
Specifies the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search.

msoConditionAnyNumberBetweenAny number between values specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionAnytimeDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object can be any time.
msoConditionAnytimeBetweenDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is between the dates specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionAtLeastValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at least the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionAtMostValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at most the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionBeginsWithValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object begins with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionDoesNotEqualValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionEndsWithValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object ends with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionEqualsValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object equals the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionEqualsCompletedStatus equals "Completed"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionEqualsDeferredStatus equals "Deferred"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionEqualsHighPriority equals "High"
Value of the Name property must be Priority.
msoConditionEqualsInProgressStatus equals "In Progress"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionEqualsLowPriority equals "Low"
Value of the Name property must be Priority.
msoConditionEqualsNormalPriority equals "Normal"
Value of the Name property must be Priority.
msoConditionEqualsNotStartedStatus equals "Not Started"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionEqualsWaitingForSomeoneElseStatus equals "Waiting for Someone Else"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionFileTypeAllFilesFile can be any type.
msoConditionFileTypeBindersBinder file.
msoConditionFileTypeCalendarItemCalendar item.
msoConditionFileTypeContactItemContact item.
msoConditionFileTypeDataConnectionFilesData connection file.
msoConditionFileTypeDesignerFilesDesigner file.
msoConditionFileTypeDocumentImagingFilesDocument imaging file.
msoConditionFileTypeExcelWorkbooksExcel workbook.
msoConditionFileTypeJournalItemJournal item.
msoConditionFileTypeMailItemMail item.
msoConditionFileTypeNoteItemNote item.
msoConditionFileTypeOfficeFilesFile can be any Office file type.
msoConditionFileTypeOutlookItemsOutlook item.
msoConditionFileTypePhotoDrawFilesPhotoDraw file.
msoConditionFileTypePowerPointPresentationsPowerPoint presentation.
msoConditionFileTypeProjectFilesProject file.
msoConditionFileTypePublisherFilesPublisher file.
msoConditionFileTypeTaskItemTask item.
msoConditionFileTypeVisioFilesVisio file.
msoConditionFileTypeWebPagesWeb page.
msoConditionFileTypeWordDocumentsWord document.
msoConditionFreeTextValue of the file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object matches the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object when a FreeText search is used.
msoConditionIncludesValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionIncludesFormsOfValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes forms of the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionIncludesNearEachOtherValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object and the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object are near each other.
msoConditionIncludesPhraseValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the phrase specified in the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionInTheLastDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionInTheNextDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the next time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionIsExactlyValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is exactly the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionIsNoValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "False".
msoConditionIsNotValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is not the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionIsYesValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "True".
msoConditionLastMonthDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last month.
msoConditionLastWeekDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last week.
msoConditionLessThanValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is less than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionMoreThanValue of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is more than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionNextMonthDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next month.
msoConditionNextWeekDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next week.
msoConditionNotEqualToCompletedStatus does not equal "Completed"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionNotEqualToDeferredStatus does not equal "Deferred"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionNotEqualToHighValue of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "High"
Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.
msoConditionNotEqualToInProgressStatus does not equal "In Progress"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionNotEqualToLowValue of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Low"
Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.
msoConditionNotEqualToNormalValue of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Normal"
Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.
msoConditionNotEqualToNotStartedStatus does not equal "Not Started"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionNotEqualToWaitingForSomeoneElseStatus does not equal "Waiting for Someone Else"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
msoConditionOnDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is the same as the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionOnOrAfterDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or after the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionOnOrBeforeDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or before the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
msoConditionThisMonthDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this month.
msoConditionThisWeekDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this week.
msoConditionTodayDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is today.
msoConditionTomorrowDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is tomorrow.
msoConditionYesterdayDate specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is yesterday.

Any number between values specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object can be any time.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is between the dates specified with the Value and SecondValue properties of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at least the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is at most the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object begins with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object ends with the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object equals the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Status equals "Completed"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Status equals "Deferred"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Priority equals "High"
Value of the Name property must be Priority.
Status equals "In Progress"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Priority equals "Low"
Value of the Name property must be Priority.
Priority equals "Normal"
Value of the Name property must be Priority.
Status equals "Not Started"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Status equals "Waiting for Someone Else"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
File can be any type.
Binder file.
Calendar item.
Contact item.
Data connection file.
Designer file.
Document imaging file.
Excel workbook.
Journal item.
Mail item.
Note item.
File can be any Office file type.
Outlook item.
PhotoDraw file.
PowerPoint presentation.
Project file.
Publisher file.
Task item.
Visio file.
Web page.
Word document.
Value of the file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object matches the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object when a FreeText search is used.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes forms of the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object and the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object are near each other.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object includes the phrase specified in the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the next time interval specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is exactly the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "False".
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is not the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is "True".
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last month.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is within the last week.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is less than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Value of the file property specified in Name property of the PropertyTest object is more than the value specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next month.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is next week.
Status does not equal "Completed"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Status does not equal "Deferred"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "High"
Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.
Status does not equal "In Progress"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Low"
Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.
Value of file property specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object does not equal "Normal"
Value of the Name property must be Priority or Importance.
Status does not equal "Not Started"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Status does not equal "Waiting for Someone Else"
Value of the Name property must be Status.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is the same as the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or after the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is on or before the date specified in the Value property of the PropertyTest object.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this month.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is this week.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is today.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is tomorrow.
Date specified in the Name property of the PropertyTest object is yesterday.

* Added in 2007.
* This enumeration does not appear in the Object Browser.

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