4tops.com | (The Netherlands) Mark Uildriks, Add-ons for MS Access, notably mail merge to Word, Excel, PDF and email, and importing from Excel. (also has codevba.com) |
ablebits.com | (Belarus) Time-saving tools for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. Merge and combine tables, split data and look for duplicates, add and remove text, sum by color, and much more. (also has add-in-express.com) |
accessanalytic.com.au | (Australia) Jeff Robson, Access Analytic is a leading provider of amazing Power BI and Excel solutions that enable companies to grow faster, reduce costs and reduce risk. |
add-ins.com | (USA) A large number of Excel add-ins that will save you time and make Microsoft Excel easier to use. |
addbalance.com | (USA) (Word) Charles Kenyon, Contains all the content from the Microsoft Word Legal User's Guide published in 2003. |
addins4outlook.com | (Fiji) Powerful Easy-to-Use Business and Efficiency Tools that work inside Outlook. |
analyse-it.com | (USA) Analyse-it is the leading software package for in-depth statistical analysis, exploration and modelling in Microsoft Excel. Includes ANOVA, regression, PCA, MSA, SPC and much more. Free 30-day trial. |
analysisplace.com | (USA) Andrew Hall, Provides an add-in called Excel-to-Word Automation. This add-in updates/creates Word and PowerPoint content (text, tables, and charts) based on Excel data and calculations. AnalysisPlace also offers advanced APIs that dramatically simplify template-based document automation. |
analysistabs.com | (India) Praveen N Rao, Tools and add-ins for analyzing the data and building innovative dashboards. (also has excelx.com) |
analystcave.com | (Poland) Tom K, Analyst Cave, Learning Excel VBA and Advanced Excel tips. VBA Cheatsheets, AddIns and Tools. |
analyticsedge.com | (Canada) Mike Sullivan, Simple automation add-ins for Excel with connectors for popular services like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads and more. |
andrewsexceltips.net | (Japan) Andrew Engwirda, Beginner and Intermediate Excel tips. (also has andrewexcel.blogspot.com). Last updated 2017. |
andypope.info | (England) Andy Pope, Very useful resource of unique solutions to problems using Excel. |
appsdowonders.com | (USA) ChatGPT for Excel, An AI-powered add-in that can help you automate tasks, gain valuable insights, and save time. Includes the functions AI.ASK and AI.LIST. |
arixcel.com | (Wales) Anna Arianova, Provides an add-in called Arixcel Explorer used for exploring formula logic. |
asap-utilities.com | (The Netherlands) Bastien Mensink, ASAP Utilities, Great website providing a Free time saving excel add-in. (also has amustineveryoffice.com) |
ashishmathur.com | (India) Ashish Mathur, Excel Enthusiasts, Lots of examples of work in Excel. Feel free to visit his website and post your questions. |
atlaspm.com | (USA) Tom Urtis, Atlas Programming Management is a business solutions consultancy specializing in Microsoft Office, particularly Excel. |
auditexcel.co.za | (South Africa) Adrian Miric, Customised MS Excel training based on skill level and job needs, and MS Excel consulting in financial decision modelling and management reporting. |
automateexcel.com | (USA) Steve Rynearson, Provides an add-in called AutoMacro for the Visual Basic Editor, code library and code snippets. |
baycongroup.com | (USA) (Word) Free online tutorials for learning Microsoft Word. |
bernardvukas.com | (USA) Bernard Vukus, Great Blog about Office Add-in Development and Productivity. |
bluepecantraining.com | (England) Chester Tugwell, Excel training, courses and tutorials. |
bradedgar.com | (Canada) Brad Edgar, Excel blog about Excel and dashboards. |
brandquantum.com | (South Africa) Paula Sartini, Create consistently branded documents, PowerPoint presentations and Excel reports and ensures the brand remains relevant as it evolves. |
breezetree.com | (USA) Nicholas Hebb, Provides an add-in called Spreadspeed to improve your productivity with Excel and reduce spreadsheet errors. |
buffalo7.co.uk | (England) Complete presentation creation service. Transform ordinary presentations into engaging, inspiring experiences. |
cdata.com | (USA) Download the CData Excel Connectors and build custom dashboards & reports with live data from anywhere. Use Excel to read, write, and update live data from 200+ Enterprise data sources. |
chandoo.org | (India) Purna Duggirala, Learn and share excel tips, charting tutorials, visualization ideas, downloadable excel tutorials. It has a great blog and 300+ tutorials, examples and downloadable workbooks for you. |
chem4word.co.uk | (England) (Word) Dr Joe Townsend, Provides an add-in called Chem4Word for rendering chemical structures in Word. |
codetwo.com | (Poland) Michal & Jarek Bednarz, Email Signatures and Disclaimer software for Office 365. |
computergaga.com | (England) Alan Murray, Providing online training courses, Excel tips and tutorials for beginners and advanced users. |
contextures.com | (Canada) Debra Dalgleish, Contextures designs and supports customised Microsoft Office applications, using Excel, Access and Word. Contextures website features Excel tips and tutorials. |
corporatefinanceinstitute.com | (Canada) Become a financial analyst and learn financial modeling with CFI's online courses and certification. The CFI Financial Modeling Competition is an annual modeling competition that attracts finance professionals and students. Started in 2018. (also has financialmodeling.org) |
cpearson.com | (USA) Chip Pearson, Custom application design and development for Excel. |
cufp.org | (USA) The Commercial Users of Functional Programming workshop is a place where people can see how others are using functional programming to solve real world problems and where practitioners meet and collaborate. Functional Development in Excel |
datacontrolllc.com | (USA) Jack Jaeger, Microsoft Access Programmers. We work remotely throughout the world with clients including US Air Force, Pepsi, US Food & Drug Administration and Bank of America. |
datascienceprograms.org | (USA) A comprehensive database of degree programs and career opportunities in the STEM industry. Data Science Programs specializes in helping students find careers in some of the biggest organizations in the future. |
davton.co.uk | (England) David Tongeman, Integrate your SAAS application with Outlook and Office 365. |
decisionmodels.com | (England) Charles Williams, Provides an add-in called FastExcel as well as Consultancy and Modelling Services. |
definely.com | (England) Nnamdi and Feargus, Create, draft and review legal documents in one place, with one tool. |
deskbright.com | (USA) Sam McIntire, Offers a Free 5-day course for learning tricks that can save you hours every day. |
developer.microsoft.com | (USA) Official Microsoft Resource for development using VS Code, GitHub and .NET. |
devtut.github.io | (USA) A public github repository for learning VBA. |
dhexcel1.wordpress.com | (USA) David Hager, Excel For You blog, Creating powerful and innovative solutions within Excel using world-class formulas, efficient VBA, and Power Pivot. |
digdb.com | (USA) Excel tips and add-ins for power users. Last updated 2007. |
discoverdatascience.org | (USA) The most comprehensive listings of data science and related degree programs available. Guides cover Associates, Bachelors, Masters, PhD, Bootcamps and Certificate programs. The site also has extensive student resources helping with prep for internships, job hunting, finding scholarships and more. The content is curated by expert data scientists as well as university professors. |
dmcritchie.mvps.org | (USA) David McRitchie, My Excel Pages, Macro solutions as building blocks with usage notes to help both beginners and advanced users. Documentation Aids, Backup and Recovery, Colour Palette, Conditional Formatting, Event Macros, Response Time Considerations, Generating HTML. |
earnandexcel.com | (England) Sohail Anwar, Great courses on Excel, Data Analysis, Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing. (also had excelonlinesummit.com) |
easy-excel.com | (Sweden) Audun Danielson, Lots of easy to learn techniques with an emphasis on solving problems without using too many array formulas or VBA. |
edbodmer.com | (USA) Edward Bodmer, Provides free access to a wide range of modelling resources and tools. |
efficiency365.com | (India) Nitin Paranjape, Less effort, More impact. Maximing Office 365 adoption and Return On Investment. |
empowersuite.com | (Germany) Provides a suite of add-ins across Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook to make working with Office easier, more efficient and brand compliant. (also has made-in-office.com) |
encyclopedia-excel.com | (USA) Drew Koontz, Excel, VBA, statistics, and everything in-between. |
erlandsendata.no | (Norway) Ole P. Erlandsen, Erlandsen Data Consulting, Excel, VBA Tips, Examples and Downloads. Excel/Office Consultancy and Solution Development. Free Excel workbook password recovery tool. |
eusprig.org | (England) European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group, EuSpRIG is an interest group of academia and industry promoting research regarding the extent and nature of spreadsheet risks, methods of prevention and detection of errors and methods of limiting damage. They have an annual conference which shares experience with a broad range of researchers, practitioners and recognised leaders in the field of spreadsheet research. |
