User FAQs
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1) Can you convert a string to an integer data type ?
Yes. There are several ways this can be done.
int i;
i = (int)myString;
i = (System.Int32)myString;
i = myString as int;
i = myString as System.Int32;
i = System.Convert.ToInt32(myString);
i = System.Int32.Parse(myString);
2) Can you convert an integer to a string data type ?
Yes. There are several ways this can be done.
int i = 10;
string s;
s = i.ToString();
s = System.Convert.ToString(i);
s = System.String.Format("{0}",i);
s = $"{i}";
s = "" + i;
s = System.String.Empty + i;
s = new System.Text.StringBuilder().Append(i).ToString();
3) Can you describe the byte data type ?
The System.Byte data type is used to
4) Can you describe the short data type ?
The System.Int16 data type is used to
5) Can you describe the int data type ?
The System.Int32 data type is used to
In .NET 4.7 you can use an underscore in a numerical literal to make it more readable.
int myInteger = 1_000_000;
6) Can you describe the long data type ?
The System.Int64 data type is used to
long myLong = 5L;
7) Can you describe the float data type ?
The System.Single used to store Single Precision floating point.
float myFloat = 4.5F;
8) Can you describe the double data type ?
The System.Double data type is used to store Double Precision floating point.
The range is -1.797 E308 to 1.797 E308
double myDouble = 4.0;
double myDouble = 4.0D;
double myDouble = 1E06;
9) Can you describe the decimal data type ?
The System.Decimal data type is used to store Exact Precision floating point.
The range is 1 E-28 to 7.9 E28.
This data type should be used for all financial calculations
decimal myDecimal = -1.23M
10) What is the difference between the double and decimal data types?
decimal should always be used money.
double should only be used for very large numbers.
decimal uses base-10 maths and focuses on precision.
double uses base-2 maths and focuses on speed.
11) What is Arithmetic Overflow and Underflow ?
When you perform an integer arithmetic operation and the result goes outside the range of the data type.
To modify and control overflow/underflow there are two keywords you can use 'checked' and 'unchecked'.
In a checked context, arithmetic overflow raises an exception.
In an unchecked context, arithmetic overflow is ignored and the result is truncated or wrapped. This is the default context.
Code where unexpected wrapping arithmetic needs to be detected you should use checked context.
Code that relies on wrapping arithmetic should use unchecked context.
int myInt = 2147483647 + 10;
// this line generates a compile-time error
int number = 10
int myInt2 = 2147483647 + number;
// this line does not generate a compile time error or a run-time exception
int number = 10;
int myInt2 = 2147483647 + number;
// this line generates an overflow run-time exception
12) What is Integer Overflow - checked and unchecked?
13) What are the Standard Format Specifiers ?
Standard numeric format strings are used to format common numeric types.
decimal value = 123.456m;
Console.WriteLine(value.ToString("C2")); // Displays $123.46
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