Other Enumerations
msoAlertButtonType | Specifies the buttons to be displayed when issuing an alert to the user with the DoAlert method of the Assistant object. |
msoAlertCancelType | Specifies behavior when the user cancels an alert. |
msoAlertDefaultType | Specifies which button is set as the default when calling the DoAlert method of the Assistant object. |
msoAlertIconType | Specifies which icon, if any, to display with an alert. |
msoAlignCmd | Specifies how to align specified objects relative to one another. |
msoAnimationType | Specifies the animation action for the Office Assistant. |
msoAppLanguageID | Specifies a language setting in a Microsoft Office application. |
msoAssignmentMethod | (Added 2021) Specifies the assignment method in a LabelInfo object. |
msoAutomationSecurity | Specifies the security mode an application uses when programmatically opening files. |
msoAutoSize | Specifies the type of automatic sizing allowed. |
msoBackgroundStyleIndex | Specifies the background style for an object. |
msoBackstageGroupStyle | (no mso prefix) Specifies how the backstage group should appear on the File tab in Office 2010. |
msoBalloonButtonType | Indicates which button the user clicked in a balloon. |
msoBalloonErrorType | Specifies what error occurred in a balloon. |
msoBalloonType | Specifies the type of label used in a balloon. |
msoBaselineAlignment | Specifies the baseline text alignment. |
msoBevelType | Specifies the bevel type of a ThreeDFormat object. |
msoBlogCategorySupport | Specifies how many categories are supported by the provider. |
msoBlogImageType | Specifies the type of blog image. |
msoBroadcastCapabilities | Specifies the application capabilities available for a document or presentation broadcasting session. |
msoBroadcastState | Specifies the current state of a document or presentation broadcast. |
msoBulletType | Specifies the different types of bullets. |
msoButtonSetType | Specifies the type of button to be displayed at the bottom of an Office Assistant balloon. |
msoButtonStyleHidden | Not to be used directly from code. |
msoCalloutAngleType | Specifies the size of the angle between the callout line and the side of the callout text box. |
msoCalloutDropType | Specifies starting position of the callout line relative to the text bounding box. |
msoCertificateDetail | (no mso prefix) Specifies details about a digital certificate. |
msoCertificateVerificationResults | (no mso prefix) Specifies the results of verifying a digital certificate. |
msoCharacterSet | Specifies the character set to be used when rendering text. |
msoChartElementType | Specifies whether and how to display chart elements. |
msoChartFieldType | Specifies the type of data field to be inserted into a data label in a chart. |
msoClipboardFormat | Specifies the format. |
msoConnectorType | Specifies a type of connector. |
msoContactCardAddressType | Specifies the address type for a contact card. |
msoContactCardStyle | Specifies how the contact card is displayed. |
msoContactCardType | Specifies the contact card type. |
msoContentVerificationResults | (no mso prefix) Specifies whether the content of a document has changed. |
msoControlOLEUsage | Specifies the OLE client and OLE server roles in which a command bar control is used when two applications are merged. |
msoCTPDockPosition | Specifies the docking behaviour of the custom task pane. |
msoCTPDockPositionRestrict | Specifies the restrictions on the docking behaviour of the custom task pane. |
msoCustomXMLNodeType | Specifies the type of the XML node. |
msoCustomXMLValidationErrorType | Specifies how validation errors are cleared or generated. |
msoDateTimeFormat | Specifies the format of a date/time data type. |
msoDocInspectorStatus | Specifies the results from running a Document Inspector module. |
msoDocProperties | Specifies the data type for a document property. |
msoEditingType | Specifies the editing type of a node. |
msoEncoding | Specifies the document encoding for the Web browser to use when a user views a saved document. |
msoEncryptionCipherMode | (no mso prefix) Specifies the type of cipher mode. |
msoEncryptionProviderDetail | (no mso prefix) Specifies the encryption provider detail. |
msoEnvelope | Specifies constants used for sending documents as emails directly from Microsoft Office applications. |
msoExtraInfoMethod | Specifies how to use the value specified in the ExtraInfo property of the FollowHyperlink method. |
msoExtrusionColorType | Specifies whether the extrusion color is based on the extruded shape's fill. |
msoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID | Specifies the language to use to determine which line break level is used when the line break control option is turned on. |
msoFeatureInstall | Specifies how the application handles calls to methods and properties that require features not yet installed. |