excel4business.com | (England) Ed Bolton, Provides Excel automation to help you build better spreadsheets. |
excelandaccess.com | (USA) Christopher Fennell, Excel and Access Consulting, Programming and Training services to Business Organizations, Government Agencies, and Education Institutions (B2B and B2C). |
excelatfinance.com | (Australia) Ian O'Connor, Lecturer in the Department of Finance at the University of Melbourne. Financial modelling, quantitative finance, banking and risk management. |
excelatwork.co.nz | (New Zealand) Sharyn Baines, Auckland based training provider offering onsite training courses and consultancy services. |
excelcalcs.com | (England) John Doyle, Making and sharing engineering calculations with Excel. (also has excelwraps.com) |
excelcampus.com | (USA) Jon Acampora, Excellent Excel blog. Also includes some very useful Excel add-ins. |
excelchamp.net | (Singapore) Vinai Prakash, Excel Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts to save you time and become a True ExcelChamp. |
excelchamps.com | (India) Puneet Gogia, Free E-Books to help you get better at Excel. |
excelcharts.com | (Portugal) Jorge Camoes, Blog focusing on Excel charts. |
excelconsultant.co.uk | (England) Peter Clayton, Provides general business consultancy alongside Excel, Word and PowerPoint (also has wordconsultant.co.uk and powerpointconsultant.co.uk) |
excelcontabilidadytic.com | (Spain) Yolanda Cuesta, Articles and videos about Excel and Microsoft BI tools. This website is in Spainish. |
exceldashboardschool.com | (Hungary) Istvan Vozar, Free Excel dashboard templates for project management and sales tracking (previously excelkid.com) |
exceldatapro.com | (India) Fahim Lashkaria, Free Excel templates for accounting and financial statements. Also has a blog. |
exceldemy.com | (India) Kawser Ahmed, Providing tips, how to guide and also provide Excel solutions to your business problems. |
excel-dictionary.com | (USA) Emma Chieppor, Provides online Excel courses, templates, guides and merchandise and has a large social media following. |
excel-dna.net | (South Africa) Govert van Drimmelen, Independent project to integrate .NET into Excel. With Excel-DNA you can make native (.xll) add-ins for Excel using C#, Visual Basic.NET or F#, providing high-performance user-defined functions (UDFs), custom ribbon interfaces. |
exceldome.com | (USA) Alex Karapetian, Comprehensive list of Excel tutorials and VBA code snippets. |
excel-easy.com | (The Netherlands) Niels Weterings, Excel Easy is a clean looking site with over 300 useful articles for Excel and VBA. (also has excel-vba-easy.com) |
exceleratorbi.com.au | (Australia) Matt Allington, Industry leading Power BI training, coaching and consulting. |
exceleverest.com | (USA) Sean Duffy, Corporate Excel training all based in a single Excel workbook. Great video. |
excelexciting.com | (Saudi Arabia) Faraz Shaikh, Includes a blog with articles on Excel formulas as well as some VBA. |
excelfind.com | (Germany) Marco Seidler, Lots of tutorials to help you get the most out of Excel. |
excelforfreelancers.com | (Vietnam) Randy Austin, Skyrocketing business productivity through custom Excel solutions. (also has excel-4-business.com) |
excelforum.com | (USA) Joseph Rubin, Excel Forum, Free Excel tips, tutorials and help. (also has exceltip.com) |
excelfunctions.net | (New Zealand) Rod Gill, Great website with lots of VBA tutorials and code. |
excelguru.ca | (Canada) Ken Puls, A focus on automation of Excel and using it with other Office applications. |
excelhelp.com | (USA) Custom MS Excel and Database Solutions for Business (also has eswcompany.com) |
exceljet.net | (USA) David and Lisa Bruns, Learn Excel with clear examples and bite-sized videos. |
excelmacromastery.com | (Vietnam) Paul Kelly, Excel and VBA blog, YouTube Channel and courses. (also has theexcelvbahandbook.com) |
excelmaven.com | (USA) Chris Dutton, Self-paced online courses, on-site group training and project-based consulting (also has mavenanalytics.io) |
excelnerds.com | (USA) Jimmy Nissen, Site dedicated to teaching Excel and how to use it more efficiently. |
exceloffthegrid.com | (England) Mark Proctor, Excel and VBA blog with consultancy. |
excel-pratique.com | (Switzerland) Sebastien Mathier, Excel and VBA courses as well as examples on Excel functions. (also has blog-excel.com) |
excelpricefeed.com | (England) Live market data in your Excel spreadsheet. Excel Price Feed is an Add-in which includes 100+ new Excel formulas for live, historical and fundamental market data. |
excelrescue.net | (New Zealand) Shane Redlick, Excel Rescue is a done-for-you small tasks service for Microsoft Excel. Get one-on-one access to an experienced developer, who's ready to help. |
excelsupersite.com | (Australia) Brian Krisanski, Practical, down to earth, tips, tricks and advice for Excel users. |
exceltrick.com | (India) Supriya Kyatham and Ankit Kaul, Excel blog with lots of useful information. Last updated 2017. |
excel.tv | (USA) Rick Grantham and Jordan Goldmeier, Interviews with experts, exclusive tips, courses, training and career coaching. (also had optionexplicitvba.com) |
excel-university.com | (USA) Jeff Lenning, Excel blog with training courses. Have fun while learning Excel and discover how it can help you get your work done faster. |
excelunplugged.com | (Slovenia) Gasper Kamensek (website is not secure) (also has excelolympics.com) |
exceluser.com | (USA) Charley Kyd, The online resource for business users of Microsoft Excel. This site provides a range of articles, spreadsheets and tips. |
excel-vba.com | (Canada) Peter, Great online tutorial on how to use VBA with Excel. |
excelwithgrant.com | (USA) Grant Smith, Provides online Excel courses, including dashboards and reports. Also has a large social media following. |
expertofficedocuments.co.uk | (England) Melanie Francis, Expertise with Excel, Word and PowerPoint templates. |
extendoffice.com | (China) KuTools, Provides an add-in called Kutools that frees you from performing time-consuming operations in Excel. (also has addintools.com) |
f1f9.com | (England) Specialist provider of financial modelling, training and risk management. |
farizat-tips-for-all.com | (USA) Farizat Tabora, Provides online Excel courses and training and has a large social media following. |
fastlaneppt.com | (Portugal) Provides an add-in called FastLane for PowerPoint to help you create great PowerPoint presentations, within company standards and save time for high value-added tasks. |
financialmodellingpodcast.com | (South Africa) Matthew Bernath, This podcast aims to demystify financial modelling with practical insight and expert guidance from the world's leading financial modelers. |
florencesoft.com | (USA) Provides an add-in called DiffEngineX that finds the differences between the formulae, constants, defined names, cell comments and Visual Basic VBA code contained in either two whole Excel workbooks or selected worksheets. |
fmworldcup.com | (Global) The Financial Modeling World Cup is a monthly financial modelling competition that attracts finance professionals and students. Started in 2012. (previously modeloff.com) |
formuladesk.com | (New Zealand) Gareth Hayter, FormulaDesk's professional add-ins are created for engineers and financial analysts, with unique math, auditing, navigation and workbook exploration features as well as other productivity boosters not found anywhere else. |
fullstackmodeller.com | (Global) Kenny Whitelaw-Jones, Myles Arnott and Giles Male, An online learning and membership community for finance professionals who are ready to embrace the future. Master the full stack of financial modelling skills and technologies through interactive practical training. |
functionx.com | (USA) Function X, Tutorials and examples on how to use Excel and experiment with it. |
github.com | (USA) Online version control and collaboration platform for software developers. |
globalexcelsummit.com | (England) A Three Day Online Excel Conference taking place at the beginning of February every year. |
gmayor.com | (Cyprus) (Word) An excellent resource for Microsoft Word with a huge amount of useful information. |
got-it.ai | (USA) Get instant expert help with Excel and Google Sheets. |
gregmaxey.com | (USA) (Word) Greg Maxey, Microsoft Word tips and tricks with a lot of useful information. |
gridlines.com | (England) Danny Leitch, Financial modelling and advisory practice. Offering valuations, due diligence, training and courses. |
guru99.com | (India) Krishna Rungta, Tutorials that cover in-depth lessons on how to use various Excel formulas, Tables and Charts for managing small to large scale business process. |
hotdocs.com | (USA) Document automation software for professionals. |
howtoexcel.org | (Canada) John MacDougall, An Excel blog, Free newsletter as well as courses and books. |
indzara.com | (USA) Dinesh Natarajan Mohan, Provides 90+ free and premium high-quality Excel templates covering Small Business Management, HR, Project Management, Data Visualization & Calendars. Free video tutorials and email support. Instant Downloads. Immediate Benefits. Save time and money. |
informationactive.com | (Canada) John West, Powerful time saving data management and analysis tools for Excel and SQL databases. |
