Returns the complementary error function integrated between a limit and infinity.

xThe lower bound for integrating ERF.

* ERFC.PRECISE was added in Excel 2010 to replace this function.
* If "x" is not numeric, then #VALUE! is returned.
* You can use the ERF function to
* You can use the ERF.PRECISE function to
* Before Excel 2010, if "x" < 0, then #NUM! was returned.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to
* For the Google documentation refer to

1=ERFC(0) = 1.000
2=ERFC(0.02) = 0.977
3=ERFC(0.5) = 0.480
4=ERFC(1) = 0.157
5=ERFC(1.3) = 0.066
6=ERFC(2) = 0.005
7=ERFC(3) = 0.000
8=ERFC(4) = 0.000
9=ERFC(5) = 0.000
10=ERFC(-1) = 1.843
11=ERFC.PRECISE(-2) = 1.995
12=ERFC("some text") = #VALUE!

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