S&P 100 |
S&P 500 |
S&P 500 Emini Future |
S&P Bond Ratings |
S&P Capital IQ Add-in |
SABR (Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho) |
SABR Volatility Model |
SABS (Synthetic Asset Backed Securities) |
Sale and Repurchase Agreement |
Sale By Tender |
Sales and Trading |
Sales Desk |
Sallie Mae |
Sample Design |
Sample Space |
Sample Survey |
Samples - Cluster |
Sampling |
Sampling - Cluster |
Sampling - Importance |
Sampling - Latin Hypercube |
Sampling - Multistage |
Sampling - Non Probability |
Sampling - One Stage |
Sampling - Quasi Random |
Sampling - Quota |
Sampling - Random |
Sampling - Stratified |
Sampling - Systematic |
Sampling Distribution |
Sampling With Replacement |
Sampling Without Replacement |
Samurai Bonds |
Sarbanes-Oxley Act |
Savings Ratio |
SBM (Standard Brownian Motion) |
Scalar Algebra |
Scalar Matrix |
Scalar Multiple |
Scale - Interval |
Scale - Ratio |
Scale Factor |
Scales |
Scalper |
Scatter Diagrams |
Scattergram |
Scatterplot |
Scenario |
Scenario Analysis |
Schatz (Short German Bond Future) |
Schedulers |
Scheme Theory |
Scholes - Merton |
Scores - Norm |
Scores - Z |
Scrip Issue |
SDE (Stochastic Differential Equation) |
SDR (Special Drawing Rights) |
SDR (Swap Data Repositories) |
SDR Basket Currencies |
Seagull |
SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) |
SEC Yield |
Secant Method |
Second Derivative |
Second Order Derivatives |
Second Order Equations |
Second Quintiles |
Secondary Calculus |
Secondary Markets |
Secondary Offerings - Bonus Issues |
Secondary Offerings - Convertible Preferred |
Secondary Offerings - Preferred Shares |
Secondary Offerings - Right Issue |
Secondary Offerings - Stock Split |
Secondary Trading |
Sector Curves |
Secured Bonds |
Secured Debt |
Secured Notes |
Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) |
Secured Transaction |
Securities - Bond Markets |
Securities - Debt |
Securities - Equities |
Securities - Fixed Income |
Securities - Fixed Interest |
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) |
Securities and Futures Authority (SFA) |
Securities and Investment Board |
Securities Lending |
Securities Trading |
Securitisation |
Securitisation - ABS |
Securitisation - Covered Bond |
Securitisation - Credit Risk |
Securitisation - Default Risk |
Securitisation - MBS |
Securitisation - Pass Through |
Securitisation - Pay Through |
Securitisation - Prepayment Risk |
Securitisation - Tranches |
Securitisation of Assets |
Securitised Products (SP) |
Security |
Security Borrowing |
Security Lending |
Security Markets - Money Markets |
SEDUR (Short Ended Duration) |
SEF (Swap Execution Facility) |
Segmentation Hypothesis |
Segmented Market Theory |
Segregated Account |
Segregated Mandate |
Selection Bias |
Self Discounting |
Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) |
Sell Back Differential |
Sell Back Price |
Sell Buy Back |
Sell Buy Back vs Repo |
Sell Out |
Sell Price |
Sell Side Firms |
Selling at a Discount |
Selling at a Premium |
Selling Protection |
Selling The Basis |
Sellside |
Semi Annual Pay Bond |
Semialgebraic Geometry |
Senior Bond Holder |
Senior Interest |
Senior Tranches |
Senior Unsecured Debt |
Seniority |
Seniority Rules |
Sensitivity |
Sensitivity of Risk |
Sensitivity Stress Tests |
Sensitivity to Movements |
Serial Bond |
Serial Months |
Series |
Series - Fibonacci |
Series - Fourier |
Series - Geometric |
Series - Power |
Series - Taylor |
Series 16 |
Series 24 |
Series of Real Numbers |
Series Solutions |
Set Theory |
Set-Theoretic Topology |
Settled Cash |
Settlement |
Settlement - Cash |
Settlement - Cycle |
Settlement - Failed |
Settlement - Net |
Settlement - Partial |
Settlement - T + 1 |
Settlement - T + 2 |
Settlement - T + 3 |
Settlement - Trade |
Settlement Conventions |
Settlement Date |
Settlement Day |
Settlement Instructions |
Settlement Price |
Settlement Risk |
SFA (Securities and Futures Authority) |