intelligentediting.com | (England) Daniel Heuman, Provides an add-in called PerfectIt to help professional editors check their Word documents for consistency mistakes. |
jht.co.uk | (England) Jonathan Tuppeny, Providing software development and consultancy services for Access databases and spreadsheets. |
jkp-ads.com | (The Netherlands) Jan Karel Pieterse, JKP Application Development Services, Providing Microsoft Office application development including the very popular Name Manager utility to help you work with named ranges. This website is in Dutch as well as English. |
kutana-brochet.co.uk/ | (England) Smart workflow automation software to digitise your office. Word and PowerPoint template expertise. |
launchexcel.com | (England) Victor Chan, Lots of videos for mastering Excel and VBA. |
learn.microsoft.com | (USA) Official Microsoft Resource for all the latest Microsoft Office developer documentation and training for Office Add-ins. |
macabacus.com | (New York) Provides a suite of add-ins across Excel, Word and PowerPoint that will improve productivity for finance and other professionals. (owned by corporatefinanceinstitute.com) |
macexcel.com | (The Netherlands) Ron de Bruin, Website dedicated to Excel on the Mac. |
macrobond.com | (Sweden) Tomas Liljeborg, Provides an add-in that provides macroeconomic and financial database with integrated analytics. |
maryville.edu | (USA) Learn the ins, outs, uses, and how-tos of Data Science with Marville University Online's Careers guide. |
masterofficevba.com | (United Arab Emirates) Sole Bode, Transform that Office chaos into seamless productivity and efficiency. |
mastersindatascience.org | (USA) The Life of a Data Scientist, Includes information about academic curricula, admissions requirements, and career prospects for becoming a data scientist. It also includes a set of typical responsibilities, jobs and salaries that are offered to data scientist. |
mathsfiles.com | (England) Mike Hadden, Free Excel based educational resources for maths teachers and students, Excel training and consultancy, demos and links. |
mediasterling.com | (England) (PowerPoint) Microsoft Office Software for Financial, Legal and Professional Services. |
meetup.com | (USA) Meet and connect with like-minded people and organise events. |
microsoft.com | (USA) Access the Microsoft Q&A for technical questions around the different programming languages and applications. |
miss-excel.com | (USA) Kat Norton, Very successful Instagram account under the name "miss excel". Teaches Microsoft Excel features using short music videos. |
modano.com | (Australia) Michael Hutchens, Financial Modelling Automation Software for Excel that helps you build and maintain your Excel models. (also has bpmglobal.com and ssrb.org) |
mrexcel.com | (USA) Bill Jelen, Weekly tips, videos and solutions for Microsoft Excel. Author of 60 books plus 80 guest appearances on TV. (also has officearticles.com) |
mswordpowerpointexpert.com | (USA) Michelle Howell, Expert MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Custom MS Office Templates, Web Development and Graphic Design. |
myexcelacademy.com | (Canada) Kyle Stott, Offers Excel courses and consultancy. Instagram account under the name "msexcelacademy". (also has excelerateconsultants.com) |
myexcelonline.com | (Spain) John Michaloudis and Bryan Hong. Advance your Excel level and professional development with an Excel blog, webinar, courses and books. |
myofficetricks.com | (USA) Sandra Clerk, Dedicated website and blog to sharing Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint tutorials. |
myonlinetraininghub.com | (Australia) Phil and Mynda Treacy. Excel blog with articles on Functions and some great add-ins. |
myspreadsheetlab.com | (Canada) Kevin Lehrbass, Excel tips, videos, training, coaching and a blog. (also had excelxor.com) |
mztools.com | (Spain) Carlos Quintero, Provides an add-in for the Visual Basic Editor and Visual Studio providing you with useful productivity tools. |
navigatorutilities.com | (Australia) Mark Robinson, Navigator Utilities will save you heaps of time and frustration in finding your way around and auditing large (and small) Excel workbooks. |
oaltd.co.uk | (England) Stephen Bullen, Office Automation, Specialising in Excel and Access development. (also has officeaddins.co.uk) |
officeatwork.com | (Switzerland) Martin Seifert, Be more impactful at work with the help of simple and smart apps for Microsoft 365. |
officemastery.com | (Australia) Jason Morrell, Has a blog, several courses and an academy covering Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Publisher. |
officeopenxml.com | (USA) A reference for SpreadsheetML (xlsx), WordprocessingML (docx), PresentationML (pptx) and DrawingML. |
officetemplates.co.uk | (England) David Price, custom templates and documents for Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint. (also has abilitysoftware.co.uk) |
officetuts.net | (Poland) Tomasz Decker, Great tutorials to teach you the basic and advanced features of Excel including 200+ interview questions and answers. |
office-watch.com | (Australia) Peter Deegan, Maryjane Pureza, Your independent source of Microsoft Office news, tips and advice since 1996. |
onlyexcel.com | (Scotland) Nic Clark, Expertise to automate the tedious task of manually inputting and interpreting data in Excel so that you can improve your ROI, decrease the risk of human error and most importantly: gain back your time. |
operisanalysiskit.com | (England) Reduce the risk of error when developing and reviewing complex spreadsheets. |
ozdusoleil.com | (USA) Oz Du Soleil, Excel developer, blogger, trainer and Excel MVP. Has a great YouTube channel. (also has datascopic.net) |
ozgrid.com | (Australia) Raina Hawley, OzGrid Business Applications, Professional Microsoft Excel consultant offering services in all aspects of Excel and VBA. Templates, add-ins, training, business software and a Free Excel Forum. |
p3adaptive.com | (USA) Rob Collie, Leading Consultants on Power BI and the Microsoft Data Platform. (previously powerpivotpro.com) |
pdfexcelconverter.com | (India) James Robertson. A powerful batch Excel to PDF converter software tool converts Excel XLSX, XLS and more formats to PDF files in bulk, exports each worksheet in the Excel file to a separate PDF, or merges all Excel workbooks and files into one single PDF. |
peltiertech.com | (USA) Jon Peltier, Peltier Technical Services, Providing innovative solutions to data presentation and interactivity issues. This site contains instructions for making charts in Excel, ranging from easy to advanced, including standard and enhanced charts. |
perfectxl.com | (The Netherlands) Felienne Hermans, Trying to reduce risks, improve understanding and increase productivity for people who work with Excel on a daily basis. |
pitchly.com | (USA) Ryan Gerhardy, An online data enablement platform to help you with PowerPoint pitch deck templates and tombstone creation. |
planatechsolutions.com | (England) Bruce Belson, Home of XLL Plus, a toolkit that provides development tools and C++ class libraries that make it easy to generate Excel Add-in functions from your C and C++ code. |
plumsolutions.com.au | (Australia) Danielle Stein Fairhurst, Training courses in financial modelling, budgeting and analysis are aimed at business professionals seeking to improve their analytical skill set using Microsoft Excel. |
powerspreadsheets.com | (Canada) Jorge Gomez, Become an Excel power user. Work faster, save time and advance your career. |
powerusersoftwares.com | (France) Olivier de Saint Louvent, Power User is a powerful add-in to save hours on Excel and PowerPoint. Quickly format numbers and currencies, clean formulas, find and unmerge cells, remove empty cells in a range to "stack" cells up and even create beautiful Mekko charts. PowerPoint functionality includes a rich library of templates, icons, diagrams and advanced charts. |
pptalchemy.co.uk | (England) (PowerPoint) John Wilson, MVP specializing in Microsoft PowerPoint presentation authoring, makeovers and custom vba code. |
pptpowertools.com | (Canada) (PowerPoint) Luca Pallotta, A productivity add-in to help with slide creation and editing. (also has lucapallotta.com) |
pptproductivity.com | (Australia) (PowerPoint) Scott Jendra, Add 100+ functions, 70 shortcut keys and a gallery of 2000 slides, common shapes, maps, and flags to PowerPoint to boost productivity and easily create professional presentations. |
presented.co.uk | (England) The Design Agency that brings PowerPoint to Life. Bespoke PowerPoint design for inspiring on-target communications. |
presentationsolutions.co.uk | (England) Everything you need to Create, Compare and Repair Word documents and PowerPoint presentations. |
professor-excel.com | (Germany) Henrik Schiffner, Learn Excel and become an Excel expert: The large knowledge area provides a lot of essential tips, tricks and advice. |
pyxll.com | (England) Tony Roberts, The Python Excel Add-In. Fast, Easy, Reliable Excel Integration. |
querystorm.com | (Croatia) Use SQL to clean, query and modify data in Excel tables as if it was in database tables. |
quickexcel.com | (India) Pankaj Kumar, Blog containing tips and tricks on Excel. |
rightaligned.com | (England) Derrick Waylen, Branded presentations and documents created from handwritten notes or electronic content. Template training and custom templates. |
