
Returns the integer portion of a number (data type).

numberThe number (data type).

* The fractional/decimal part of the number is removed.
* This function is identical to the INT function for positive numbers.
* This function truncates without rounding.
* The value returned has the same data type as the value passed in.
* If "number" is Null, Null is returned.
* If "number" < 0, then the first negative integer greater than or equal to "number" is returned.
* The results from this function are equivalent to : Sgn(number) * Int(Abs(number)).
* You can use the INT function to return the number rounded down to the nearest integer.
* You can use the ROUND function to return a number rounded to a given number of decimal places.
* The equivalent .NET function is [[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Conversion.Fix]]
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to

Debug.Print Fix(-8.9)   '= -8  
Debug.Print Fix(-8.4) '= -8
Debug.Print Fix(-8.1) '= -8
Debug.Print Fix(-7.9) '= -7
Debug.Print Fix(-1.9) '= -1
Debug.Print Fix(-1.1) '= -1
Debug.Print Fix(-0.1) '= -0
Debug.Print Fix(0.2) '= 0
Debug.Print Fix(0.5) '= 0
Debug.Print Fix(0.6) '= 0
Debug.Print Fix(0.9) '= 0
Debug.Print Fix(1.1) '= 1
Debug.Print Fix(1.5) '= 1
Debug.Print Fix(12.01) '= 12
Debug.Print Fix(12.34) '= 12
Debug.Print Fix(12.99) '= 12

Dim iInteger As Integer
iInteger = 20
Debug.Print TypeName(Fix(iInteger)) '= Integer

Dim lLong As Long
lLong = 20.5
Debug.Print TypeName(Fix(lLong)) '= Long

Dim dbDouble As Double
dbDouble = 20.5
Debug.Print TypeName(Fix(dbDouble)) '= Double

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