar is in the first row or last row relative to other command bars.
Specifies the type of the command bar.
Specifies the baseline text alignment.
Specifies the bevel type of a ThreeDFormat object.
Specifies how a shape appears when viewed in black-and-white mode.
Specifies how many categories are supported by the provider.
Specifies the type of blog image.
Specifies the application capabilities available for a document or presentation broadcasting session.
Specifies the current state of a document or presentation broadcast.
Specifies the different types of bullets.
Specifies the type of button to be displayed at the bottom of an Office Assistant balloon.
Specifies the appearance of a command bar button control.
Specifies the style of a command bar button.
Not to be used directly from code.
Specifies the size of the angle between the callout line and the side of the callout text box.
Specifies starting position of the callout line relative to the text bounding box.
Specifies the type of callout line.
(no mso prefix) Specifies details about a digital certificate.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the results of verifying a digital certificate.
Specifies the character set to be used when rendering text.
Specifies whether and how to display chart elements.
Specifies the type of data field to be inserted into a data label in a chart.
Specifies the format.
Specifies the color type.
Specifies whether the command bar combo box includes a label or not.
Specifies whether the command bar button is a hyperlink.
Specifies the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search.
Specifies the connector between two similar property test values.
Specifies a type of connector.
Specifies the address type for a contact card.
Specifies how the contact card is displayed.
Specifies the contact card type.
(no mso prefix) Specifies whether the content of a document has changed.
Specifies the OLE client and OLE server roles in which a command bar control is used when two applications are merged.
Specifies the type of the command bar control.
Specifies the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
Specifies the restrictions on the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
Specifies the type of the XML node.
Specifies how validation errors are cleared or generated.
Specifies the format of a date/time data type.
Specifies type of diagram node.
Specifies the type of diagram.
Specifies how to evenly distribute a collection of shapes.
Specifies the results from running a Document Inspector module.
Specifies the data type for a document property.
Specifies the editing type of a node.
Specifies the document encoding for the Web browser to use when a user views a saved document.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the type of cipher mode.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the encryption provider detail.
Specifies constants used for sending documents as emails directly from Microsoft Office applications.
Specifies how to use the value specified in the ExtraInfo property of the FollowHyperlink method.
Specifies whether the extrusion color is based on the extruded shape's fill.
Specifies the language to use to determine which line break level is used when the line break control option is turned on.
Specifies how the application handles calls to methods and properties that require features not yet installed.
Specifies the type of a FileDialog object.
Specifies the view presented to the user in a file dialog box.
(Mac Only) This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
(Mac Only) This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
(Mac Only) This enumeration applies to the Macintosh only and should not be used.
Specifies view to use for a file find process.
Specifies action to take when a user clicks an item in the task pane.
Specifies the task pane section to which to add a file or where the file reference exists.
Specifies a type of file.
Specifies the file validation mode.
Specifies a shape's fill type.
Specifies how the Column and CompareTo properties are compared for an ODSOFilter object.
Specifies how a filter criterion relates to other filter criteria.
Specifies whether a shape should be flipped horizontally or vertically.
Specifies one of the three language fonts contained in the ThemeFonts collection.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the modal or modeless state for userforms.
Specifies the type of gradient used in a shape's fill.
Specifies the style for a gradient fill.
Specifies a list of preset graphic styles.
Specifies the horizontal alignment of text in a text frame.
Specifies the view in which an HTML project or project item is opened.
Specifies the current state of an HTMLProject object.
Specifies the type of hyperlink.
Specifies an icon type to show in a Balloon object.
Specifies constants that define the IOD (install on demand) groups.
Specifies which language to use.
Not to be used directly from code.
Specifies the period of time to filter files by the date last modified.
Specifies the effects lighting for an object.
Specifies the type of line cap.
Specifies the dash style for a line.
Specifies the type of fill for a line.
Specifies the type of join where two lines connect.
Specifies the style for a line.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the mail format of an email message.
Specifies animation style for Microsoft Office command bars.
Specifies the output of a merge shapes operation.
