INDEX [switches]

Builds and inserts an index.

\b Bookmark Builds an index for the portion of the document marked by the specified bookmark
The field { INDEX \b Select } builds an index for the portion of the document marked by the bookmark "Select."
\c Columns Creates an index with more than one column on a page
The field { index \c 2 } creates a two-column index
You can specify up to four columns.
\d "Separators" Used with the \s switch, specifies the characters (up to five) that separate sequence numbers and page numbers
The field { INDEX \s chapter \d " : " } displays page numbers in the format "2:14." A hyphen (-) is used if you omit the \d switch
Enclose the characters in quotation marks.
\e "Separators" Specifies the characters (up to five) that separate an index entry and its page number.
\f "Identifier" Creates an index using only the specified entry type
The index generated by { INDEX \f "a" } includes only entries marked with XE fields such as { XE "Selecting Text" \f "a" }
The default entry type is "I".
\g "Separators" Specifies the characters (up to five) that separate a range of pages
Enclose the characters in quotation marks
The default is an en dash (-)
The field { INDEX \g " to " } displays page ranges as "Finding text, 3 to 4".
\h "Heading" Inserts text formatted with the Index Heading style between alphabetic groups in the index
Enclose the text in quotation marks
The field { INDEX \h "-A-" } displays the appropriate letter before each alphabetic group in the index
To insert a blank line between groups, use empty quotation marks: \h "".
\k Defines the separators between cross references and other entries
\l "Separators" Specifies the characters that separate multiple-page references
The default characters are a comma and a space (, )
You can use up to five characters, which must be enclosed in quotation marks
The field { INDEX \l " or " } displays entries such as "Inserting text, 23 or 45 or 66" in the index.
\p "Range" Compiles an index for the specified letters
The field { INDEX \p a-m } generates an index for only the letters A through M
To include entries that begin with characters other than letters, use an exclamation point (!)
The index generated by { INDEX \p !--t } includes any special characters, as well as the letters A through T.
\r Runs subentries into the same line as the main entry
Colons (:) separate main entries from subentries; semicolons (;) separate subentries
The field { INDEX \r } displays entries such as "Text: inserting 5, 9; selecting 2; deleting 15".
\s When followed by a sequence name, includes the sequence number with the page number
Use the \d switch to specify a separator character other than the default, which is a hyphen (-).
\y Enables the use of yogi text for index entries
\z Defines the language ID that Microsoft Word uses to generate the index

* This compiles an index based on index entries marked with the XE fields. "Mark Index Entry" dialog box ?
* This field collects index entries specified by XE (Index Entry) fields. The INDEX field is inserted by the Index and Tables command on the Reference submenu (Insert menu).
* You can use the XE to define an item to include in the index.
* Example 1 -
* Example 2 - Displays a result such as "Inserting text; 3" in the index. A comma and space (, ) are used if you omit the \e switch. Enclose the characters in quotation marks.
* Example 3 - Include only entries between "a" and "M".
* Example 4 - Places an empty line between each letter.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to


{ INDEX \s chapter \d "." }
{ INDEX \e "; " }
{ INDEX \p a-m }
{ INDEX \h " " }

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