riptutorial.com | (USA) Getting Started with Excel VBA. This contains archived Stack Overflow documentation. |
rubberduckvba.com | (USA) Christopher McClellan, Mathieu Guindon. Provides an add-in for the Visual Basic Editor to enable the features every programmer wants to have in their IDE. From unit testing to code inspections and refactoring, programming in VBA will never be the same. |
scottsaddins.com | (USA) An Excel add-in for the Xero platform that makes it easy to manage multi-currency accounting. |
sergeig888.wordpress.com | (USA) Sergei Gundorov, An interesting Excel blog and also the creator of XLStylesTool. |
sheetgo.com | (Spain) Manage your data all from one place. Connect, merge, distribute and append your sheets without leaving Excel. |
skphub.com | (USA) (PowerPoint) Shyam Pillai, Office Tips has lots of VBA code especially for PowerPoint. |
solveandexcel.ca | (Canada) Celia Alves, Automation in Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint and other Windows apps. |
solver.com | (USA) Provides an add-in called Solver to give you analytics for spreadsheets and the web. Creators of the Excel solver add-in. |
someka.net | (Turkey) Onur and Duygu Yilmaz, Provides a wide range of ready-to-use Excel spreadsheet templates for personal, home and business needs. |
sos-click.com | (Israel) Provides an add-in called SOS Click for Microsoft Office that will save your work to many places in one action and ensure you never lose your work again. |
sperrysoftware.com | (USA) (Outlook) Make your email life easy even if you're too busy to manage your inbox. |
spreadsheet1.com | (England) Petros Chatzipantazis, Provide training, software consulting services and create bespoke solutions for Microsoft Office. (also has ribboncommander.com) |
spreadsheet123.com | (England) Alex Bejanishvili, Professional templates for Excel and Word. |
spreadsheetdaddy.com | (USA) Daniel Smith, SpreadsheetDaddy is an online learning hub that helps users from across the world master Excel and Google Sheets. |
spreadsheetdetective.com | (Australia) Melissa and Anthony Berglas, Audit and Compare Excel Formulas to reduce Spreadsheet Errors and Compliance Risk. Includes a SDetective ribbon tab. |
spreadsheeto.com | (Denmark) Kasper Langmann and Mikkel Sciegienny, Excel step-by-step training courses using practical examples. |
spreadsheetsmadeeasy.com | (USA) Joseph Serido, Excel blog including VBA and Training. |
spreadsheetsolutions.nl | (The Netherlands) Mark Rosenkrantz, Management Information systems with Microsoft Excel and VBA. Offers training and workshops through it's Excel Academy. |
spreadsheettools.com | (Ukraine) Some great products for working with Excel. Also has lockxls.com, xlcompare.com, xlcompiler.com, excel-auditor.com. |
stackoverflow.com | (Global) Ask questions, learn, and share technical knowledge. |
strategy-compass.com | (USA) (PowerPoint) Software company and design agency. Uniquely combined. Specialists for successful communication with Microsoft Office. |
stringfestanalytics.com | (USA) George Mount, Data analytics training academies and elearning modules. |
sumproduct.com | (Australia) Liam Bastick, Financial Modelling Experts. |
support.microsoft.com | (USA) Official Microsoft Office Help and Training Resource. |
synkronizer.com | (Switzerland) Compares, synchronizes and updates Excel tables and workbooks. |
sysmod.com | (England) Patrick O'Beirne, Providing quality training and consulting in Excel/VBA development, training, testing, model review, analytics, and spreadsheet auditing. |
teachexcel.com | (USA) Don, Free Excel Forum, Tutorials, Macros, and YouTube Channel. |
techcommunity.microsoft.com | (USA) Microsoft Tech Community. Connect. Collaborate. Share. Learn from experts. |
techonthenet.com | (Canada) Tutorials, references, and step-by-step instructions. Includes a comprehensive list of all the Excel and VBA Functions. |
templafy.com | (Denmark) Custom company templates, brand assets and best practice content together directly inside any office application, streamlining how users create on-brand and compliant documents, presentations and emails. |
thedoctools.com | (Denmark) Lene Fredborg, Provides several add-ins to work more efficiently in Word. (also has wordaddins.com and wordmvp.com and shaunakelly.com) |
theexcelexperts.com | (England) Benjamin Hiron-Grimes, A one-stop shop to managing Excel, Office Suite, PowerBI, Google Docs and many related technologies. (previously excelfrome.co.uk) |
themodelanswer.com | (England) Mike Shallcross, Rainbow Analyst spreadsheet auditing and analysis tool. |
thesmallman.com | (Australia) Marcus Small, Excel blog with financial modelling courses. |
thespreadsheetcompany.co.uk | (England) Michael Holness, Spreadsheet consultants for business and organisations, creating reports, Excel dashboards and tools for data analysis. |
thespreadsheetguru.com | (USA) Chris Newman, Learn to be a more productive analyst. |
think-cell.com | (Germany) Arno Schodl and Markus Hannebauer, Provides an add-in for PowerPoint to help you generate data driven charts and layouts. |
treeplan.com | (USA) Mike Middleton, TreePlan Decision Tree Add-in for Excel. |
trumpexcel.com | (India) Sumit Bansal, Excel the smart way, lots of Excel function examples. |
upslide.net | (France) Antoine Vettes and Philippe Chazalon, Office add-in to help produce documents and presentations. (also has f31.com) |
urbizedge.com | (Estonia) Michael Olafusi, An online training portal for Microsoft Excel, Power BI and Financial Modelling that includes weekly follow up and support activities to make the learning more immersive. |
vbadeveloper.co.uk | (England) Russell Griffith, Excel & Word templates & add-ins, Power BI dashboards & reports. |
vbaexpress.com | (USA) Jacob Hildebrand and Christopher Fennell, Forum dedicated to VBA and contains lots of useful source code. (also has excelhints.com and msvba.com) |
vbaf1.com | (India) Someswari, Start learning VBA by exploring the basic concepts. Also includes a list of VBA functions. |
vbaskills.art.blog | (USA) Learn and discover more about VBA language. Great code samples on the Instagram page. |
vboffice.net | (Germany) Add-Ins, Tools and VBA samples that add new features to Microsoft Outlook. |
vertex42.com | (USA) Jon Wittwer, The Excel Nexus, An extensive directory of Excel links and some specific Excel templates and articles. |
wallstreetprep.com | (USA) Matan Feldman, Online courses and instructor-led boot camps prepare students and professionals for the demands of investment banking and corporate finance. |
wellsr.com | (USA) Ryan Wells, VBA and Python tutorials plus an online forum. |
wiseowl.co.uk | (England) Jenny Brown and Andy Brown, Friendly and professional IT training for your business since 1992. |
wmfexcel.com | (China) Ming Fung Wong, Excel blog, Work smarter by Mastering Functions/Features in Excel. |
wordarticles.com | (USA) (Word) Tony Jollans, An interesting website by a Word MVP. |
wordfaqs.ssbarnhill.com | (USA) Suzanne Barnhill, Contains a large number of articles, some being answers to questions posted in forums. |
wordmvp.com | (Denmark) Lene Fredborg, A collaboration by several Word MVPs and contains lots of very useful information regarding Word. |
wordsite.com | (USA) (Word) Bill Coan, Wordsite delivers smart, fast, easy products powerful enough to automate your documents with a single click. |
workscope.com | (England) Provides detailed file discovery and analysis software to help identify and manage End User Computing. |
xelplus.com | (Austria) Leila Gharani, Fantastic courses and tutorials are for those who use Excel at work and want to become better. |
xlintelligence.co.uk | (England) Benedict Wallis, Excel training, dashboard development, data analysis and VBA. |
xlribbon.az | (Azerbaijan) Aydin Aliyev, Provides an add-in called MyExcelWorld. It supports Big Ranges and 15 languages. It contains over 40 of the most wanted UDF's and Web-functions such as GoogleTranslate and X_Rates. |
xltoolbox.net | (Germany) Daniel Kraus, Provides an add-in called XL Toolbox to help you analyze and present data. This is a free, open-source add-in for Excel. |
xltools.net | (Russia) Peter Liapin, Excel add-ins you will actually use every day. |
xlwings.org | (Switzerland) Felix Zumstein, This is Python for Excel and is open source and free. It comes preinstalled with Anaconda and WinPython, and works on Windows and macOS. |
yodalearning.com | (India) Rishabh Pugalia, Learn to analyse, visual and automate using Excel and Power BI. (also has excelnext.in) |
zebrabi.com | (Slovenia) Andrej Lapajne, Visualize your data as actionable insights in seconds. Create your reports with a few clicks in Power BI, Excel, or PowerPoint. |
4tops.com (The Netherlands) Mark Uildriks, Add-ons for MS Access, notably mail merge to Word, Excel, PDF and email, and importing from Excel. (also has codevba.com) |
ablebits.com (Belarus) Time-saving tools for Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets. Merge and combine tables, split data and look for duplicates, add and remove text, sum by color, and much more. (also has add-in-express.com) |
accessanalytic.com.au (Australia) Jeff Robson, Access Analytic is a leading provider of amazing Power BI and Excel solutions that enable companies to grow faster, reduce costs and reduce risk. |
