Alphabetical - A

msoAlertButtonTypeSpecifies the buttons to be displayed when issuing an alert to the user with the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
msoAlertCancelTypeSpecifies behavior when the user cancels an alert.
msoAlertDefaultTypeSpecifies which button is set as the default when calling the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
msoAlertIconTypeSpecifies which icon, if any, to display with an alert.
msoAlignCmdSpecifies how to align specified objects relative to one another.
msoAnimationTypeSpecifies the animation action for the Office Assistant.
msoAppLanguageIDSpecifies a language setting in a Microsoft Office application.
msoArrowheadLengthSpecifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
msoArrowheadStyleSpecifies the style of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
msoArrowheadWidthSpecifies the width of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
msoAssignmentMethod(Added 2021) Specifies the assignment method in a LabelInfo object.
msoAutomationSecuritySpecifies the security mode an application uses when programmatically opening files.
msoAutoShapeTypeSpecifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.
msoAutoSizeSpecifies the type of automatic sizing allowed.
Specifies the buttons to be displayed when issuing an alert to the user with the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
Specifies behavior when the user cancels an alert.
Specifies which button is set as the default when calling the DoAlert method of the Assistant object.
Specifies which icon, if any, to display with an alert.
Specifies how to align specified objects relative to one another.
Specifies the animation action for the Office Assistant.
Specifies a language setting in a Microsoft Office application.
Specifies the length of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Specifies the style of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
Specifies the width of the arrowhead at the end of a line.
(Added 2021) Specifies the assignment method in a LabelInfo object.
Specifies the security mode an application uses when programmatically opening files.
Specifies the shape type for an AutoShape object.
Specifies the type of automatic sizing allowed.

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