Alphabetical A - M

ABSReturns the absolute value of a number (Variant).
ANDThe logical 'AND' operator (Boolean).
APPACTIVATEActivates an application or window currently running on Windows.
ARRAYReturns an array containing the given values (Variant).
ASCReturns the ASCII / ANSI number for the first character in a text string (Integer).
ASCWReturns the Unicode number for the first character in a text string (Integer)
ATNReturns the arc-tangent of a number in radians (Double).
BEEPProduces a single beep noise.
CALLTransfers control to a subroutine or function.
CALLBYNAMEReturns, sets or executes a method or property of an object (Variant).
CBOOLReturns the expression converted to a boolean data type (Boolean).
CBYTEReturns the expression converted to a byte data type (Byte).
CCURReturns the expression converted to a currency data type (Currency).
CDATEReturns the expression converted to a date data type (Date).
CDBLReturns the expression converted to a double data type (Double).
CDECReturns the expression converted to a decimal variant-subtype (Variant).
CHDIRDefines the current default directory.
CHDRIVEDefines the current default drive.
CHOOSEReturns the value from a list of values based on an index number (Variant).
CHRReturns the character with the corresponding ASCII / ANSI number (Variant / String).
CHRWReturns the character with the corresponding Unicode number (Variant / String)
CINTReturns the expression converted to an integer data type (Integer).
CLNGReturns the expression converted to a long data type (Long).
CLNGLNGReturns the expression converted to a longlong (64 bit platform) data type.
CLNGPTRReturns the expression converted to a longptr data type.
CLOSECloses a text file or CSV file.
COMMANDReturns the argument or command-line string passed when an Access application starts (Variant).
COSReturns the cosine of an angle in radians (Double).
CREATEOBJECTReturns a reference after creating a new ActiveX or OLE object (Variant).
CSNGReturns the expression converted to a single data type (Single).
CSTRReturns the expression converted to a string data type (String).
CURDIRReturns the current path of a given drive (Variant / String).
CVARReturns the expression converted to a variant data type (Variant).
CVDATEReturns the expression converted to a variant date subtype (Variant).
CVERRReturns a specific type of error (Variant).
DATE - FunctionReturns the current system date (Variant / Date).
DATE - StatementDefines the current system date.
DATEADDReturns the date with a specified time interval added (Date).
DATEDIFFReturns the number of a given time interval between two specified dates (Long).
DATEPARTReturns the specified part of a given date (Variant / Integer).
DATESERIALReturns the date given a year, month and day (Date).
DATEVALUEReturns the date given a string representation of a date (Date).
DAYReturns the day from a given date (Integer).
DDBReturns the depreciation of an asset in a single period (double or higher declining balance method) (Double).
DELETESETTINGRemoves (or deletes) a key or section from the registry.
DIRReturns the name of a file or directory matching a pattern or attribute (Variant / String).
DOEVENTSPauses execution to let the system process other events.
ENVIRONReturns information about the current operating system environment (String).
EOFReturns the value indicating if the end of a file has been reached (Boolean).
EQVThe logical equivalence operator.
ERASEReinitialises the elements of an array.
ERROR - FunctionReturns the error message corresponding to a given error number (String).
ERROR - Statement(Err.Raise) Generates an error.
EXPReturns the base of natural logarithm raised to a power (Double).
FILEATTRReturns the file mode of the specified open file (Long).
FILECOPYCopies a file from one directory to another.
FILEDATETIMEReturns the date and time when a file was created or last modified (Date).
FILELENReturns the length of a file in bytes (Long).
FILTERReturns an array containing a subset of values that contain a substring (Variant).
FIXReturns the integer portion of a number (data type).
FORMATReturns the text string of a number or date in a particular format (Variant / String).
FORMATCURRENCYReturns the expression formatted as a currency value (String).
FORMATDATETIMEReturns the expression formatted as a date or time (String).
FORMATNUMBERReturns the expression formatted as a number (String).
FORMATPERCENTReturns the expression formatted as a percentage (String).
FREEFILEReturns the next valid free file number (Integer).
FVReturns the future value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
GETReads data from a text file into a record.
