msoCondition |
Specifies the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search. |
msoConditionAnyNumberBetween | Any number between values specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionAnytime | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object can be any time. |
msoConditionAnytimeBetween | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is between the dates specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionAtLeast | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at least the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionAtMost | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at most the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionBeginsWith | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object begins with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionDoesNotEqual | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionEndsWith | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object ends with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionEquals | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object equals the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionEqualsCompleted | Status equals "Completed" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsDeferred | Status equals "Deferred" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsHigh | Priority equals "High" Value of the Name property must be Priority. |
msoConditionEqualsInProgress | Status equals "In Progress" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsLow | Priority equals "Low" Value of the Name property must be Priority. |
msoConditionEqualsNormal | Priority equals "Normal" Value of the Name property must be Priority. |
msoConditionEqualsNotStarted | Status equals "Not Started" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsWaitingForSomeoneElse | Status equals "Waiting for Someone Else" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionFileTypeAllFiles | File can be any type. |
msoConditionFileTypeBinders | Binder file. |
msoConditionFileTypeCalendarItem | Calendar item. |
msoConditionFileTypeContactItem | Contact item. |
msoConditionFileTypeDatabases | Database. |
msoConditionFileTypeDataConnectionFiles | Data connection file. |
msoConditionFileTypeDesignerFiles | Designer file. |
msoConditionFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles | Document imaging file. |
msoConditionFileTypeExcelWorkbooks | Excel workbook. |
msoConditionFileTypeJournalItem | Journal item. |
msoConditionFileTypeMailItem | Mail item. |
msoConditionFileTypeNoteItem | Note item. |
msoConditionFileTypeOfficeFiles | File can be any Office file type. |
msoConditionFileTypeOutlookItems | Outlook item. |
msoConditionFileTypePhotoDrawFiles | PhotoDraw file. |
msoConditionFileTypePowerPointPresentations | PowerPoint presentation. |
msoConditionFileTypeProjectFiles | Project file. |
msoConditionFileTypePublisherFiles | Publisher file. |
msoConditionFileTypeTaskItem | Task item. |
msoConditionFileTypeTemplates | Template. |
msoConditionFileTypeVisioFiles | Visio file. |
msoConditionFileTypeWebPages | Web page. |
msoConditionFileTypeWordDocuments | Word document. |
msoConditionFreeText | Value of the file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object matches the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object when a FreeText search is used. |
msoConditionIncludes | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIncludesFormsOf | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes forms of the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIncludesNearEachOther | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object and the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object are near each other. |
msoConditionIncludesPhrase | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the phrase specified in the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionInTheLast | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionInTheNext | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the next time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIsExactly | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is exactly the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIsNo | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "False". |
msoConditionIsNot | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is not the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIsYes | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "True". |
msoConditionLastMonth | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last month. |
msoConditionLastWeek | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last week. |
msoConditionLessThan | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is less than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionMoreThan | Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is more than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionNextMonth | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next month. |
msoConditionNextWeek | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next week. |
msoConditionNotEqualToCompleted | Status does not equal "Completed" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToDeferred | Status does not equal "Deferred" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToHigh | Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "High" Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance. |
msoConditionNotEqualToInProgress | Status does not equal "In Progress" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToLow | Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Low" Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance. |
msoConditionNotEqualToNormal | Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Normal" Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance. |
msoConditionNotEqualToNotStarted | Status does not equal "Not Started" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToWaitingForSomeoneElse | Status does not equal "Waiting for Someone Else" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionOn | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is the same as the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionOnOrAfter | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or after the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionOnOrBefore | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or before the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionThisMonth | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this month. |
msoConditionThisWeek | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this week. |
msoConditionToday | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is today. |
msoConditionTomorrow | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is tomorrow. |
msoConditionYesterday | Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is yesterday. |
msoConditionAnyNumberBetween |
