Other Functions

APPACTIVATEActivates an application or window currently running on Windows.
BEEPProduces a single beep noise.
CALLTransfers control to a subroutine or function.
CALLBYNAMEReturns, sets or executes a method or property of an object (Variant).
CHOOSEReturns the value from a list of values based on an index number (Variant).
COMMANDReturns the argument or command-line string passed when an Access application starts (Variant).
CVERRReturns a specific type of error (Variant).
DOEVENTSPauses execution to let the system process other events.
ENVIRONReturns information about the current operating system environment (String).
ERROR - FunctionReturns the error message corresponding to a given error number (String).
ERROR - Statement(Err.Raise) Generates an error.
GOTOTransfers control to the subroutine indicated by the line label.
IIFReturns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
IMPLEMENTSSpecifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module.
INPUTBOXDisplays a dialog box allowing the user to enter some information (String).
LETComputes a value and assigns it to a new variable.
LOADPICTURELoads a picture from a file into a Picture or Image control (IPictureDisp).
MACIDConverts a four character constant to a value that can be used by Dir, Kill, Shell and AppActivate.
MSGBOXDisplays a dialog box displaying a message to the user (Integer).
OBJPTRReturns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
PARTITIONReturns a string indicating which particular range it falls into (String).
QBCOLORReturns the RGB colour corresponding to the specified colour number (Long).
RAISEEVENTFires an event declared at module level within a class, form or document.
REMSpecifies a single line of comments.
RGBReturns the number representing an RGB colour value (Long).
SAVEPICTURESaves a graphic image from an objects Picture or Image property to a file.
SENDKEYSSends keystrokes to an application.
SHELLReturns the program's task id from running an executable programs (Double).
STOPSuspends execution.
STRPTRReturns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
SWITCHReturns a value based on expressions (Variant).
TYPENAMEReturns the data type of the variable as a string (String).
VARPTRReturns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
VARTYPEReturns the number indicating the data type of a variable (Integer).
Activates an application or window currently running on Windows.
Produces a single beep noise.
Transfers control to a subroutine or function.
Returns, sets or executes a method or property of an object (Variant).
Returns the value from a list of values based on an index number (Variant).
Returns the argument or command-line string passed when an Access application starts (Variant).
Returns a specific type of error (Variant).
Pauses execution to let the system process other events.
Returns information about the current operating system environment (String).
ERROR - Function
Returns the error message corresponding to a given error number (String).
ERROR - Statement
(Err.Raise) Generates an error.
Transfers control to the subroutine indicated by the line label.
Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
Specifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module.
Displays a dialog box allowing the user to enter some information (String).
Computes a value and assigns it to a new variable.
Loads a picture from a file into a Picture or Image control (IPictureDisp).
Converts a four character constant to a value that can be used by Dir, Kill, Shell and AppActivate.
Displays a dialog box displaying a message to the user (Integer).
Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
Returns a string indicating which particular range it falls into (String).
Returns the RGB colour corresponding to the specified colour number (Long).
Fires an event declared at module level within a class, form or document.
Specifies a single line of comments.
Returns the number representing an RGB colour value (Long).
Saves a graphic image from an objects Picture or Image property to a file.
Sends keystrokes to an application.
Returns the program's task id from running an executable programs (Double).
Suspends execution.
Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
Returns a value based on expressions (Variant).
Returns the data type of the variable as a string (String).
Returns a LongPtr on a 64 bit version and a Long on a 32 bit version.
Returns the number indicating the data type of a variable (Integer).

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