
Returns the value converted to a number.

valueThe value you want converted to a number.

* This function is only available for backwards compatibility and should not be used.
* This function allows a text description to be added to a formula, without it affecting the formula.
* This has very limited use for converting values since Excel does conversions automatically.
* All dates are automatically converted into date serial numbers.
* This function is often used as an alternative to using Cell Comments.
* If "value" is numerical, then the number is returned.
* If "value" is True, then 1 is returned.
* If "value" is False, then zero is returned.
* If "value" is text, then zero is returned.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to support.microsoft.com
* For the Google documentation refer to support.google.com

1=100*(1+5%) = 105.0
2=100*(1+5%)+N("an in-cell comment") = 105.0
3=100*(1+5%)+0 = 105.0
4=N(0.12) = 0.12
5=N(2) = 2.0
6=N(TRUE) = 1.0
7=N(FALSE) = 0.0
8=N("2") = 0.0
9=N("01/07/1987") = 0.0
10=N("some text ") = 0.0
11=N(#N/A) = #N/A
12=N(#VALUE!) = #VALUE!
13=N(10/0) = #DIV/0!

1 - Add 5% to the number 100.
2 - Add 5% to the number 100 and include an in-cell comment.
3 - Add 5% to the number 100.

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