add-ins.com (USA) A large number of Excel add-ins that will save you time and make Microsoft Excel easier to use. |
addbalance.com (USA) (Word) Charles Kenyon, Contains all the content from the Microsoft Word Legal User's Guide published in 2003. |
addins4outlook.com (Fiji) Powerful Easy-to-Use Business and Efficiency Tools that work inside Outlook. |
analyse-it.com (USA) Analyse-it is the leading software package for in-depth statistical analysis, exploration and modelling in Microsoft Excel. Includes ANOVA, regression, PCA, MSA, SPC and much more. Free 30-day trial. |
analysisplace.com (USA) Andrew Hall, Provides an add-in called Excel-to-Word Automation. This add-in updates/creates Word and PowerPoint content (text, tables, and charts) based on Excel data and calculations. AnalysisPlace also offers advanced APIs that dramatically simplify template-based document automation. |
analysistabs.com (India) Praveen N Rao, Tools and add-ins for analyzing the data and building innovative dashboards. (also has excelx.com) |
analystcave.com (Poland) Tom K, Analyst Cave, Learning Excel VBA and Advanced Excel tips. VBA Cheatsheets, AddIns and Tools. |
analyticsedge.com (Canada) Mike Sullivan, Simple automation add-ins for Excel with connectors for popular services like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads and more. |
andrewsexceltips.net (Japan) Andrew Engwirda, Beginner and Intermediate Excel tips. (also has andrewexcel.blogspot.com). Last updated 2017. |
andypope.info (England) Andy Pope, Very useful resource of unique solutions to problems using Excel. |
appsdowonders.com (USA) ChatGPT for Excel, An AI-powered add-in that can help you automate tasks, gain valuable insights, and save time. Includes the functions AI.ASK and AI.LIST. |
arixcel.com (Wales) Anna Arianova, Provides an add-in called Arixcel Explorer used for exploring formula logic. |
asap-utilities.com (The Netherlands) Bastien Mensink, ASAP Utilities, Great website providing a Free time saving excel add-in. (also has amustineveryoffice.com) |
ashishmathur.com (India) Ashish Mathur, Excel Enthusiasts, Lots of examples of work in Excel. Feel free to visit his website and post your questions. |
atlaspm.com (USA) Tom Urtis, Atlas Programming Management is a business solutions consultancy specializing in Microsoft Office, particularly Excel. |
auditexcel.co.za (South Africa) Adrian Miric, Customised MS Excel training based on skill level and job needs, and MS Excel consulting in financial decision modelling and management reporting. |
automateexcel.com (USA) Steve Rynearson, Provides an add-in called AutoMacro for the Visual Basic Editor, code library and code snippets. |
baycongroup.com (USA) (Word) Free online tutorials for learning Microsoft Word. |
bernardvukas.com (USA) Bernard Vukus, Great Blog about Office Add-in Development and Productivity. |
bluepecantraining.com (England) Chester Tugwell, Excel training, courses and tutorials. |
bradedgar.com (Canada) Brad Edgar, Excel blog about Excel and dashboards. |
brandquantum.com (South Africa) Paula Sartini, Create consistently branded documents, PowerPoint presentations and Excel reports and ensures the brand remains relevant as it evolves. |
breezetree.com (USA) Nicholas Hebb, Provides an add-in called Spreadspeed to improve your productivity with Excel and reduce spreadsheet errors. |
buffalo7.co.uk (England) Complete presentation creation service. Transform ordinary presentations into engaging, inspiring experiences. |
cdata.com (USA) Download the CData Excel Connectors and build custom dashboards & reports with live data from anywhere. Use Excel to read, write, and update live data from 200+ Enterprise data sources. |
chandoo.org (India) Purna Duggirala, Learn and share excel tips, charting tutorials, visualization ideas, downloadable excel tutorials. It has a great blog and 300+ tutorials, examples and downloadable workbooks for you. |
chem4word.co.uk (England) (Word) Dr Joe Townsend, Provides an add-in called Chem4Word for rendering chemical structures in Word. |
codetwo.com (Poland) Michal & Jarek Bednarz, Email Signatures and Disclaimer software for Office 365. |
computergaga.com (England) Alan Murray, Providing online training courses, Excel tips and tutorials for beginners and advanced users. |
contextures.com (Canada) Debra Dalgleish, Contextures designs and supports customised Microsoft Office applications, using Excel, Access and Word. Contextures website features Excel tips and tutorials. |
corporatefinanceinstitute.com (Canada) Become a financial analyst and learn financial modeling with CFI's online courses and certification. The CFI Financial Modeling Competition is an annual modeling competition that attracts finance professionals and students. Started in 2018. (also has financialmodeling.org) |
cpearson.com (USA) Chip Pearson, Custom application design and development for Excel. |
cufp.org (USA) The Commercial Users of Functional Programming workshop is a place where people can see how others are using functional programming to solve real world problems and where practitioners meet and collaborate. Functional Development in Excel |
datacontrolllc.com (USA) Jack Jaeger, Microsoft Access Programmers. We work remotely throughout the world with clients including US Air Force, Pepsi, US Food & Drug Administration and Bank of America. |
datascienceprograms.org (USA) A comprehensive database of degree programs and career opportunities in the STEM industry. Data Science Programs specializes in helping students find careers in some of the biggest organizations in the future. |
davton.co.uk (England) David Tongeman, Integrate your SAAS application with Outlook and Office 365. |
decisionmodels.com (England) Charles Williams, Provides an add-in called FastExcel as well as Consultancy and Modelling Services. |
definely.com (England) Nnamdi and Feargus, Create, draft and review legal documents in one place, with one tool. |
deskbright.com (USA) Sam McIntire, Offers a Free 5-day course for learning tricks that can save you hours every day. |
developer.microsoft.com (USA) Official Microsoft Resource for development using VS Code, GitHub and .NET. |
devtut.github.io (USA) A public github repository for learning VBA. |
dhexcel1.wordpress.com (USA) David Hager, Excel For You blog, Creating powerful and innovative solutions within Excel using world-class formulas, efficient VBA, and Power Pivot. |
digdb.com (USA) Excel tips and add-ins for power users. Last updated 2007. |
discoverdatascience.org (USA) The most comprehensive listings of data science and related degree programs available. Guides cover Associates, Bachelors, Masters, PhD, Bootcamps and Certificate programs. The site also has extensive student resources helping with prep for internships, job hunting, finding scholarships and more. The content is curated by expert data scientists as well as university professors. |
dmcritchie.mvps.org (USA) David McRitchie, My Excel Pages, Macro solutions as building blocks with usage notes to help both beginners and advanced users. Documentation Aids, Backup and Recovery, Colour Palette, Conditional Formatting, Event Macros, Response Time Considerations, Generating HTML. |
earnandexcel.com (England) Sohail Anwar, Great courses on Excel, Data Analysis, Business Intelligence and Digital Marketing. (also had excelonlinesummit.com) |
easy-excel.com (Sweden) Audun Danielson, Lots of easy to learn techniques with an emphasis on solving problems without using too many array formulas or VBA. |
edbodmer.com (USA) Edward Bodmer, Provides free access to a wide range of modelling resources and tools. |
efficiency365.com (India) Nitin Paranjape, Less effort, More impact. Maximing Office 365 adoption and Return On Investment. |
empowersuite.com (Germany) Provides a suite of add-ins across Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook to make working with Office easier, more efficient and brand compliant. (also has made-in-office.com) |
encyclopedia-excel.com (USA) Drew Koontz, Excel, VBA, statistics, and everything in-between. |
erlandsendata.no (Norway) Ole P. Erlandsen, Erlandsen Data Consulting, Excel, VBA Tips, Examples and Downloads. Excel/Office Consultancy and Solution Development. Free Excel workbook password recovery tool. |
eusprig.org (England) European Spreadsheet Risks Interest Group, EuSpRIG is an interest group of academia and industry promoting research regarding the extent and nature of spreadsheet risks, methods of prevention and detection of errors and methods of limiting damage. They have an annual conference which shares experience with a broad range of researchers, practitioners and recognised leaders in the field of spreadsheet research. |
excel4business.com (England) Ed Bolton, Provides Excel automation to help you build better spreadsheets. |
excelandaccess.com (USA) Christopher Fennell, Excel and Access Consulting, Programming and Training services to Business Organizations, Government Agencies, and Education Institutions (B2B and B2C). |
excelatfinance.com (Australia) Ian O'Connor, Lecturer in the Department of Finance at the University of Melbourne. Financial modelling, quantitative finance, banking and risk management. |
excelatwork.co.nz (New Zealand) Sharyn Baines, Auckland based training provider offering onsite training courses and consultancy services. |