msoFileNewAction | Specifies action to take when a user clicks an item in the task pane. |
msoFileNewSection | Specifies the task pane section to which to add a file or where the file reference exists. |
msoFilterComparison | Specifies how the Column and CompareTo properties are compared for an ODSOFilter object. |
msoFilterConjunction | Specifies how a filter criterion relates to other filter criteria. |
msoFontLanguageIndex | Specifies one of the three language fonts contained in the ThemeFonts collection. |
msoFormShowConstants | (no mso prefix) Specifies the modal or modeless state for userforms. |
msoGraphicStyleIndex | Specifies a list of preset graphic styles. |
msoHTMLProjectOpen | Specifies the view in which an HTML project or project item is opened. |
msoHTMLProjectState | Specifies the current state of an HTMLProject object. |
msoHyperlinkType | Specifies the type of hyperlink. |
msoIconType | Specifies an icon type to show in a Balloon object. |
msoIodGroup | Specifies constants that define the IOD (install on demand) groups. |
msoLanguageID | Specifies which language to use. |
msoLanguageIDHidden | Not to be used directly from code. |
msoLightRigType | Specifies the effects lighting for an object. |
msoLineCapStyle | Specifies the type of line cap. |
msoLineFillType | Specifies the type of fill for a line. |
msoLineJoinStyle | Specifies the type of join where two lines connect. |
msoMailFormat | (no mso prefix) Specifies the mail format of an email message. |
msoMenuAnimation | Specifies animation style for Microsoft Office command bars. |
msoMergeCmd | Specifies the output of a merge shapes operation. |
msoMetaPropertyType | Specifies the metadata property type. |
msoMixedType | This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used. |
msoModeType | Specifies the mode type for a Balloon object. |
msoMoveRow | This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used. |
msoNumberedBulletStyle | Specifies numbered bullet styles. |
msoOLEMenuGroup | Specifies the menu group that a command bar pop-up control belongs to. |
msoOrientation | Specifies orientation of an object when it is displayed or printed. |
msoParagraphAlignment | Specifies paragraph alignment for a text block. |
msoPathFormat | Specifies the format of a file or folder path. |
msoPermission | Specifies an Information Rights Management (IRM) permission type for a document. |
msoPickerField | Specifies contact-picker field types. |
msoPictureCompress | Specifies whether a picture will be compressed or not when inserted into a file. |
msoPictureEffectType | Specifies constants that define the types of picture effects. |
msoPictureType | Specifies the type of picture. |
msoPresetCamera | Specifies the effects camera type used by the specified object. the effects camera type used by the specified object. |
msoPresetExtrusionDirection | Specifies the direction that the extrusion's sweep path takes away from the extruded shape (the front face of the extrusion). |
msoPresetLightingDirection | Specifies the location of lighting on an extruded (three-dimensional) shape relative to the shape. |
msoPresetLightingSoftness | Specifies the intensity of light used on a shape. |
msoPresetMaterial | Specifies the extrusion surface material. |
msoPrivacyOptionSetting | Specifies the different privacy options. |
msoRecolorType | Specifies the type of recolor to use when changing a color scheme. |
msoReflectionType | Specifies the type of the ReflectionFormat object. |
msoRelativeNodePosition | Specifies where a node is added to a diagram relative to existing nodes. |
msoRibbonControlSize | (no mso prefix) Specifies the size of the ribbon control. |
msoScaleFrom | Specifies which part of the shape retains its position when the shape is scaled. |
msoScreenSize | Specifies the ideal screen resolution to be used to view a document in a Web browser. |
msoScriptLanguage | Specifies scripting language of the active script. |
msoScriptLocation | Specifies the location of the script anchor within a document. |
msoSegmentType | Specifies the type for a segment. |
msoSensitivityLabelError | (Added 2021) Specifies the type of label error. |
msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority | Specifies the priority for a shared workspace task. |
msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus | Specifies the status of a shared workspace task. |
msoSignatureDetail | (no mso prefix) Specifies additional information about a signtaure. |
msoSignatureLineImage | (no mso prefix) Specifies the signature line image. |
msoSignatureProviderDetail | (no mso prefix) Specifies properties of the signature provider. |
msoSignatureSubset | Specifies properties of the signature subset. |
msoSignatureType | (no mso prefix) Specifies properties of a signature. |
