C# .NET Programming with Visual StudioC# .NET Programming

! - NOT
! character
#Const (VB.Net)
#Else (VB.Net)
#ElseIf (VB.Net)
#End If (VB.Net)
#End Region (VB.Net)
#ExternalSource (VB.Net)
#pragma warning disable
#pragma warning restore
#Region (VB.Net)
% Remainder on Division
% Symbol
& - And
& Ampersand
& And
& Operator
&& - And Also
&& AndAlso
&= Concatenation
&= Operator
() Parentheses
* Asterisk
* Operator
*= Operator
, Comma
.NET 3.5 SP1
.NET 5.0
.NET 6.0
.NET 7.0
.NET 8.0
.NET Configuration Tool
.NET Core
.NET Framework 1.0
.NET Framework 1.1
.NET Framework 2.0
.NET Framework 3.5
.NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile
.NET Framework 3.5 SP1
.NET Framework 4 Client Profile
.NET Framework 4.0
.NET Framework 4.5
.NET Framework 4.5.1
.NET Framework 4.5.2
.NET Framework 4.6
.NET Framework 4.6.1
.NET Framework 4.6.2
.NET Framework 4.7
.NET Framework 4.7.1
.NET Framework 4.7.2
.NET Framework 4.8
.NET Framework Client Profile
.NET Framework Configuration Tool
.NET Library
.NET Reflector
/ Operator
/* */
/// Comments
/= Operator
? Question Mark
?. Null Conditional Operator
?: Operator
?: Tenary Operator
?? Operator
?x IgnorePatternWhitespace
[ ] Index Operator
[ClassInterface] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComImport] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComRegisterFunction] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComUnRegisterFunction] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[ComVisible] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[DllExport] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[DllImport] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[GUID] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[In] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InAttribute] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[InterfaceType] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
[Optional] - System.Runtime.InteropServices
\ Operator
\" Quote
\\ Double Backslash
\\ String Literal
\= Operator
\n - String Literal
\r - String Literal
^ Operator
^= Operator
{{}} Nested Braces
| - Or
|| - OrElse
~ Finalizer
+ Operator
+= Operator
+= String Concatenation
+= Tooltips
< out() >
< Serializable() >
< string > Lists
<< Bitwise Operator
<<= Operator
<> Not Equals
<> Operator
= Assignment
=- Operator
-= Operator
== Equals
=> Fat Arrows
=> Lambda Operator
>> Bitwise Operator
>>= Operator
1904 Date Format
2005 Tools for Office Runtime
2008 Tools for Office Runtime
2010 Tools for Office Runtime
3D Variables
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