
Specifies the capitalization of text.

msoCaseLowerDisplay the text as lowercase characters.
msoCaseSentenceDisplay the text as sentence case characters
Sentence case specifies that the first letter of the sentence is capitalized and that all others should be lowercase (with some exceptions such as proper nouns, and acronyms).
msoCaseTitleDisplay the text as title case characters
Title case specifies that the first letter of each word is capitalized and that all others should be lowercase
In some cases short articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are not capitalized.
msoCaseToggleIndicates that lowercase text should be converted to uppercase and that uppercase text should be converted to lowercase text.
msoCaseUpperDisplay the text as uppercase characters.

Display the text as lowercase characters.
Display the text as sentence case characters
Sentence case specifies that the first letter of the sentence is capitalized and that all others should be lowercase (with some exceptions such as proper nouns, and acronyms).
Display the text as title case characters
Title case specifies that the first letter of each word is capitalized and that all others should be lowercase
In some cases short articles, prepositions, and conjunctions are not capitalized.
Indicates that lowercase text should be converted to uppercase and that uppercase text should be converted to lowercase text.
Display the text as uppercase characters.

* Added in 2007.

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