COUPDAYS(settlement, maturity, frequency [,basis])

Returns the number of days between the coupon dates on either side of the settlement date.

settlementThe settlement date of the security.
maturityThe maturity date of the security.
frequencyThe number of coupon payments in a year:
1 = annual
2 = semi annual
4 = quarterly
basis(Optional) The type of day counting to use:
0 = 30/360 (default)
1 = Actual/Actual
2 = Actual/360
3 = Actual/365
4 = 30E/360

* The "settlement" is the date a buyer purchases a coupon, such as a bond.
* The "maturity" is the date when the security expires.
* Dates must be entered as text strings within quotation marks or as serial numbers.
* If "settlement" >= "maturity", then #NUM! is returned.
* If "settlement" is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If "settlement" is not a valid date, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "maturity" is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If "maturity" is not a valid date, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "maturity" has passed, then #VALUE! is returned.
* If "frequency" is not an integer, it is truncated.
* If "frequency" is any number other than 1, 2 or 4, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "basis" is left blank, then 0 is used.
* If "basis" is not an integer, then it is truncated.
* If "basis" < 0, then #NUM! is returned.
* If "basis" > 4, then #NUM! is returned.
* You can use the COUPDAYBS function to return the number of days between the previous coupon date and the settlement date.
* You can use the COUPDAYSNC function to return the number of days between the settlement date and the next coupon date.
* You can use the COUPNCD function to return the next coupon date after the settlement date.
* You can use the COUPNUM function to return the number of coupons between the settlement date and the maturity date.
* You can use the COUPPCD function to return the previous coupon date before the settlement date.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to
* For the Google documentation refer to

1=COUPDAYS("6 Jan 2011", "31 Dec 2012", 2, 0) = 180
2=COUPDAYS("25/1/2007", "15/11/2008", 2, 1) = 181
3=COUPDAYS("1/25/1998", "11/15/1999", 2, 1) = #VALUE!

1 - How many days are there between the previous coupon date and the next coupon date if you purchase a bond on 6 Jan 2011 that matures on 31 Dec 2012. Assuming coupons are paid semi-annually and the day count is 30/360.

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