Alphabetical - C

msoCalloutAngleTypeSpecifies the size of the angle between the callout line and the side of the callout text box.
msoCalloutDropTypeSpecifies starting position of the callout line relative to the text bounding box.
msoCalloutTypeSpecifies the type of callout line.
msoCertificateDetail(no mso prefix) Specifies details about a digital certificate.
msoCertificateVerificationResults(no mso prefix) Specifies the results of verifying a digital certificate.
msoCharacterSetSpecifies the character set to be used when rendering text.
msoChartElementTypeSpecifies whether and how to display chart elements.
msoChartFieldTypeSpecifies the type of data field to be inserted into a data label in a chart.
msoClipboardFormatSpecifies the format.
msoColorTypeSpecifies the color type.
msoComboStyleSpecifies whether the command bar combo box includes a label or not.
msoCommandBarButtonHyperlinkTypeSpecifies whether the command bar button is a hyperlink.
msoConditionSpecifies the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search.
msoConnectorSpecifies the connector between two similar property test values.
msoConnectorTypeSpecifies a type of connector.
msoContactCardAddressTypeSpecifies the address type for a contact card.
msoContactCardStyleSpecifies how the contact card is displayed.
msoContactCardTypeSpecifies the contact card type.
msoContentVerificationResults(no mso prefix) Specifies whether the content of a document has changed.
msoControlOLEUsageSpecifies the OLE client and OLE server roles in which a command bar control is used when two applications are merged.
msoControlTypeSpecifies the type of the command bar control.
msoCTPDockPositionSpecifies the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
msoCTPDockPositionRestrictSpecifies the restrictions on the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
msoCustomXMLNodeTypeSpecifies the type of the XML node.
msoCustomXMLValidationErrorTypeSpecifies how validation errors are cleared or generated.
Specifies the size of the angle between the callout line and the side of the callout text box.
Specifies starting position of the callout line relative to the text bounding box.
Specifies the type of callout line.
(no mso prefix) Specifies details about a digital certificate.
(no mso prefix) Specifies the results of verifying a digital certificate.
Specifies the character set to be used when rendering text.
Specifies whether and how to display chart elements.
Specifies the type of data field to be inserted into a data label in a chart.
Specifies the format.
Specifies the color type.
Specifies whether the command bar combo box includes a label or not.
Specifies whether the command bar button is a hyperlink.
Specifies the condition for comparison between a file and a specified property in a file search.
Specifies the connector between two similar property test values.
Specifies a type of connector.
Specifies the address type for a contact card.
Specifies how the contact card is displayed.
Specifies the contact card type.
(no mso prefix) Specifies whether the content of a document has changed.
Specifies the OLE client and OLE server roles in which a command bar control is used when two applications are merged.
Specifies the type of the command bar control.
Specifies the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
Specifies the restrictions on the docking behaviour of the custom task pane.
Specifies the type of the XML node.
Specifies how validation errors are cleared or generated.

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