Shanghai Composite Index |
Shapes - 2D |
Shapes - 3D |
Shapes - Dodecagon |
Shapes - Geometry |
Share Buy-Back |
Share Capital |
Share Classes |
Share Consolidation |
Shareholders |
Shareholders Funds |
Shares |
Sharpe Measure |
Sharpe Ratio |
Sheaf Cohomology |
Sheaf Theory |
Short |
Short a Bond |
Short a Call |
Short a Stock |
Short Bund Future (scatz) |
Short Butterfly |
Short Call |
Short Call Spread |
Short Condor |
Short Cover |
Short Dated Bonds |
Short Dated Corporate Bonds |
Short Dated Currency Forwards |
Short Dated Government Bonds |
Short Dates |
Short Forwards |
Short German Bond Future (Schatz) |
Short Hedge |
Short Position |
Short Put |
Short Put Spread |
Short Rate |
Short Rate Models |
Short Rate Models - Black-Derman-Toy |
Short Rate Models - Black-Karasinski |
Short Rate Models - Chen |
Short Rate Models - Cox-Ingersoll-Ross |
Short Rate Models - Ho-Lee |
Short Rate Models - Hull-White |
Short Rate Models - Longstaff - Schwartz |
Short Rate Models - Rendleman-Bartter |
Short Rate Models - Roll-Geske-Whaley |
Short Rate Models - Vasicek |
Short Risk Reversal |
Short Selling |
Short Squeeze |
Short Straddle |
Short Strangle |
Short Stubs |
Short Term |
Short Term Interest Rate Futures |
Short Term Interest Rates - LIBOR |
Short Term Interest Rates (STIR) |
Short Term Investments |
Shortening Duration |
Shout Option |
Sieve Theory |
Sight Bill |
Sign Test |
Significance |
Significance Level |
Simple Basis |
Simple Integral Equations |
Simple Interest |
Simple Mean |
Simple Probability |
Simple Random Sampling |
Simple Yield To Maturity |
Simulation |
Simulation - Historical |
Simulation - Monte Carlo |
Simultaneous Equations |
Sin |
Single Barrier Option |
Single Currency - Euro |
Single Currency Basis Swaps |
Single Currency Swap |
Single Curve Building |
Single Index Futures |
Single Index Model |
Single Name - CDS |
Single Operator Theory |
Single Settlement |
Single Stock Equity Swaps |
Single Stock Futures (SSF) |
Single Stock Options |
Single Stock Swaps |
Singular Matrix |
Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) |
Singularities |
Singularity Theory |
Sinking Fund |
SIPP (Self Invested Personal Pension) |
SIV (Structured Investment Vehicle) |
Skew |
Skew - Negative |
Skew - Positive |
Skewed Distribution |
Skewness |
Slang - Cable in a Lady |
Slang - Carpet |
Slang - Dave Allen |
Slang - Desmond |
Slang - Rembrandt |
Slang - Ticket |
Slang - Yard |
Slippage Costs |
SLMA (Student Loan Marketing Association) |
SLN - Excel Function |
Slope |
Smartstream |
SME (Subject Matter Expert) |
SME Market |
SMF (Stock Market Functions) |
SMF Excel Add-in |
Smiles - Volatility |
Smooth Infinitesimal Analysis |
Smoothing |
Smoothing - Kernel |
SNB (Swiss National Bank) |
SNL Financial |
Snowballs |
SOFR (Secured Overnight Financing Rate) |
Soft Call Provision |
Soft Commodities |
Soft Currencies |
Softs - Futures |
Solace |
Solency Ratio |
Solicited Trade |
Solid Geometry |
Solver Add-in - Excel |
Solving Linear Equations |
Solving Simultaneous Equations |
SONIA (Sterling OverNight Index Average) |
Sovereign Bonds |
Sovereign Bonds - Native Currency |
Sovereign Bonds - Non Native Currency |
Sovereign Debt |
Sovereign Debt Crisis |
Sovereign Risk |
Soverign Bonds - National Governments |
SOX (Sarbanes Oxley Act) |
SP (Securitised Products) |
SPAN (Standard Portfolio Analysis of risk) |
Spatial Geometry |
SPE (Special Purpose Entity) |
Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient |
Spearman's Rho Coefficient |
Special Collateral |
Special Drawing Rights (SDR) |
Special Functions |
Special Purchase Vehicle (SPV) |
Special Purpose Entity (SPE) |
Specialist |
Specific Collateral |
Specific Risk |
Spectral Geometry |
Spectral Graph Theory |
Spectral Theory |
Speculation |
Speculative Dealing |
Speculators |
Spin Off - Corporate Action |
Splines |
Split |
Split Capital Trusts |
Spot |
Spot A Week |
Spot Commodity |
