AUTONUMLGL [switches ]

Numbers paragraphs of text automatically for legal documents.

\eDisplays the number in legal format without the period
\sDefines the separator character, which you place directly after the switch

* Use the built-in heading styles to format headings in the document, and then insert an AUTONUMLGL field at the beginning of each heading paragraph. The numbers reflect the heading levels that correspond to the heading styles. If you insert an AUTONUMLGL field in paragraphs of body text (paragraphs not formatted with built-in heading styles), the number of the preceding heading is included in the paragraph number. For example, if the preceding heading is numbered 1.2.3, paragraphs of body text are numbered,,, and so on.
* You cannot update this field manually.
* Word doesn't display the result of an AUTONUMLGL field if the field is nested within an IF field.
* Paragraph numbering can be handled from the (Format > Bullets and Numbering) dialog box.
* This field is provided for compatibility with previous versions of Word. You should use the LISTNUM field instead.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to



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