Any number between values specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionAnytime |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object can be any time. |
msoConditionAnytimeBetween |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is between the dates specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionAtLeast |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at least the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionAtMost |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at most the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionBeginsWith |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object begins with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionDoesNotEqual |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionEndsWith |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object ends with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionEquals |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object equals the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionEqualsCompleted |
Status equals "Completed" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsDeferred |
Status equals "Deferred" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsHigh |
Priority equals "High" Value of the Name property must be Priority. |
msoConditionEqualsInProgress |
Status equals "In Progress" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsLow |
Priority equals "Low" Value of the Name property must be Priority. |
msoConditionEqualsNormal |
Priority equals "Normal" Value of the Name property must be Priority. |
msoConditionEqualsNotStarted |
Status equals "Not Started" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionEqualsWaitingForSomeoneElse |
Status equals "Waiting for Someone Else" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionFileTypeAllFiles |
File can be any type. |
msoConditionFileTypeBinders |
Binder file. |
msoConditionFileTypeCalendarItem |
Calendar item. |
msoConditionFileTypeContactItem |
Contact item. |
msoConditionFileTypeDatabases |
Database. |
msoConditionFileTypeDataConnectionFiles |
Data connection file. |
msoConditionFileTypeDesignerFiles |
Designer file. |
msoConditionFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles |
Document imaging file. |
msoConditionFileTypeExcelWorkbooks |
Excel workbook. |
msoConditionFileTypeJournalItem |
Journal item. |
msoConditionFileTypeMailItem |
Mail item. |
msoConditionFileTypeNoteItem |
Note item. |
msoConditionFileTypeOfficeFiles |
File can be any Office file type. |
msoConditionFileTypeOutlookItems |
Outlook item. |
msoConditionFileTypePhotoDrawFiles |
PhotoDraw file. |
msoConditionFileTypePowerPointPresentations |
PowerPoint presentation. |
msoConditionFileTypeProjectFiles |
Project file. |
msoConditionFileTypePublisherFiles |
Publisher file. |
msoConditionFileTypeTaskItem |
Task item. |
msoConditionFileTypeTemplates |
Template. |
msoConditionFileTypeVisioFiles |
Visio file. |
msoConditionFileTypeWebPages |
Web page. |
msoConditionFileTypeWordDocuments |
Word document. |
msoConditionFreeText |
Value of the file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object matches the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object when a FreeText search is used. |
msoConditionIncludes |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIncludesFormsOf |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes forms of the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIncludesNearEachOther |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object and the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object are near each other. |
msoConditionIncludesPhrase |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the phrase specified in the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionInTheLast |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionInTheNext |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the next time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIsExactly |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is exactly the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIsNo |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "False". |
msoConditionIsNot |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is not the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionIsYes |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "True". |
msoConditionLastMonth |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last month. |
msoConditionLastWeek |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last week. |
msoConditionLessThan |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is less than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionMoreThan |
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is more than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionNextMonth |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next month. |
msoConditionNextWeek |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next week. |
msoConditionNotEqualToCompleted |
Status does not equal "Completed" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToDeferred |
Status does not equal "Deferred" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToHigh |
Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "High" Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance. |
msoConditionNotEqualToInProgress |
Status does not equal "In Progress" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToLow |
Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Low" Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance. |
msoConditionNotEqualToNormal |
Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Normal" Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance. |
msoConditionNotEqualToNotStarted |
Status does not equal "Not Started" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionNotEqualToWaitingForSomeoneElse |
Status does not equal "Waiting for Someone Else" Value of the Name property must be Status. |
msoConditionOn |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is the same as the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionOnOrAfter |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or after the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionOnOrBefore |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or before the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object. |
msoConditionThisMonth |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this month. |
msoConditionThisWeek |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this week. |
msoConditionToday |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is today. |
msoConditionTomorrow |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is tomorrow. |
msoConditionYesterday |
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is yesterday. |
* Added in 2007. * This enumeration does not appear in the Object Browser. |
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