The command object is used to execute a single query against the database.
The query can perform actions like creating, adding, retrieving, deleting or updating records.
When data is retrieved it is returned as a Recordset object
Using the Command object also gives you the ability to pass parameters to your query.
Creating a Command
dbADOCommand = New ADODB.Command
Note: You must use the command.execute method to substitute the parameters for the "?" placeholders
Command.Execute [ RecordsAffected ] [, Parameters ] [, Options]
RecordsAffected -
Parameters -
Options -
Command.CreateParameter [Name] [,Type][, Direction][, Size][, Value]
Name - Name of the parameter
Type - The data type of the parameter. If you choose a variable length data type you must provide a size in the size parameter. The default is adEmpty
Direction -
Size - Only necessary if the datatype is variable length
Value -
Command.Parameters.Append [ ..............]
Connection Properties and Methods
Name | Type | Description |
CommandText | Property | Sets or returns a provider command |
CommandType | Property | Sets or returns the type of the command object |
Cancel | Method | Cancels an execution of a method |
ActiveConnection | Property | Sets or returns the definition for a connection |
CommandTimeOut | Property | Sets or returns the number of seconds to wait while attempting to execute the command |
Prepared | Property | Sets or returns |
Execute | Method | Executes the query, SQL statement or procedure in the CommandText property |
CreateParameter | Method | Creates a new Parameter object. This is not automatically added to the parameters collection and must be done seperately using the Parameters.Append property |
Name | Property | Sets or returns the name of the command object |
State | Property | Returns a value indicating if the command is open, closed, connecting, executing or retrieving |
Note: If you specify an adDecimal or adNumeric data type you will also have to set the NumericScale and Precision properties of the Parameter object
Command Type | adCmdUnknown (8) |
adCmdText (1) - source is an SQL statement | |
adCmdTable (default) (2) - source is a table name (analgous to a DAO dynaset record) | |
adCmdTableDirect (512) - source is a table name (analygous to a DAO dbpentable recordset | |
adCmdStoredProc (4) - source is a stored procedure or function (analgous to a DAO dynaset on a sorted query) | |
adCmdFile (256) - source is a name of a file that has persisted | |
adExecuteNoRecords - source is a command or stored procedure that does not return rows | |
?? | adSyncConnect |
adSyncExecute | |
adSyncFetch | |
adSyncFetchNonBlocking |
Example - Executing a SQL Statement
When returning a single value from a SQL statement use the To_Char() function to ensure that you return a string
Public dbADOConnect as ADODB.Connection
Public dbADOCommand as ADODB.Command
Public dbADORecordset as ADODB.Recordset
Public sSQLQuery as String
Public sConnectionStr as String
sConnectionStr = "------------------------"
Set dbADOConnect = New ADODB.Connection
dbADOConnect.Open sConnectionStr, sUserID, sPassword, adConnectUnspecified
dbADOConnect.CursorLocation = ADODB.adUseClient
Set dbADOCommand = New ADODB.Command
sSQLQuery = "-------------------------"
dbADOCommand.CommandText = sSQLQuery
dbADOCommand.CommandType = ADODB.dbCmdText
Set dbADORecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
Set dbADORecordSet = dbADOCommand.Execute
Set dbADOCommand = Nothing
Set dbADORecordset = Nothing
Set dbADOConnect = Nothing
Example - A Dynamic Cursor batching any changes to the Recordset)
dbADORecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
dbADORecordSet.Open dbADOCommand, _
dbADOConnection, _
adOpenDymanic, _
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