Formatting Times

You can format your cells to display both the date and time parts or just the date or just the time.
You can change the date and time number format applied to your cells by highlighting the cells and selecting (Format > Cells)(Number tab).
If none of the built-in formats display the date or time in the correct way you can create a custom date and time format.

Default Formats

Custom Formats

h5Hour as a number, no leading zero.
hh05Hour as a number with a leading zero.
m36Minute as a number, no leading zero.
mm36Minute as a number with a leading zero.
s4Second as a number, no leading zero.
ss04Second as a number with a leading zero.
s.04.0Second as a number, no leading zero and tenths of a second, no leading zero.
s.004.00Second as a number, no leading zero and hundredths of a second, no leading zero.
ss.004.0Second as a number, no leading zero and tenths of a second with a leading zero.
ss.0004.00Second as a number with a leading zero and hundredths of a second with a leading zero.
h:mm AM/PM5:36 AMTime based on a twelve hour clock with AM/PM notation
h:mm am/pm5:36 AMTime based on a twelve hour clock with AM/PM notation
h:mm A/P5:36 aTime based on a twelve hour clock with AM/PM notation
h:mm a/p5:36 aTime based on a twelve hour clock with a/p notation
[h]5Time based on a twelve hour clock with a/p notation. Using square brackets allows you to display hours greater than 24.


You can quickly remove any date and time number formats from cells by highlighting them and pressing (Ctrl + Shift + "~"). This will change the format back to General.

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