Spot Curves |
Spot Curves - Market |
Spot Curves - Theoretical |
Spot Deals |
Spot Delta |
Spot Exchange Rates |
Spot Foreign Exchange |
Spot Interest Rate |
Spot Ladder |
Spot Market |
Spot Martingale Measure |
Spot Next |
Spot Next - Interest Rates |
Spot Price |
Spot Rate Curve |
Spot Rate Yield Curve |
Spot Rates - LIBOR |
Spot Rates - Treasury |
Spot Volatilities |
Spot Yield Curve |
Spot Yields |
Spread |
Spread - Asset Swap |
Spread - BCDS |
Spread - Bid Ask |
Spread - Bonds |
Spread - Cross Market |
Spread - Fixed Coupons |
Spread - Interpolated |
Spread - Nominal |
Spread - Option Adjusted |
Spread - Risk Premium |
Spread - Swap |
Spread - Variable Coupons |
Spread - Z |
Spread - Zero Volatility |
Spread Betting |
Spread Duration |
Spread Measures |
Spread Measures - Option Adjusted |
Spread Measures - Zero Volatility |
Spread Options |
Spread over Treasury benchmark (TSY) |
Spread Pricing - Bonds |
Spread Rate |
Spread Trades |
Spread Transaction |
Spreadlock Swap |
Spreads - Calendar |
Spreads - Credit |
SPV (Special Purchase Vehicle) |
Square |
Square Root |
Square Root of 2 |
Square Root of 3 |
SSF (Single Stock Futures) |
SSI (Standing Settlement Instruction) |
Stable Distributions |
Stable Parentian Distributions |
Stag |
Stale Order |
Stamp Duty |
Standard & Poors Index |
Standard & Poors Ratings |
Standard American Options |
Standard Bank Loans |
Standard Brownian Motion (SBM) |
Standard Deviation |
Standard Deviation - Binomial Distribution |
Standard Deviation - Normal Distribution |
Standard Deviation - Poisson Distribution |
Standard Deviation - Population |
Standard Deviation - Sample |
Standard Error |
Standard Error of Estimate |
Standard Error of the Mean (STEM) |
Standard European Options |
Standard Normal Distribution |
Standard Normal Probability Distribution |
Standard Rate Cap |
Standard Rate Floor |
Standard Scores |
Standard Variable Rate (SVR) |
Standing Settlement Instruction (SSI) |
Stated Interest |
State-Price Approach |
Static Cash Flow Model |
Static Data |
Static Hedge |
Static Hedging |
Static vs Stochastic |
Statistic List |
Statistical Experiment |
Statistical Functions - Excel |
Statistical Hypothesis |
Statistical Hypothesis Testing |
Statistical Induction |
Statistical Probability Models |
Statistical Regression |
Statistics |
Steepener |
Steepener - Curve Strategy |
Steepeners - Range-Accruals |
STEM (Standard Error of the Mean) |
Stem and Leaf Plot |
Stemplot |
Step Up Swaps |
Step Ups |
Sterling - Currency |
Sterling Interest Rate Options |
Sterling Overnight Index Average (SONIA) |
STIBOR (Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate) |
Stieltjes Matrix |
Stimulus Sampling |
STIR (Short Term Interest Rates) |
STIR Futures |
Stochastic Alpha Beta Rho (SABR) |
Stochastic Calculus |
Stochastic Differential Equation (SDE) |
Stochastic Integration |
Stochastic Processes |
Stochastic Variable |
Stochastic Volatility |
Stochastic vs Static |
Stock |
Stock - Equity |
Stock Betas |
Stock Borrowing |
Stock Collateral |
Stock Dividend |
Stock Exchange Automated Quotation |
Stock Exchange Opening Times |
Stock Exchanges |
Stock Index |
Stock Index Futures |
Stock Index Options |
Stock Index Swaps |
Stock Indices |
Stock Lending |
Stock Market |
Stock Market Ratios |
Stock Offering Price |
Stock Option |
Stock Split |
Stockholm Interbank Offer Rate (STIBOR) |
Stocks |
Stop Loss Limits |
Stop Loss Orders |
Storage Costs |
Stoxx 50 |
Stoxx 600 |
Stoxx Europe 600 Index |
STP (Straight Through Processing) |
Straddle |
Straddle - Option |
Straddle vs Call |
Straddle vs Put |
Straight Bond |
Straight Line Interpolation |
Straight Through Processing (STP) |
Strangle |
Strangles |
Strap |
Strata |
Strategies - Alpha Neutral |
Strategies - Alternative |
Strategies - Global Macro |
Strategies - Long Only |
Strategies - Long Short |
Strategies - Market Neutral |
Stratified Sampling |
Street |
Street Price |
Stress - Historical |
