Binary Tree

Binary Search Tree
This is a simple unbalanced BST that is implemented with two class modules (TreeNode and BinarySearchTree) and a Random_Main testing module, which contains the macro to run all the BST functions.
The example fills a BST with 10 random integers and completes several functions:

Private Const bstSize As Integer = 10 
Private Const upperRnd As Integer = 10
Private Const lowerRnd As Integer = 1
Public WB As Workbook
Public WS As Worksheet
Public outPut As Collection

Public Sub Random_MAIN()
   Dim loopCount As Integer
   Dim rndNumber As Integer
   Dim BST As New BinarySearchTree
   Dim root As TreeNode

   Set WB = ThisWorkbook
   Set WS = WB.Sheets("BST")
   Set outPut = New Collection

    For loopCount = 1 To bstSize
        rndNumber = rndOmizer: Set root = BST.insert(root, rndNumber): outPut.add (rndNumber)
    Next loopCount

    updateBSTSheet ("A")
    myPrint ("Order in which values are inserted.")
    myPrint ("")
End Sub

TreeNode Class

Here is the "TreeNode" class module with a variable to hold a value (Value) in the TreeNode, a variable to count duplicates (ValueCount), and links to the left and right child nodes (LeftChild and RightChild).
Everything is declared Public for easy access outside the class.

Public ValueCount As Long 
' stores the actual value (integer in this case)
Public Value As Variant
' stores the pointer to the left child node
Public LeftChild As TreeNode
' stores the pointer to the right child node
Public RightChild As TreeNode

BinarySearchTree Class

Here is the "insert" function of the "BinarySearchTree" class module. This function creates the root TreeNode if it doesn't yet exist, adds a ValueCount to existing values instead of allowing duplicates, and recursively goes down to the first left or right Nothing TreeNode to add a new TreeNode then returns a TreeNode.
Recursively insert value with no duplicates

Public Function insert(TN As TreeNode, valToInsert As Variant) As TreeNode 
' create node if it doesn't exist
    If TN Is Nothing Then
        Set TN = New TreeNode
        TN.Value = valToInsert
        TN.ValueCount = 1
' count duplicates without expanding tree
    ElseIf TN.Value = valToInsert Then
        TN.ValueCount = TN.ValueCount + 1
' recursively call until empty node is found
' go left or right based on value and recursively call
        If valToInsert < TN.Value Then
            Set TN.LeftChild = insert(TN.LeftChild, valToInsert)
        ElseIf valToInsert > TN.Value Then
            Set TN.RightChild = insert(TN.RightChild, valToInsert)
        End If
    End If
' set the function to the node continually
    Set insert = TN
End Function

This function recursively deletes a TreeNode based upon Value, whether that TreeNode is a leaf, has no children, or is a binary tree and then returns a TreeNode.

Public Function delete(TN As TreeNode, valToDelete As Variant) As TreeNode 
' go left or right by value to be deleted and reccrsively call
    If valToDelete < TN.Value Then
        Set TN.LeftChild = delete(TN.LeftChild, valToDelete)

    ElseIf valToDelete > TN.Value Then
        Set TN.RightChild = delete(TN.RightChild, valToDelete)
' delete node if value is the same
        Dim copyNode As TreeNode
' node has no or only one child
        If TN.LeftChild Is Nothing Then
            Set copyNode = TN.RightChild
            Set TN = Nothing
            Set delete = copyNode
            Exit Function

        ElseIf TN.RightChild Is Nothing Then
            Set copyNode = TN.LeftChild
            Set TN = Nothing
            Set delete = copyNode
            Exit Function

' node has two children: 1st get inorder successor:
' 2nd copy to this node: 3rd delete inorder successor
            Set copyNode = minValueNode(TN.RightChild)
            TN.Value = copyNode.Value
            Set TN.RightChild = delete(TN.RightChild, copyNode.Value)
        End If
    End If
' set the function to the node continually
    Set delete = TN
End Function

This function loops to find the successor TreeNode to the TreeNode that has two children and is being deleted, then returns a TreeNode.
This function is called by the "delete" function.