GETALLSETTINGSReturns the list of key settings and their values from the registry (Variant).
GETATTRReturns the attributes of a given file or directory (Integer).
GETOBJECTReturns the reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component.
GETSETTINGReads from the registry and returns the value or key from the registry (String).
GOTOTransfers control to the subroutine indicated by the line label.
HEXReturns the number converted to hexadecimal (Variant / String).
HOURReturns the hour from a given time (Integer).
IIFReturns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
IMESTATUSReturns the current Input Method Editor mode of Microsoft Windows (Integer).
IMPThe logical implication from two values (Variant).
IMPLEMENTSSpecifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module.
INPUT - FunctionReads a number of characters from a file (Variant / String).
INPUT - StatementReads data from a file and assigns the data to a list of variables (Long).
INPUTBOXDisplays a dialog box allowing the user to enter some information (String).
INSTRReturns the position of a substring within a larger string (Variant / Long).
INSTRREVReturns the position of a substring within a larger string, starting at the end (Long).
INTReturns the integer portion of a number (data type).
IPMTReturns the interest paid in a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
IRRReturns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
ISCompares two object reference variables.
ISARRAYReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is an array (Boolean).
ISDATEReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is a date (Boolean).
ISEMPTYReturns the value True or False depending if the Variant variable has been initialised (Boolean).
ISERRORReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is an error (Boolean).
ISMISSINGReturns the value True or False depending if the optional argument has been passed to a procedure (Boolean).
ISNULLReturns the value True or False depending if the expression contains no data (Boolean).
ISNUMERICReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is a number (Boolean).
ISOBJECTReturns the value True or False depending if the identifier represents an object (Boolean).
JOINReturns a text string containing all the elements in an array (String).
KILLDeletes an existing file.
LBOUNDReturns the lower limit in a given dimension of an array (Long).
LCASEReturns the text string with all characters converted to lowercase (Variant / String).
LEFTReturns a substring from the left of a string (Variant / String).
LENReturns the number of characters in a string (Long).
LETComputes a value and assigns it to a new variable.
LIKEThe pattern matching operator.
LINE INPUTReads a single line from a file opened with Sequential access (String).
LOADLoads an object but doesn't display it.
LOADPICTURELoads a picture from a file into a Picture or Image control (IPictureDisp).
LOCReturns the current read/write position within an open file (Long).
LOCKLocks access to parts of a file for other processes.
LOFReturns the length or size of an open file, in bytes (Long).
LOGReturns the natural logarithm of a number (Double).
LSETLeft aligns a string within a string variable.
LTRIMReturns the text string without leading spaces (Variant / String).
MACIDConverts a four character constant to a value that can be used by Dir, Kill, Shell and AppActivate.
MID - FunctionReturns a substring from the middle, left or right of a string (Variant / String).
MID - StatementReplaces a specified number of characters with characters from another string.
MINUTEReturns the minutes from a given time (Integer).
MIRRReturns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (explicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
MKDIRCreates a new directory.
MODReturns the remainder after division operator (Integer).
MONTHReturns the month from a given date (Integer).
MONTHNAMEReturns the month as a string (String).
MSGBOXDisplays a dialog box displaying a message to the user (Integer).
Returns the absolute value of a number (Variant).
The logical 'AND' operator (Boolean).
Activates an application or window currently running on Windows.
Returns an array containing the given values (Variant).
Returns the ASCII / ANSI number for the first character in a text string (Integer).
Returns the Unicode number for the first character in a text string (Integer)
Returns the arc-tangent of a number in radians (Double).
Produces a single beep noise.
Transfers control to a subroutine or function.
Returns, sets or executes a method or property of an object (Variant).
Returns the expression converted to a boolean data type (Boolean).
Returns the expression converted to a byte data type (Byte).
Returns the expression converted to a currency data type (Currency).
Returns the expression converted to a date data type (Date).
Returns the expression converted to a double data type (Double).
Returns the expression converted to a decimal variant-subtype (Variant).
Defines the current default directory.
Defines the current default drive.
Returns the value from a list of values based on an index number (Variant).
Returns the character with the corresponding ASCII / ANSI number (Variant / String).
