Fields Collection

Properties and Methods

AttributesPropertySets or returns the attributes of the field
NamePropertySets or returns the name of the field
Numeric ScalePropertyadjusts the scale of the field (only applicable on field types asNumeric & adSmallInt)
PrecisionPropertyadjusts the precision of the field (only applicable on field types asNumeric & adSmallInt)
AppendChunkMethodAppends long binary
OriginalValuePropertyReturns the original value in the field
UnderlyingValuePropertyReturns the current value of the field
ActualSizePropertyReturns the actual length of a fields value
DefinedSizePropertyReturns the defined size of the field
StatusPropertyReturns the status of the field
TypePropertySets ot returns the type of the field
ValuePropertySets or returns the value of the field
GetChunkMethodReturns all or part of the contents of a large text or binary data field

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