Stress - Parametric |
Stress - Topical |
Stress Testing |
Stressed Debt |
Stressed Value at Risk (SVAR) |
Strike Calls |
Strike Price |
Strike Puts |
Strike Rate |
String Path Dependence |
Strip Prices |
Stripped Bonds |
Strong Law of Large Numbers |
Strong Markov Property |
Structured Credit Products |
Structured Interest Rate Derivatives |
Structured Investment Vehicle (SIV) |
Structured Notes |
Structured Products |
Structured Rates |
Structurers |
Stub Periods |
Stubs |
Stubs - Long |
Stubs - Short |
Student Loan Marketing Association) |
Student Loans |
Students T Distribution |
Students T-Test |
Style Analysis |
Sub-Asset Class |
Subinvestment Grade |
Subordinate Debt |
Subprime Lending |
Subprime Loans |
Subprime Mortagages |
Subset |
Substitution |
Subtraction - Maths |
Subtraction Facts |
Subtraction Rule |
Sum of Squares |
Sum Rule - Differentation |
Sum Vector |
Sungard |
SuperDerivatives |
Superdot |
Supernational Bonds |
Supply and Demand |
Supremum |
Surfaces |
Survival Based Valuation |
SVAR (Stressed Value at Risk) |
SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) |
SVR (Standard Variable Rate) |
Swap |
Swap - Basis Default |
Swap - Basket Default |
Swap - Extendable |
Swap Curve |
Swap Curve - Euro |
Swap Curve - LIBOR |
Swap Data Repositories (SDR) |
Swap Deposits |
Swap Execution Facility (SEF) |
Swap Hedging |
Swap Legs - Fixed |
Swap Legs - Floating |
Swap Pricing |
Swap Rate |
Swap Rate - Equilibrium |
Swap Spread |
Swap Spread - Par Par |
Swap Spread Wideners |
Swap Valuation |
Swapclear |
Swaplet |
Swaps |
Swaps - Accreting |
Swaps - Amortizing |
Swaps - Basis |
Swaps - Callable |
Swaps - Cash Flow Exchange |
Swaps - Commodities |
Swaps - Constant Maturity |
Swaps - Correlation |
Swaps - Corridor |
Swaps - Coupon Swap |
Swaps - Crack Basis |
Swaps - Cross Currency |
Swaps - Cross Currency Basis |
Swaps - Currency |
Swaps - Currency Basis |
Swaps - Deferred |
Swaps - Deferred Start |
Swaps - Delayed Start |
Swaps - Discount Curve |
Swaps - Embedded Options |
Swaps - Equity |
Swaps - Extendible |
Swaps - Fixed Price |
Swaps - Forward |
Swaps - Forward Forward |
Swaps - Forward Starting |
Swaps - FX |
Swaps - Index |
Swaps - Interest Rate |
Swaps - Libor in Arrears |
Swaps - Locational Basis |
Swaps - Off Market |
Swaps - Overnight Indexed |
Swaps - Pricing Curve |
Swaps - Puttable |
Swaps - Questions |
Swaps - Roller Coaster |
Swaps - Spot Starting |
Swaps - Total Returns |
Swaps - Variance |
Swaps - Volatility |
SwapsWire |
Swaptions |
Swaptions - Amortising |
Swaptions - European |
SWF (Soverign Wealth Fund) |
SWIFT Transfer |
Swing Option |
Swiss National Bank (SNB) |
Switch |
Switch Trade |
SX5E - Euro Stoxx 50 Index |
SX7E - Euro Stoxx Banks Index |
SYD - Excel Function |
Symbolic Languages |
Symmetric Matrix |
Symmetric Rule |
Symmetric Spaces |
Syndicate |
Syndicated Bonds |
Syndicated Facilities |
Syndicated Loans |
Synthetic Asset Backed Securities (SABS) |
Synthetic Assets |
Synthetic Bond |
Synthetic CDO |
Synthetic Collateralized Debt Obligations |
Synthetic Convertible Notes |
Synthetic Floating Rate Note |
Synthetic Forward |
Synthetic Inflation Linked Bonds |
Synthetic Long |
Synthetic Option |
Synthetic Short |
Synthetic Swaps |
System of Linear Equations |
System Repo |
System Risk |
Systematic Curve Trading |
Systematic Risk |
Systematic Sampling |
Systematic Traders |
Systemic Risk |
Systems - Bloomberg |
Systems - Capital IQ |
Systems - Charles River |
Systems - InvestOne |
Systems - LoanIQ |
Systems - Mathematica |
Systems - Matlab |
Systems - Misys |
Systems - NAG C Libraries |
Systems - NMath |
Systems - Processing |
Systems - Quantifier |
Systems - Reuters |
Systems - Risk |
Systems - RiskMetrics |
Systems - RogueWave |
Systems - SmartStream |
Systems - Sungard |
Systems - Thomson |
Systems - Tibco |
Systems - TLM |
Systems - Trading |
Systems and Operations Risk |
Systems of Linear Equations |