Shortcut Keys

This is a list of all the shortcut keys related to page layout.

Ctrl+Alt+Shift+CChanges a Python plot from an image object to linked floating plot.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F9Resets the Python runtime. May help resolve #BUSY! or #CONNECT! errors.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F2Launch the Python in Excel code editor task pane.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+MToggles Python formula results between Python objects and Excel values.
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+PLike =PY, enables Python formulas in the current cell.
Ctrl+EnterCommits Python formulas in a Python cell.
Ctrl+F2Toggles between edit mode in the cell and the formula bar.
Ctrl+Shift+F5When a cell contains a card icon, additional data is available inside card. Ctrl+Shift+F5 opens the card to display the additional data.
Ctrl+Shift+UExpands or collapses the Excel formula bar to view more or fewer lines of code.
F2Toggles between Enter mode and Edit mode in a Python cell. Edit mode allows you edit the Python formula, and Enter mode allows you to select additional cells or ranges with your keyboard.
Changes a Python plot from an image object to linked floating plot.
Resets the Python runtime. May help resolve #BUSY! or #CONNECT! errors.
Launch the Python in Excel code editor task pane.
Toggles Python formula results between Python objects and Excel values.
Like =PY, enables Python formulas in the current cell.
Commits Python formulas in a Python cell.
Toggles between edit mode in the cell and the formula bar.
When a cell contains a card icon, additional data is available inside card. Ctrl+Shift+F5 opens the card to display the additional data.
Expands or collapses the Excel formula bar to view more or fewer lines of code.
Toggles between Enter mode and Edit mode in a Python cell. Edit mode allows you edit the Python formula, and Enter mode allows you to select additional cells or ranges with your keyboard.

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