Code Snippets
Option Explicit
Dim gvaPositionsPrevious As Variant
Dim gvaPositionsCurrent As Variant
Public Enum enARRAY_ENUM
End Enum
Public Sub Arrays_Processing()
Dim lcount_previous As Long
Dim lcount_current As Long
Dim blast_previous As Boolean
Dim blast_current As Boolean
Dim lrow_output As Long
Dim boutput_previous As Boolean
Dim boutput_current As Boolean
Dim boutput_both As Boolean
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
gvaPositionsPrevious = Range("PositionsPrevious").Value
gvaPositionsCurrent = Range("PositionsCurrent").Value
lrow_output = 3
lcount_previous = 1
lcount_current = 1
Sheets("Previous vs Current").Select
With Sheets("Previous vs Current")
Do Until ((blast_previous = True) And (blast_current = True))
boutput_both = False
boutput_current = False
boutput_previous = False
If (blast_previous = True) Then boutput_current = True
If (blast_current = True) Then boutput_previous = True
If ((blast_previous = False) And _
(blast_current = False)) Then
If (gvaPositionsPrevious(lcount_previous, enARRAY_ENUM.eKey) = _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eKey)) Then
boutput_both = True
If (gvaPositionsPrevious(lcount_previous, enARRAY_ENUM.eKey) < _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eKey)) Then
boutput_previous = True
'therefore Previous > Current, so display Current
boutput_current = True
End If
End If
End If
If (boutput_both = True) Then
.Range("B" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eName)
.Range("C" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eDescription)
'display previous
.Range("D" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsPrevious(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.ePrevious)
'display current
.Range("E" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eCurrent)
If (lcount_previous = UBound(gvaPositionsPrevious, 1)) Then
blast_previous = True
End If
If (lcount_previous < UBound(gvaPositionsPrevious, 1)) Then
lcount_previous = lcount_previous + 1
End If
If (lcount_current = UBound(gvaPositionsCurrent, 1)) Then
blast_current = True
End If
If (lcount_current < UBound(gvaPositionsCurrent, 1)) Then
lcount_current = lcount_current + 1
End If
End If
If (boutput_previous = True) Then
.Range("B" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsPrevious(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eName)
.Range("C" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsPrevious(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eDescription)
'display previous
.Range("D" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsPrevious(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.ePrevious)
If (lcount_previous = UBound(gvaPositionsPrevious, 1)) Then
blast_previous = True
End If
If (lcount_previous < UBound(gvaPositionsPrevious, 1)) Then
lcount_previous = lcount_previous + 1
End If
End If
If (boutput_current = True) Then
.Range("B" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eName)
.Range("C" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eDescription)
'display current
.Range("E" & lrow_output).Value = _
gvaPositionsCurrent(lcount_current, enARRAY_ENUM.eCurrent)
If (lcount_current = UBound(gvaPositionsCurrent, 1)) Then
blast_current = True
End If
If (lcount_current < UBound(gvaPositionsCurrent, 1)) Then
lcount_current = lcount_current + 1
End If
End If
'Difference between current and previous
.Range("F" & lrow_output).FormulaR1C1 = "RC[-1]-RC[-2]"
lrow_output = lrow_output + 1
End With
Range("B3").Sort Key1:=Range("C3"), Order1:=xlAscending, _
Key2:=Range("C4"), Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
Exit Sub
End Sub
Public Sub MatchingArrays()
'Dim vArray1 As Variant
'Dim vArray2 As Variant
Dim larray1_count As Long
Dim larray2_count As Long
Dim barray1_last As Boolean
Dim barray2_last As Boolean
Dim lcount_combined As Long
ReDim vCombinedList(1 To UBound(vArray1, 1) + UBound(vArray2, 1))
larray1_count = 1
larray2_count = 1
lcount_combined = 1
Do Until (barray1_last = True) And (barray2_last = True)
If vArray1(larray1_count) = vArray2(larray2_count) Then
vCombinedList(lcount_combined) = vArray1(larray1_count)
lcount_combined = lcount_combined + 1
If larray1_count < UBound(vArray1, 1) Then larray1_count = larray1_count + 1
If larray2_count < UBound(vArray2, 1) Then larray2_count = larray2_count + 1
If larray1_count = UBound(vArray1, 1) Then barray1_last = True
If larray2_count = UBound(vArray2, 1) Then barray2_last = True
If vArray1(larray1_count) < vArray2(larray2_count) Then
If larray1_count = UBound(vArray1, 1) Then barray1_last = True
If larray1_count < UBound(vArray1, 1) Then larray1_count = larray1_count + 1
If larray2_count = UBound(vArray2, 1) Then barray2_last = True
If larray2_count < UBound(vArray2, 1) Then larray2_count = larray2_count + 1
End If
End If
ReDim Preserve vCombinedList(1 To lcount_combined - 1)
End Sub
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