msoSmartArtNodePosition | Specifies constants that define the different ways to add a new node to the data model in SmartArt. |
msoSmartArtNodeType | Specifies constants that define the types of SmartArt nodes. |
msoSoftEdgeType | Specifies the type of soft edge effect. |
msoSortBy | Specifies sort order for files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection. |
msoSortOrder | Specifies whether files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection should be sorted in ascending or descending order. |
msoSyncAvailableType | Specifies whether and under what circumstances synchronization is available for the document. |
msoSyncCompareType | Specifies how comparison between local copy and server copy should be done in a synchronization process. |
msoSyncConflictResolutionType | Specifies how conflicts should be resolved when synchronizing a shared document. |
msoSyncErrorType | Specifies a document synchronization error. |
msoSyncEventType | Specifies the return value of a Sync event. |
msoSyncStatusType | Specifies the status of the synchronization of the local copy of the active document with the server copy. |
msoSyncVersionType | Specifies which version of a shared document to open alongside the currently open local version. |
msoTabStopType | Specifies the type of tab stop. |
msoTargetBrowser | Specifies target browser for documents viewed in a Web browser. |
msoTelemetryConsentLevel | Specifies the different telemetry consent levels. |
msoTextCharWrap | Specifies the type of text wrap. |
msoTextDirection | Specifies the direction that text runs. |
msoTextFontAlign | Specifies the text alignment scheme used for an object. |
msoTextOrientation | Specifies orientation for text. |
msoTextRangeInsertPosition | Specifies where the text will be inserted. |
msoTextStrike | Specifies the number of times a character is printed to darken the image. |
msoTextTabAlign | Specifies the text alignment against tab stops or line breaks. |
msoTextUnderlineType | Specifies the type of underline for text. |
msoTextureAlignment | Specifies the alignment (the origin of the coordinate grid) for the tiling of the texture fill. |
msoThemeColorIndex | Specifies the Office theme color. |
msoThemeColorSchemeIndex | Specifies the color scheme for an Office theme. |
msoTriState | Specifies a tri-state Boolean value. |
msoWarpFormat | Specifies various image warping formats. |
msoWizardActType | Specifies the change to the Office Assistant Help session. |
msoWizardMsgType | Specifies context under which a wizard's callback procedure is called. |
msoAlertButtonType Specifies the buttons to be displayed when issuing an alert to the user with the DoAlert method of the Assistant object. |
msoAlertCancelType Specifies behavior when the user cancels an alert. |
msoAlertDefaultType Specifies which button is set as the default when calling the DoAlert method of the Assistant object. |
msoAlertIconType Specifies which icon, if any, to display with an alert. |
msoAlignCmd Specifies how to align specified objects relative to one another. |
msoAnimationType Specifies the animation action for the Office Assistant. |
msoAppLanguageID Specifies a language setting in a Microsoft Office application. |
msoAssignmentMethod (Added 2021) Specifies the assignment method in a LabelInfo object. |
msoAutomationSecurity Specifies the security mode an application uses when programmatically opening files. |
msoAutoSize Specifies the type of automatic sizing allowed. |
msoBackgroundStyleIndex Specifies the background style for an object. |
msoBackstageGroupStyle (no mso prefix) Specifies how the backstage group should appear on the File tab in Office 2010. |
msoBalloonButtonType Indicates which button the user clicked in a balloon. |
msoBalloonErrorType Specifies what error occurred in a balloon. |
msoBalloonType Specifies the type of label used in a balloon. |
msoBaselineAlignment Specifies the baseline text alignment. |
msoBevelType Specifies the bevel type of a ThreeDFormat object. |
msoBlogCategorySupport Specifies how many categories are supported by the provider. |
msoBlogImageType Specifies the type of blog image. |
msoBroadcastCapabilities Specifies the application capabilities available for a document or presentation broadcasting session. |
msoBroadcastState Specifies the current state of a document or presentation broadcast. |
msoBulletType Specifies the different types of bullets. |
msoButtonSetType Specifies the type of button to be displayed at the bottom of an Office Assistant balloon. |
msoButtonStyleHidden Not to be used directly from code. |
msoCalloutAngleType Specifies the size of the angle between the callout line and the side of the callout text box. |
msoCalloutDropType Specifies starting position of the callout line relative to the text bounding box. |
