MSGBOX(prompt[, buttons] [, title] [, helpfile, context])

Displays a dialog box displaying a message to the user (Integer).

promptThe message to be displayed (String).
buttons(Optional) The sum of values specifying the type of buttons to display
0 = vbOKOnly
1 = vbOkCancel
2 = vbAbortRetryCancel
3 = vbYesNoCancel
4 = vbYesNo
5 = vbRetryCancel
16 = vbCritical
32 = vbQuestion
48 = vbExclamation
64 = vbInformation
0 = vbDefaultButton1 (first button displayed is the default)
256 = vbDefaultButton2 (second button displayed is the default)
512 = vbDefaultButton3 (third button displayed is the default)
768 = vbDefaultButton4 (fourth button displayed is the default)
0 = vbApplicationModal
4094 = vbSystemModal
16384 = vbMsgBoxHelpButton (displays a help button)
65536 = vbMsgBoxSetForeground
524288 = vbMsgBoxRight
1048576 = vbMsgBoxRtlReading
title(Optional) The title to display at the top of the dialog box (String)
helpfile(Optional) The help file to use to provide context-sensitive Help.
context(Optional) The context number assigned to the appropriate help topic.

* For more information, refer to the Msgbox & InputBox > MsgBox page.
* This function can display a message and also ask Yes/No or OK/Cancel questions.
* When both "helpfile" and "context" are provided, the user can press F1 to view the Help topic corresponding to the context.
* To omit some positional arguments you must include the corresponding comma delimiters.
* If "default" is left blank, then the textbox is displayed empty.
* If "xpos" is left blank, the dialog box is centred horizontally.
* If "ypos" is left blank, the dialog box is centred vertically.
* If "helpfile" is provided, then "context" must also be provided.
* If "context" is provided, then "helpfile" must also be provided.
* If the dialog box displays a Cancel button, pressing the ESC key has the same effect as clicking Cancel.
* If the dialog box contains a Help button, context-sensitive Help is provided for the dialog box. However, no value is returned until one of the other buttons is clicked.
* The values that are returned specify which button was pressed. 1 = vbOK. 2 = vbCancel. 3 = vbAbort. 4 = vbRetry. 5 = vbIgnore. 6 = vbYes. 7 = vbNo.
* You can use the INPUTBOX function for displaying a dialog box allowing information to be entered.
* The equivalent .NET function is [[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.MsgBox]]
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to

MsgBox "message" 
Call MsgBox("Unable open file", VBA.vbMsgBoxStyle.vbCritical, "File")
Call MsgBox("This file has been saved", VBA.vbMsgBoxStyle.vbOKOnly)
Call MsgBox("Press any key to continue", , "Macro Interrupted")

If MsgBox("save the file ?", VBA.vbMsgBoxStyle.vbYesNo) = VBA.vbMsgBoxResult.vbYes Then
End If

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