excelcalcs.com (England) John Doyle, Making and sharing engineering calculations with Excel. (also has excelwraps.com) |
excelcampus.com (USA) Jon Acampora, Excellent Excel blog. Also includes some very useful Excel add-ins. |
excelchamp.net (Singapore) Vinai Prakash, Excel Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts to save you time and become a True ExcelChamp. |
excelchamps.com (India) Puneet Gogia, Free E-Books to help you get better at Excel. |
excelcharts.com (Portugal) Jorge Camoes, Blog focusing on Excel charts. |
excelconsultant.co.uk (England) Peter Clayton, Provides general business consultancy alongside Excel, Word and PowerPoint (also has wordconsultant.co.uk and powerpointconsultant.co.uk) |
excelcontabilidadytic.com (Spain) Yolanda Cuesta, Articles and videos about Excel and Microsoft BI tools. This website is in Spainish. |
exceldashboardschool.com (Hungary) Istvan Vozar, Free Excel dashboard templates for project management and sales tracking (previously excelkid.com) |
exceldatapro.com (India) Fahim Lashkaria, Free Excel templates for accounting and financial statements. Also has a blog. |
exceldemy.com (India) Kawser Ahmed, Providing tips, how to guide and also provide Excel solutions to your business problems. |
excel-dictionary.com (USA) Emma Chieppor, Provides online Excel courses, templates, guides and merchandise and has a large social media following. |
excel-dna.net (South Africa) Govert van Drimmelen, Independent project to integrate .NET into Excel. With Excel-DNA you can make native (.xll) add-ins for Excel using C#, Visual Basic.NET or F#, providing high-performance user-defined functions (UDFs), custom ribbon interfaces. |
exceldome.com (USA) Alex Karapetian, Comprehensive list of Excel tutorials and VBA code snippets. |
excel-easy.com (The Netherlands) Niels Weterings, Excel Easy is a clean looking site with over 300 useful articles for Excel and VBA. (also has excel-vba-easy.com) |
exceleratorbi.com.au (Australia) Matt Allington, Industry leading Power BI training, coaching and consulting. |
exceleverest.com (USA) Sean Duffy, Corporate Excel training all based in a single Excel workbook. Great video. |
excelexciting.com (Saudi Arabia) Faraz Shaikh, Includes a blog with articles on Excel formulas as well as some VBA. |
excelfind.com (Germany) Marco Seidler, Lots of tutorials to help you get the most out of Excel. |
excelforfreelancers.com (Vietnam) Randy Austin, Skyrocketing business productivity through custom Excel solutions. (also has excel-4-business.com) |
excelforum.com (USA) Joseph Rubin, Excel Forum, Free Excel tips, tutorials and help. (also has exceltip.com) |
excelfunctions.net (New Zealand) Rod Gill, Great website with lots of VBA tutorials and code. |
excelguru.ca (Canada) Ken Puls, A focus on automation of Excel and using it with other Office applications. |
excelhelp.com (USA) Custom MS Excel and Database Solutions for Business (also has eswcompany.com) |
exceljet.net (USA) David and Lisa Bruns, Learn Excel with clear examples and bite-sized videos. |
excelmacromastery.com (Vietnam) Paul Kelly, Excel and VBA blog, YouTube Channel and courses. (also has theexcelvbahandbook.com) |
excelmaven.com (USA) Chris Dutton, Self-paced online courses, on-site group training and project-based consulting (also has mavenanalytics.io) |
excelnerds.com (USA) Jimmy Nissen, Site dedicated to teaching Excel and how to use it more efficiently. |
exceloffthegrid.com (England) Mark Proctor, Excel and VBA blog with consultancy. |
excel-pratique.com (Switzerland) Sebastien Mathier, Excel and VBA courses as well as examples on Excel functions. (also has blog-excel.com) |
excelpricefeed.com (England) Live market data in your Excel spreadsheet. Excel Price Feed is an Add-in which includes 100+ new Excel formulas for live, historical and fundamental market data. |
excelrescue.net (New Zealand) Shane Redlick, Excel Rescue is a done-for-you small tasks service for Microsoft Excel. Get one-on-one access to an experienced developer, who's ready to help. |
excelsupersite.com (Australia) Brian Krisanski, Practical, down to earth, tips, tricks and advice for Excel users. |
exceltrick.com (India) Supriya Kyatham and Ankit Kaul, Excel blog with lots of useful information. Last updated 2017. |
excel.tv (USA) Rick Grantham and Jordan Goldmeier, Interviews with experts, exclusive tips, courses, training and career coaching. (also had optionexplicitvba.com) |
excel-university.com (USA) Jeff Lenning, Excel blog with training courses. Have fun while learning Excel and discover how it can help you get your work done faster. |
excelunplugged.com (Slovenia) Gasper Kamensek (website is not secure) (also has excelolympics.com) |
exceluser.com (USA) Charley Kyd, The online resource for business users of Microsoft Excel. This site provides a range of articles, spreadsheets and tips. |
excel-vba.com (Canada) Peter, Great online tutorial on how to use VBA with Excel. |
excelwithgrant.com (USA) Grant Smith, Provides online Excel courses, including dashboards and reports. Also has a large social media following. |
expertofficedocuments.co.uk (England) Melanie Francis, Expertise with Excel, Word and PowerPoint templates. |
extendoffice.com (China) KuTools, Provides an add-in called Kutools that frees you from performing time-consuming operations in Excel. (also has addintools.com) |
f1f9.com (England) Specialist provider of financial modelling, training and risk management. |
farizat-tips-for-all.com (USA) Farizat Tabora, Provides online Excel courses and training and has a large social media following. |
fastlaneppt.com (Portugal) Provides an add-in called FastLane for PowerPoint to help you create great PowerPoint presentations, within company standards and save time for high value-added tasks. |
financialmodellingpodcast.com (South Africa) Matthew Bernath, This podcast aims to demystify financial modelling with practical insight and expert guidance from the world's leading financial modelers. |
florencesoft.com (USA) Provides an add-in called DiffEngineX that finds the differences between the formulae, constants, defined names, cell comments and Visual Basic VBA code contained in either two whole Excel workbooks or selected worksheets. |
fmworldcup.com (Global) The Financial Modeling World Cup is a monthly financial modelling competition that attracts finance professionals and students. Started in 2012. (previously modeloff.com) |
formuladesk.com (New Zealand) Gareth Hayter, FormulaDesk's professional add-ins are created for engineers and financial analysts, with unique math, auditing, navigation and workbook exploration features as well as other productivity boosters not found anywhere else. |
fullstackmodeller.com (Global) Kenny Whitelaw-Jones, Myles Arnott and Giles Male, An online learning and membership community for finance professionals who are ready to embrace the future. Master the full stack of financial modelling skills and technologies through interactive practical training. |
functionx.com (USA) Function X, Tutorials and examples on how to use Excel and experiment with it. |
github.com (USA) Online version control and collaboration platform for software developers. |
globalexcelsummit.com (England) A Three Day Online Excel Conference taking place at the beginning of February every year. |
gmayor.com (Cyprus) (Word) An excellent resource for Microsoft Word with a huge amount of useful information. |
got-it.ai (USA) Get instant expert help with Excel and Google Sheets. |
gregmaxey.com (USA) (Word) Greg Maxey, Microsoft Word tips and tricks with a lot of useful information. |
gridlines.com (England) Danny Leitch, Financial modelling and advisory practice. Offering valuations, due diligence, training and courses. |
guru99.com (India) Krishna Rungta, Tutorials that cover in-depth lessons on how to use various Excel formulas, Tables and Charts for managing small to large scale business process. |
hotdocs.com (USA) Document automation software for professionals. |
howtoexcel.org (Canada) John MacDougall, An Excel blog, Free newsletter as well as courses and books. |
indzara.com (USA) Dinesh Natarajan Mohan, Provides 90+ free and premium high-quality Excel templates covering Small Business Management, HR, Project Management, Data Visualization & Calendars. Free video tutorials and email support. Instant Downloads. Immediate Benefits. Save time and money. |
informationactive.com (Canada) John West, Powerful time saving data management and analysis tools for Excel and SQL databases. |
intelligentediting.com (England) Daniel Heuman, Provides an add-in called PerfectIt to help professional editors check their Word documents for consistency mistakes. |
jht.co.uk (England) Jonathan Tuppeny, Providing software development and consultancy services for Access databases and spreadsheets. |
jkp-ads.com (The Netherlands) Jan Karel Pieterse, JKP Application Development Services, Providing Microsoft Office application development including the very popular Name Manager utility to help you work with named ranges. This website is in Dutch as well as English. |
kutana-brochet.co.uk/ (England) Smart workflow automation software to digitise your office. Word and PowerPoint template expertise. |
launchexcel.com (England) Victor Chan, Lots of videos for mastering Excel and VBA. |