msoCertificateDetail (no mso prefix) Specifies details about a digital certificate. |
msoCertificateVerificationResults (no mso prefix) Specifies the results of verifying a digital certificate. |
msoCharacterSet Specifies the character set to be used when rendering text. |
msoChartElementType Specifies whether and how to display chart elements. |
msoChartFieldType Specifies the type of data field to be inserted into a data label in a chart. |
msoClipboardFormat Specifies the format. |
msoConnectorType Specifies a type of connector. |
msoContactCardAddressType Specifies the address type for a contact card. |
msoContactCardStyle Specifies how the contact card is displayed. |
msoContactCardType Specifies the contact card type. |
msoContentVerificationResults (no mso prefix) Specifies whether the content of a document has changed. |
msoControlOLEUsage Specifies the OLE client and OLE server roles in which a command bar control is used when two applications are merged. |
msoCTPDockPosition Specifies the docking behaviour of the custom task pane. |
msoCTPDockPositionRestrict Specifies the restrictions on the docking behaviour of the custom task pane. |
msoCustomXMLNodeType Specifies the type of the XML node. |
msoCustomXMLValidationErrorType Specifies how validation errors are cleared or generated. |
msoDateTimeFormat Specifies the format of a date/time data type. |
msoDocInspectorStatus Specifies the results from running a Document Inspector module. |
msoDocProperties Specifies the data type for a document property. |
msoEditingType Specifies the editing type of a node. |
msoEncoding Specifies the document encoding for the Web browser to use when a user views a saved document. |
msoEncryptionCipherMode (no mso prefix) Specifies the type of cipher mode. |
msoEncryptionProviderDetail (no mso prefix) Specifies the encryption provider detail. |
msoEnvelope Specifies constants used for sending documents as emails directly from Microsoft Office applications. |
msoExtraInfoMethod Specifies how to use the value specified in the ExtraInfo property of the FollowHyperlink method. |
msoExtrusionColorType Specifies whether the extrusion color is based on the extruded shape's fill. |
msoFarEastLineBreakLanguageID Specifies the language to use to determine which line break level is used when the line break control option is turned on. |
msoFeatureInstall Specifies how the application handles calls to methods and properties that require features not yet installed. |
msoFileNewAction Specifies action to take when a user clicks an item in the task pane. |
msoFileNewSection Specifies the task pane section to which to add a file or where the file reference exists. |
msoFilterComparison Specifies how the Column and CompareTo properties are compared for an ODSOFilter object. |
msoFilterConjunction Specifies how a filter criterion relates to other filter criteria. |
msoFontLanguageIndex Specifies one of the three language fonts contained in the ThemeFonts collection. |
msoFormShowConstants (no mso prefix) Specifies the modal or modeless state for userforms. |
msoGraphicStyleIndex Specifies a list of preset graphic styles. |
msoHTMLProjectOpen Specifies the view in which an HTML project or project item is opened. |
msoHTMLProjectState Specifies the current state of an HTMLProject object. |
msoHyperlinkType Specifies the type of hyperlink. |
msoIconType Specifies an icon type to show in a Balloon object. |
msoIodGroup Specifies constants that define the IOD (install on demand) groups. |
msoLanguageID Specifies which language to use. |
msoLanguageIDHidden Not to be used directly from code. |
msoLightRigType Specifies the effects lighting for an object. |
msoLineCapStyle Specifies the type of line cap. |
msoLineFillType Specifies the type of fill for a line. |
msoLineJoinStyle Specifies the type of join where two lines connect. |
msoMailFormat (no mso prefix) Specifies the mail format of an email message. |
msoMenuAnimation Specifies animation style for Microsoft Office command bars. |
msoMergeCmd Specifies the output of a merge shapes operation. |
msoMetaPropertyType Specifies the metadata property type. |
msoMixedType This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used. |
msoModeType Specifies the mode type for a Balloon object. |
msoMoveRow This enumeration has been deprecated and should not be used. |
msoNumberedBulletStyle Specifies numbered bullet styles. |
msoOLEMenuGroup Specifies the menu group that a command bar pop-up control belongs to. |
msoOrientation Specifies orientation of an object when it is displayed or printed. |
msoParagraphAlignment Specifies paragraph alignment for a text block. |
msoPathFormat Specifies the format of a file or folder path. |
msoPermission Specifies an Information Rights Management (IRM) permission type for a document. |