Private Function minValueNode(TN As TreeNode) As TreeNode 
' loop down to find the leftmost leaf
    Dim tempNode As TreeNode: Set tempNode = TN
    While Not tempNode.LeftChild Is Nothing
        Set tempNode = tempNode.LeftChild
    Set minValueNode = tempNode
End Function

This function recursively finds the Value then returns a boolean.

Public Function search(TN As TreeNode, valToSearch As Variant) As Boolean 
    Dim searchNode As TreeNode: Set searchNode = TN
' loop until value is found (true) or bst ends (false)

    While Not searchNode Is Nothing
        If searchNode.Value = valToSearch Then
            search = True: Exit Function
        ElseIf valToSearch < searchNode.Value Then
            Set searchNode = searchNode.LeftChild
            Set searchNode = searchNode.RightChild
        End If
End Function

This function loops right to find the maximum Value, then returns a Variant.
Get the max value from right tree recursively

Public Function maxValue(TN As TreeNode) As Variant 
    Dim maxValueNode As TreeNode: Set maxValueNode = TN
    While Not maxValueNode.RightChild Is Nothing
        Set maxValueNode = maxValueNode.RightChild
    maxValue = maxValueNode.Value
End Function

This function loops left to find the minmum Value then returns a Variant.
Get the min value from left tree recursively

Public Function minValue(TN As TreeNode) As Variant 
    Dim minValueNode As TreeNode: Set minValueNode = TN
    While Not minValueNode.LeftChild Is Nothing
        Set minValueNode = minValueNode.LeftChild
    minValue = minValueNode.Value
End Function

This function recurves the BST in the order of the left TreeNode, then the root TreeNode, then the right TreeNode in order to display the values from smallest to largest.
A Collection is returned but that variable could be an Array.
Display the values in order from lowest to highest (left, root, right) recursively

Public Function InOrder(TN As TreeNode, Optional myCol As Collection) As Collection 
    If Not TN Is Nothing Then
        Call InOrder(TN.LeftChild, myCol)
        If myCol Is Nothing Then
            Set myCol = New Collection
            myCol.add ("#: " & TN.Value & " (" & TN.ValueCount & " Total)")
            myCol.add ("#: " & TN.Value & " (" & TN.ValueCount & " Total)")
        End If
        Call InOrder(TN.RightChild, myCol)
    End If
    Set InOrder = myCol
End Function

This function recurses the BST in the order of the root TreeNode, then the left TreeNode, then the right TreeNode.
This could be used to get a prefix or to copy the BST but here I am displaying them. A Collection is returned but that variable could be an Array.
Display the values from left to right (root, left, right) recursively

Public Function PreOrder(TN As TreeNode, Optional myCol As Collection) As Collection 
    If Not TN Is Nothing Then
        If myCol Is Nothing Then
            Set myCol = New Collection
            myCol.add ("#: " & TN.Value & " (" & TN.ValueCount & " Total)")
            myCol.add ("#: " & TN.Value & " (" & TN.ValueCount & " Total)")
        End If
        Call PreOrder(TN.LeftChild, myCol)
        Call PreOrder(TN.RightChild, myCol)
    End If
    Set PreOrder = myCol
End Function

This function recurses the BST in the order of the left TreeNode, then the right TreeNode, then the right root TreeNode.
This could be used to get a postfix or to delete the BST but here I am displaying them. A Collection is returned but that variable could be an Array.
Display the values from right to left (left, right, root) recursively

Public Function PostOrder(TN As TreeNode, Optional myCol As Collection) As Collection 
    If Not TN Is Nothing Then
        Call PostOrder(TN.LeftChild, myCol)
        Call PostOrder(TN.RightChild, myCol)
        If myCol Is Nothing Then
            Set myCol = New Collection: myCol.add ("#: " & TN.Value & " (" & TN.ValueCount & " Total)")
            myCol.add ("#: " & TN.Value & " (" & TN.ValueCount & " Total)")
        End If
    End If
    Set PostOrder = myCol
End Function

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