
Specifies the output of a merge shapes operation.

msoMergeCombineCreates a new shape from selected shapes
If the selected shapes overlap, the area where they overlap is cut out, or discarded (2)
msoMergeFragmentBreaks a shape into smaller parts or create new shapes from intersecting lines or from shapes that overlap (5)
msoMergeIntersectForms a new closed shape from the area where selected shapes overlap, eliminating non-overlapping areas (3)
msoMergeSubtractCreates a new shape by subtracting from the primary selection the areas where subsequent selections overlap (4)
msoMergeUnionCreates a new shape from the perimeter of two or more overlapping shapes
The new shape is a set of all the points from the original shapes (1)

Creates a new shape from selected shapes
If the selected shapes overlap, the area where they overlap is cut out, or discarded (2)
Breaks a shape into smaller parts or create new shapes from intersecting lines or from shapes that overlap (5)
Forms a new closed shape from the area where selected shapes overlap, eliminating non-overlapping areas (3)
Creates a new shape by subtracting from the primary selection the areas where subsequent selections overlap (4)
Creates a new shape from the perimeter of two or more overlapping shapes
The new shape is a set of all the points from the original shapes (1)

* Added in 2013.

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