learn.microsoft.com (USA) Official Microsoft Resource for all the latest Microsoft Office developer documentation and training for Office Add-ins. |
macabacus.com (New York) Provides a suite of add-ins across Excel, Word and PowerPoint that will improve productivity for finance and other professionals. (owned by corporatefinanceinstitute.com) |
macexcel.com (The Netherlands) Ron de Bruin, Website dedicated to Excel on the Mac. |
macrobond.com (Sweden) Tomas Liljeborg, Provides an add-in that provides macroeconomic and financial database with integrated analytics. |
maryville.edu (USA) Learn the ins, outs, uses, and how-tos of Data Science with Marville University Online's Careers guide. |
masterofficevba.com (United Arab Emirates) Sole Bode, Transform that Office chaos into seamless productivity and efficiency. |
mastersindatascience.org (USA) The Life of a Data Scientist, Includes information about academic curricula, admissions requirements, and career prospects for becoming a data scientist. It also includes a set of typical responsibilities, jobs and salaries that are offered to data scientist. |
mathsfiles.com (England) Mike Hadden, Free Excel based educational resources for maths teachers and students, Excel training and consultancy, demos and links. |
mediasterling.com (England) (PowerPoint) Microsoft Office Software for Financial, Legal and Professional Services. |
meetup.com (USA) Meet and connect with like-minded people and organise events. |
microsoft.com (USA) Access the Microsoft Q&A for technical questions around the different programming languages and applications. |
miss-excel.com (USA) Kat Norton, Very successful Instagram account under the name "miss excel". Teaches Microsoft Excel features using short music videos. |
modano.com (Australia) Michael Hutchens, Financial Modelling Automation Software for Excel that helps you build and maintain your Excel models. (also has bpmglobal.com and ssrb.org) |
mrexcel.com (USA) Bill Jelen, Weekly tips, videos and solutions for Microsoft Excel. Author of 60 books plus 80 guest appearances on TV. (also has officearticles.com) |
mswordpowerpointexpert.com (USA) Michelle Howell, Expert MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Custom MS Office Templates, Web Development and Graphic Design. |
myexcelacademy.com (Canada) Kyle Stott, Offers Excel courses and consultancy. Instagram account under the name "msexcelacademy". (also has excelerateconsultants.com) |
myexcelonline.com (Spain) John Michaloudis and Bryan Hong. Advance your Excel level and professional development with an Excel blog, webinar, courses and books. |
myofficetricks.com (USA) Sandra Clerk, Dedicated website and blog to sharing Microsoft Excel, Word and PowerPoint tutorials. |
myonlinetraininghub.com (Australia) Phil and Mynda Treacy. Excel blog with articles on Functions and some great add-ins. |
myspreadsheetlab.com (Canada) Kevin Lehrbass, Excel tips, videos, training, coaching and a blog. (also had excelxor.com) |
mztools.com (Spain) Carlos Quintero, Provides an add-in for the Visual Basic Editor and Visual Studio providing you with useful productivity tools. |
navigatorutilities.com (Australia) Mark Robinson, Navigator Utilities will save you heaps of time and frustration in finding your way around and auditing large (and small) Excel workbooks. |
oaltd.co.uk (England) Stephen Bullen, Office Automation, Specialising in Excel and Access development. (also has officeaddins.co.uk) |
officeatwork.com (Switzerland) Martin Seifert, Be more impactful at work with the help of simple and smart apps for Microsoft 365. |
officemastery.com (Australia) Jason Morrell, Has a blog, several courses and an academy covering Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook and Publisher. |
officeopenxml.com (USA) A reference for SpreadsheetML (xlsx), WordprocessingML (docx), PresentationML (pptx) and DrawingML. |
officetemplates.co.uk (England) David Price, custom templates and documents for Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint. (also has abilitysoftware.co.uk) |
officetuts.net (Poland) Tomasz Decker, Great tutorials to teach you the basic and advanced features of Excel including 200+ interview questions and answers. |
office-watch.com (Australia) Peter Deegan, Maryjane Pureza, Your independent source of Microsoft Office news, tips and advice since 1996. |
onlyexcel.com (Scotland) Nic Clark, Expertise to automate the tedious task of manually inputting and interpreting data in Excel so that you can improve your ROI, decrease the risk of human error and most importantly: gain back your time. |
operisanalysiskit.com (England) Reduce the risk of error when developing and reviewing complex spreadsheets. |
ozdusoleil.com (USA) Oz Du Soleil, Excel developer, blogger, trainer and Excel MVP. Has a great YouTube channel. (also has datascopic.net) |
ozgrid.com (Australia) Raina Hawley, OzGrid Business Applications, Professional Microsoft Excel consultant offering services in all aspects of Excel and VBA. Templates, add-ins, training, business software and a Free Excel Forum. |
p3adaptive.com (USA) Rob Collie, Leading Consultants on Power BI and the Microsoft Data Platform. (previously powerpivotpro.com) |
pdfexcelconverter.com (India) James Robertson. A powerful batch Excel to PDF converter software tool converts Excel XLSX, XLS and more formats to PDF files in bulk, exports each worksheet in the Excel file to a separate PDF, or merges all Excel workbooks and files into one single PDF. |
peltiertech.com (USA) Jon Peltier, Peltier Technical Services, Providing innovative solutions to data presentation and interactivity issues. This site contains instructions for making charts in Excel, ranging from easy to advanced, including standard and enhanced charts. |
perfectxl.com (The Netherlands) Felienne Hermans, Trying to reduce risks, improve understanding and increase productivity for people who work with Excel on a daily basis. |
pitchly.com (USA) Ryan Gerhardy, An online data enablement platform to help you with PowerPoint pitch deck templates and tombstone creation. |
planatechsolutions.com (England) Bruce Belson, Home of XLL Plus, a toolkit that provides development tools and C++ class libraries that make it easy to generate Excel Add-in functions from your C and C++ code. |
plumsolutions.com.au (Australia) Danielle Stein Fairhurst, Training courses in financial modelling, budgeting and analysis are aimed at business professionals seeking to improve their analytical skill set using Microsoft Excel. |
powerspreadsheets.com (Canada) Jorge Gomez, Become an Excel power user. Work faster, save time and advance your career. |
powerusersoftwares.com (France) Olivier de Saint Louvent, Power User is a powerful add-in to save hours on Excel and PowerPoint. Quickly format numbers and currencies, clean formulas, find and unmerge cells, remove empty cells in a range to "stack" cells up and even create beautiful Mekko charts. PowerPoint functionality includes a rich library of templates, icons, diagrams and advanced charts. |
pptalchemy.co.uk (England) (PowerPoint) John Wilson, MVP specializing in Microsoft PowerPoint presentation authoring, makeovers and custom vba code. |
pptpowertools.com (Canada) (PowerPoint) Luca Pallotta, A productivity add-in to help with slide creation and editing. (also has lucapallotta.com) |
pptproductivity.com (Australia) (PowerPoint) Scott Jendra, Add 100+ functions, 70 shortcut keys and a gallery of 2000 slides, common shapes, maps, and flags to PowerPoint to boost productivity and easily create professional presentations. |
presented.co.uk (England) The Design Agency that brings PowerPoint to Life. Bespoke PowerPoint design for inspiring on-target communications. |
presentationsolutions.co.uk (England) Everything you need to Create, Compare and Repair Word documents and PowerPoint presentations. |
professor-excel.com (Germany) Henrik Schiffner, Learn Excel and become an Excel expert: The large knowledge area provides a lot of essential tips, tricks and advice. |
pyxll.com (England) Tony Roberts, The Python Excel Add-In. Fast, Easy, Reliable Excel Integration. |
querystorm.com (Croatia) Use SQL to clean, query and modify data in Excel tables as if it was in database tables. |
quickexcel.com (India) Pankaj Kumar, Blog containing tips and tricks on Excel. |
rightaligned.com (England) Derrick Waylen, Branded presentations and documents created from handwritten notes or electronic content. Template training and custom templates. |
riptutorial.com (USA) Getting Started with Excel VBA. This contains archived Stack Overflow documentation. |
rubberduckvba.com (USA) Christopher McClellan, Mathieu Guindon. Provides an add-in for the Visual Basic Editor to enable the features every programmer wants to have in their IDE. From unit testing to code inspections and refactoring, programming in VBA will never be the same. |
scottsaddins.com (USA) An Excel add-in for the Xero platform that makes it easy to manage multi-currency accounting. |
sergeig888.wordpress.com (USA) Sergei Gundorov, An interesting Excel blog and also the creator of XLStylesTool. |
sheetgo.com (Spain) Manage your data all from one place. Connect, merge, distribute and append your sheets without leaving Excel. |
skphub.com (USA) (PowerPoint) Shyam Pillai, Office Tips has lots of VBA code especially for PowerPoint. |
solveandexcel.ca (Canada) Celia Alves, Automation in Excel, Outlook, Word, PowerPoint and other Windows apps. |