Specifies the metadata property type.
This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used.
Specifies the mode type for a Balloon object.
This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used.
Specifies numbered bullet styles.
Specifies the menu group that a command bar pop-up control belongs to.
Specifies how to format the child nodes in an organization chart.
Specifies orientation of an organization chart.
Specifies orientation of an object when it is displayed or printed.
Specifies paragraph alignment for a text block.
Specifies the format of a file or folder path.
Specifies the fill pattern used in a shape.
Specifies an Information Rights Management (IRM) permission type for a document.
Specifies contact-picker field types.
Specifies the color transformation applied to a picture.
Specifies whether a picture will be compressed or not when inserted into a file.
Specifies constants that define the types of picture effects.
Specifies the type of picture.
Specifies the effects camera type used by the specified object. the effects camera type used by the specified object.
Specifies the direction that the extrusion's sweep path takes away from the extruded shape (the front face of the extrusion).
Specifies which predefined gradient to use to fill a shape.
Specifies the location of lighting on an extruded (three-dimensional) shape relative to the shape.
Specifies the intensity of light used on a shape.
Specifies the extrusion surface material.
Specifies what text effect to use on a WordArt object.
Specifies shape of WordArt text.
Specifies texture to be used to fill a shape.
Specifies an extrusion (three-dimensional) format.
Specifies the different privacy options.
Specifies the type of recolor to use when changing a color scheme.
Specifies the type of the ReflectionFormat object.
Specifies where a node is added to a diagram relative to existing nodes.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the size of the ribbon control.
Specifies which part of the shape retains its position when the shape is scaled.
Specifies the ideal screen resolution to be used to view a document in a Web browser.
Specifies scripting language of the active script.
Specifies the location of the script anchor within a document.
Specifies the area in which the Execute method of the FileSearch object searches for files.
Specifies the type for a segment.
(Added 2021) Specifies the type of label error.
Specifies the type of shadowing effect.
Specifies the type of shadow displayed with a shape.
Specifies the line and shape style.
Specifies the type of a shape or range of shapes.
Specifies the priority for a shared workspace task.
Specifies the status of a shared workspace task.
(no mso prefix) Specifies additional information about a signtaure.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the signature line image.
(no mso prefix) Specifies properties of the signature provider.
Specifies properties of the signature subset.
(no mso prefix) Specifies properties of a signature.
Specifies constants that define the different ways to add a new node to the data model in SmartArt.
Specifies constants that define the types of SmartArt nodes.
Specifies the type of soft edge effect.
Specifies sort order for files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection.
Specifies whether files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection should be sorted in ascending or descending order.
Specifies whether and under what circumstances synchronization is available for the document.
Specifies how comparison between local copy and server copy should be done in a synchronization process.
Specifies how conflicts should be resolved when synchronizing a shared document.
Specifies a document synchronization error.
Specifies the return value of a Sync event.
Specifies the status of the synchronization of the local copy of the active document with the server copy.
Specifies which version of a shared document to open alongside the currently open local version.
Specifies the type of tab stop.
Specifies target browser for documents viewed in a Web browser.
Specifies the different telemetry consent levels.
Specifies the capitalization of the text.
Specifies the capitalization of text.
Specifies the type of text wrap.
Specifies the direction that text runs.
Specifies alignment for WordArt text.
Specifies the text alignment scheme used for an object.
Specifies orientation for text.
Specifies where the text will be inserted.
Specifies the number of times a character is printed to darken the image.
Specifies the text alignment against tab stops or line breaks.
Specifies the type of underline for text.
Specifies the alignment (the origin of the coordinate grid) for the tiling of the texture fill.
Specifies the texture type for the selected fill.
Specifies the Office theme color.
Specifies the color scheme for an Office theme.
Specifies a tri-state Boolean value.
Specifies the vertical alignment of text in a text frame.
Specifies various image warping formats.
Specifies the change to the Office Assistant Help session.
Specifies context under which a wizard's callback procedure is called.
Specifies where in the z-order a shape should be moved relative to other shapes.

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