msoPickerField Specifies contact-picker field types. |
msoPictureCompress Specifies whether a picture will be compressed or not when inserted into a file. |
msoPictureEffectType Specifies constants that define the types of picture effects. |
msoPictureType Specifies the type of picture. |
msoPresetCamera Specifies the effects camera type used by the specified object. the effects camera type used by the specified object. |
msoPresetExtrusionDirection Specifies the direction that the extrusion's sweep path takes away from the extruded shape (the front face of the extrusion). |
msoPresetLightingDirection Specifies the location of lighting on an extruded (three-dimensional) shape relative to the shape. |
msoPresetLightingSoftness Specifies the intensity of light used on a shape. |
msoPresetMaterial Specifies the extrusion surface material. |
msoPrivacyOptionSetting Specifies the different privacy options. |
msoRecolorType Specifies the type of recolor to use when changing a color scheme. |
msoReflectionType Specifies the type of the ReflectionFormat object. |
msoRelativeNodePosition Specifies where a node is added to a diagram relative to existing nodes. |
msoRibbonControlSize (no mso prefix) Specifies the size of the ribbon control. |
msoScaleFrom Specifies which part of the shape retains its position when the shape is scaled. |
msoScreenSize Specifies the ideal screen resolution to be used to view a document in a Web browser. |
msoScriptLanguage Specifies scripting language of the active script. |
msoScriptLocation Specifies the location of the script anchor within a document. |
msoSegmentType Specifies the type for a segment. |
msoSensitivityLabelError (Added 2021) Specifies the type of label error. |
msoSharedWorkspaceTaskPriority Specifies the priority for a shared workspace task. |
msoSharedWorkspaceTaskStatus Specifies the status of a shared workspace task. |
msoSignatureDetail (no mso prefix) Specifies additional information about a signtaure. |
msoSignatureLineImage (no mso prefix) Specifies the signature line image. |
msoSignatureProviderDetail (no mso prefix) Specifies properties of the signature provider. |
msoSignatureSubset Specifies properties of the signature subset. |
msoSignatureType (no mso prefix) Specifies properties of a signature. |
msoSmartArtNodePosition Specifies constants that define the different ways to add a new node to the data model in SmartArt. |
msoSmartArtNodeType Specifies constants that define the types of SmartArt nodes. |
msoSoftEdgeType Specifies the type of soft edge effect. |
msoSortBy Specifies sort order for files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection. |
msoSortOrder Specifies whether files in a Application.FileSearch object's FoundFiles collection should be sorted in ascending or descending order. |
msoSyncAvailableType Specifies whether and under what circumstances synchronization is available for the document. |
msoSyncCompareType Specifies how comparison between local copy and server copy should be done in a synchronization process. |
msoSyncConflictResolutionType Specifies how conflicts should be resolved when synchronizing a shared document. |
msoSyncErrorType Specifies a document synchronization error. |
msoSyncEventType Specifies the return value of a Sync event. |
msoSyncStatusType Specifies the status of the synchronization of the local copy of the active document with the server copy. |
msoSyncVersionType Specifies which version of a shared document to open alongside the currently open local version. |
msoTabStopType Specifies the type of tab stop. |
msoTargetBrowser Specifies target browser for documents viewed in a Web browser. |
msoTelemetryConsentLevel Specifies the different telemetry consent levels. |
msoTextCharWrap Specifies the type of text wrap. |
msoTextDirection Specifies the direction that text runs. |
msoTextFontAlign Specifies the text alignment scheme used for an object. |
msoTextOrientation Specifies orientation for text. |
msoTextRangeInsertPosition Specifies where the text will be inserted. |
msoTextStrike Specifies the number of times a character is printed to darken the image. |
msoTextTabAlign Specifies the text alignment against tab stops or line breaks. |
msoTextUnderlineType Specifies the type of underline for text. |
msoTextureAlignment Specifies the alignment (the origin of the coordinate grid) for the tiling of the texture fill. |
msoThemeColorIndex Specifies the Office theme color. |
msoThemeColorSchemeIndex Specifies the color scheme for an Office theme. |
msoTriState Specifies a tri-state Boolean value. |
msoWarpFormat Specifies various image warping formats. |
msoWizardActType Specifies the change to the Office Assistant Help session. |
msoWizardMsgType Specifies context under which a wizard's callback procedure is called. |
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