solver.com (USA) Provides an add-in called Solver to give you analytics for spreadsheets and the web. Creators of the Excel solver add-in. |
someka.net (Turkey) Onur and Duygu Yilmaz, Provides a wide range of ready-to-use Excel spreadsheet templates for personal, home and business needs. |
sos-click.com (Israel) Provides an add-in called SOS Click for Microsoft Office that will save your work to many places in one action and ensure you never lose your work again. |
sperrysoftware.com (USA) (Outlook) Make your email life easy even if you're too busy to manage your inbox. |
spreadsheet1.com (England) Petros Chatzipantazis, Provide training, software consulting services and create bespoke solutions for Microsoft Office. (also has ribboncommander.com) |
spreadsheet123.com (England) Alex Bejanishvili, Professional templates for Excel and Word. |
spreadsheetdaddy.com (USA) Daniel Smith, SpreadsheetDaddy is an online learning hub that helps users from across the world master Excel and Google Sheets. |
spreadsheetdetective.com (Australia) Melissa and Anthony Berglas, Audit and Compare Excel Formulas to reduce Spreadsheet Errors and Compliance Risk. Includes a SDetective ribbon tab. |
spreadsheeto.com (Denmark) Kasper Langmann and Mikkel Sciegienny, Excel step-by-step training courses using practical examples. |
spreadsheetsmadeeasy.com (USA) Joseph Serido, Excel blog including VBA and Training. |
spreadsheetsolutions.nl (The Netherlands) Mark Rosenkrantz, Management Information systems with Microsoft Excel and VBA. Offers training and workshops through it's Excel Academy. |
spreadsheettools.com (Ukraine) Some great products for working with Excel. Also has lockxls.com, xlcompare.com, xlcompiler.com, excel-auditor.com. |
stackoverflow.com (Global) Ask questions, learn, and share technical knowledge. |
strategy-compass.com (USA) (PowerPoint) Software company and design agency. Uniquely combined. Specialists for successful communication with Microsoft Office. |
stringfestanalytics.com (USA) George Mount, Data analytics training academies and elearning modules. |
sumproduct.com (Australia) Liam Bastick, Financial Modelling Experts. |
support.microsoft.com (USA) Official Microsoft Office Help and Training Resource. |
synkronizer.com (Switzerland) Compares, synchronizes and updates Excel tables and workbooks. |
sysmod.com (England) Patrick O'Beirne, Providing quality training and consulting in Excel/VBA development, training, testing, model review, analytics, and spreadsheet auditing. |
teachexcel.com (USA) Don, Free Excel Forum, Tutorials, Macros, and YouTube Channel. |
techcommunity.microsoft.com (USA) Microsoft Tech Community. Connect. Collaborate. Share. Learn from experts. |
techonthenet.com (Canada) Tutorials, references, and step-by-step instructions. Includes a comprehensive list of all the Excel and VBA Functions. |
templafy.com (Denmark) Custom company templates, brand assets and best practice content together directly inside any office application, streamlining how users create on-brand and compliant documents, presentations and emails. |
thedoctools.com (Denmark) Lene Fredborg, Provides several add-ins to work more efficiently in Word. (also has wordaddins.com and wordmvp.com and shaunakelly.com) |
theexcelexperts.com (England) Benjamin Hiron-Grimes, A one-stop shop to managing Excel, Office Suite, PowerBI, Google Docs and many related technologies. (previously excelfrome.co.uk) |
themodelanswer.com (England) Mike Shallcross, Rainbow Analyst spreadsheet auditing and analysis tool. |
thesmallman.com (Australia) Marcus Small, Excel blog with financial modelling courses. |
thespreadsheetcompany.co.uk (England) Michael Holness, Spreadsheet consultants for business and organisations, creating reports, Excel dashboards and tools for data analysis. |
thespreadsheetguru.com (USA) Chris Newman, Learn to be a more productive analyst. |
think-cell.com (Germany) Arno Schodl and Markus Hannebauer, Provides an add-in for PowerPoint to help you generate data driven charts and layouts. |
treeplan.com (USA) Mike Middleton, TreePlan Decision Tree Add-in for Excel. |
trumpexcel.com (India) Sumit Bansal, Excel the smart way, lots of Excel function examples. |
upslide.net (France) Antoine Vettes and Philippe Chazalon, Office add-in to help produce documents and presentations. (also has f31.com) |
urbizedge.com (Estonia) Michael Olafusi, An online training portal for Microsoft Excel, Power BI and Financial Modelling that includes weekly follow up and support activities to make the learning more immersive. |
vbadeveloper.co.uk (England) Russell Griffith, Excel & Word templates & add-ins, Power BI dashboards & reports. |
vbaexpress.com (USA) Jacob Hildebrand and Christopher Fennell, Forum dedicated to VBA and contains lots of useful source code. (also has excelhints.com and msvba.com) |
vbaf1.com (India) Someswari, Start learning VBA by exploring the basic concepts. Also includes a list of VBA functions. |
vbaskills.art.blog (USA) Learn and discover more about VBA language. Great code samples on the Instagram page. |
vboffice.net (Germany) Add-Ins, Tools and VBA samples that add new features to Microsoft Outlook. |
vertex42.com (USA) Jon Wittwer, The Excel Nexus, An extensive directory of Excel links and some specific Excel templates and articles. |
wallstreetprep.com (USA) Matan Feldman, Online courses and instructor-led boot camps prepare students and professionals for the demands of investment banking and corporate finance. |
wellsr.com (USA) Ryan Wells, VBA and Python tutorials plus an online forum. |
wiseowl.co.uk (England) Jenny Brown and Andy Brown, Friendly and professional IT training for your business since 1992. |
wmfexcel.com (China) Ming Fung Wong, Excel blog, Work smarter by Mastering Functions/Features in Excel. |
wordarticles.com (USA) (Word) Tony Jollans, An interesting website by a Word MVP. |
wordfaqs.ssbarnhill.com (USA) Suzanne Barnhill, Contains a large number of articles, some being answers to questions posted in forums. |
wordmvp.com (Denmark) Lene Fredborg, A collaboration by several Word MVPs and contains lots of very useful information regarding Word. |
wordsite.com (USA) (Word) Bill Coan, Wordsite delivers smart, fast, easy products powerful enough to automate your documents with a single click. |
workscope.com (England) Provides detailed file discovery and analysis software to help identify and manage End User Computing. |
xelplus.com (Austria) Leila Gharani, Fantastic courses and tutorials are for those who use Excel at work and want to become better. |
xlintelligence.co.uk (England) Benedict Wallis, Excel training, dashboard development, data analysis and VBA. |
xlribbon.az (Azerbaijan) Aydin Aliyev, Provides an add-in called MyExcelWorld. It supports Big Ranges and 15 languages. It contains over 40 of the most wanted UDF's and Web-functions such as GoogleTranslate and X_Rates. |
xltoolbox.net (Germany) Daniel Kraus, Provides an add-in called XL Toolbox to help you analyze and present data. This is a free, open-source add-in for Excel. |
xltools.net (Russia) Peter Liapin, Excel add-ins you will actually use every day. |
xlwings.org (Switzerland) Felix Zumstein, This is Python for Excel and is open source and free. It comes preinstalled with Anaconda and WinPython, and works on Windows and macOS. |
yodalearning.com (India) Rishabh Pugalia, Learn to analyse, visual and automate using Excel and Power BI. (also has excelnext.in) |
zebrabi.com (Slovenia) Andrej Lapajne, Visualize your data as actionable insights in seconds. Create your reports with a few clicks in Power BI, Excel, or PowerPoint. |
Access and VBA for Access | groups/102437/ |
Data Mining, Statistics, Big Data | groups/152247/ |
Excel and VBA Users | groups/82527/ |
Excel Blackbelts | groups/3124035/ |
Excel Developers | groups/58704/ |
Excel Enthusiasts | groups/706527/ |
ExcelKings | groups/112232/ |
Financial Modelling in Excel | groups/1724487/ |
Microsoft Excel Users | groups/44008/ |
MS Excel and VBA macros | groups/1871310/ |
MS-Excel Tips and Tricks | groups/1838429/ |
Office Scripts | groups/9016822/ |
Access and VBA for Access groups/102437/ |
Data Mining, Statistics, Big Data groups/152247/ |
Excel and VBA Users groups/82527/ |
Excel Blackbelts groups/3124035/ |
Excel Developers groups/58704/ |
Excel Enthusiasts groups/706527/ |
ExcelKings groups/112232/ |
Financial Modelling in Excel groups/1724487/ |
Microsoft Excel Users groups/44008/ |
MS Excel and VBA macros groups/1871310/ |
MS-Excel Tips and Tricks groups/1838429/ |
Office Scripts groups/9016822/ |
Kat Norton | miss.excel |
Emma Chieppor | exceldictionary |
John Michaloudis | myexcelonline |
Farizat Tabora | excel_tips_for_all |
Senna Brennan | easilyexcel |
Grant Smith | excel.withgrant |
Kat Norton miss.excel |
Emma Chieppor exceldictionary |
John Michaloudis myexcelonline |
Farizat Tabora excel_tips_for_all |
Senna Brennan easilyexcel |
Grant Smith excel.withgrant |
Learn Excel and VBA | groups/learnexcelandvba/ |
VBA Developers | groups/vbaexperts/ |
Excel Macro Mastery VBA | groups/1974907409474677/ |
Excel VBA Macro | groups/excelvbamacro/ |
Learn Excel and VBA groups/learnexcelandvba/ |
VBA Developers groups/vbaexperts/ |
Excel Macro Mastery VBA groups/1974907409474677/ |
Excel VBA Macro groups/excelvbamacro/ |
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