
Returns the array after excluding all empty rows and/or columns from the outer edges of a range.

rangeThe range (or array) to be trimmed.
trim_rows(Optional) Determines which rows should be trimmed:
0 = None
1 = Trims leading blank rows
2 = Trims trailing blank rows
3 = Trims both leading and trailing blank rows (default)
trim_cols(Optional) Determines which columns should be trimmed:
0 = None
1 = Trims leading blank rows
2 = Trims trailing blank rows
3 = Trims both leading and trailing blank rows (default)

* This is a Preview Function which means the signature and results may change before being officially released.
* This function was added in Microsoft 365
* The same functionality can also be achieved using the "Trim References".
* Trim References can be applied by replacing a range's colon ":" with either (.:.), (:.) or (.:)
* link -
* This function was first released in August 2024.
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to


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