Common Errors

Error NoDescriptionFix
6OverflowAssigning a number larger than 32,767 to an Integer data type.
7Out of Memory 
9Subscript out of rangeWhen you are referring to an item in a collection that does not exist.
Trying to access an index that does not exist in an array or collection.
11Division by zero 
13Type mismatchWhen the type of an argument does not match the expected type and cannot be implicitly converted.
28Out of stack spaceMeans you have got an infinite loop in your code somewhere.
43Object doesn't support the property or methodMeans you have an object currently selected that doesn't support the code you are trying to run.
49Bad DLL calling conventionMeans that arguments passed to an external DLL do not match those that are expected. This error message can also be triggered for different reasons which cannot be explained. You should export all the modules, close and then insert new ones and copy and paste the contents back in.
54Bad File modeAn attempt to write a read only file
An input statement specifies a file opened for an access mode other than Input.
A print statement specifies a file opened for access mode other than Output or Append.
91Object variable or With block variable not setAn object is used before its reference has been assigned.
 Compile Error: Expected VariableMeans you have used a keyword for a variable name.
 ByRef argument type mismatchMeans you need to declare the variable itself as opposed to grouping a declaration with commas.
 Can't execute breakpoint at this pointMacros you are unable to step through in code while are making dynamic changes to the project.
 Object library invalid[Compile Error] - Means that one or more of the Visual Basic 6.0 ActiveX controls that have been placed onto a worksheet cannot be found.
 Cannot insert objectsame as above
 The program used to create this object is Formssame as above

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