Returns the character with the corresponding Unicode number (Variant / String)
Returns the expression converted to an integer data type (Integer).
Returns the expression converted to a long data type (Long).
Returns the expression converted to a longlong (64 bit platform) data type.
Returns the expression converted to a longptr data type.
Closes a text file or CSV file.
Returns the argument or command-line string passed when an Access application starts (Variant).
Returns the cosine of an angle in radians (Double).
Returns a reference after creating a new ActiveX or OLE object (Variant).
Returns the expression converted to a single data type (Single).
Returns the expression converted to a string data type (String).
Returns the current path of a given drive (Variant / String).
Returns the expression converted to a variant data type (Variant).
Returns the expression converted to a variant date subtype (Variant).
Returns a specific type of error (Variant).
DATE - Function
Returns the current system date (Variant / Date).
DATE - Statement
Defines the current system date.
Returns the date with a specified time interval added (Date).
Returns the number of a given time interval between two specified dates (Long).
Returns the specified part of a given date (Variant / Integer).
Returns the date given a year, month and day (Date).
Returns the date given a string representation of a date (Date).
Returns the day from a given date (Integer).
Returns the depreciation of an asset in a single period (double or higher declining balance method) (Double).
Removes (or deletes) a key or section from the registry.
Returns the name of a file or directory matching a pattern or attribute (Variant / String).
Pauses execution to let the system process other events.
Returns information about the current operating system environment (String).
Returns the value indicating if the end of a file has been reached (Boolean).
The logical equivalence operator.
Reinitialises the elements of an array.
ERROR - Function
Returns the error message corresponding to a given error number (String).
ERROR - Statement
(Err.Raise) Generates an error.
Returns the base of natural logarithm raised to a power (Double).
Returns the file mode of the specified open file (Long).
Copies a file from one directory to another.
Returns the date and time when a file was created or last modified (Date).
Returns the length of a file in bytes (Long).
Returns an array containing a subset of values that contain a substring (Variant).
Returns the integer portion of a number (data type).
Returns the text string of a number or date in a particular format (Variant / String).
Returns the expression formatted as a currency value (String).
Returns the expression formatted as a date or time (String).
Returns the expression formatted as a number (String).
Returns the expression formatted as a percentage (String).
Returns the next valid free file number (Integer).
Returns the future value of a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
Reads data from a text file into a record.
Returns the list of key settings and their values from the registry (Variant).
Returns the attributes of a given file or directory (Integer).
Returns the reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component.
Reads from the registry and returns the value or key from the registry (String).
Transfers control to the subroutine indicated by the line label.
Returns the number converted to hexadecimal (Variant / String).
Returns the hour from a given time (Integer).
Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
Returns the current Input Method Editor mode of Microsoft Windows (Integer).
The logical implication from two values (Variant).
Specifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module.
INPUT - Function
Reads a number of characters from a file (Variant / String).
INPUT - Statement
Reads data from a file and assigns the data to a list of variables (Long).
Displays a dialog box allowing the user to enter some information (String).
Returns the position of a substring within a larger string (Variant / Long).
Returns the position of a substring within a larger string, starting at the end (Long).
Returns the integer portion of a number (data type).
Returns the interest paid in a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
Returns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
Compares two object reference variables.
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is an array (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is a date (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the Variant variable has been initialised (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is an error (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the optional argument has been passed to a procedure (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression contains no data (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is a number (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the identifier represents an object (Boolean).
Returns a text string containing all the elements in an array (String).
Deletes an existing file.
Returns the lower limit in a given dimension of an array (Long).
Returns the text string with all characters converted to lowercase (Variant / String).
Returns a substring from the left of a string (Variant / String).
Returns the number of characters in a string (Long).
Computes a value and assigns it to a new variable.
The pattern matching operator.
Reads a single line from a file opened with Sequential access (String).
Loads an object but doesn't display it.
Loads a picture from a file into a Picture or Image control (IPictureDisp).
Returns the current read/write position within an open file (Long).
Locks access to parts of a file for other processes.
Returns the length or size of an open file, in bytes (Long).
Returns the natural logarithm of a number (Double).
Left aligns a string within a string variable.
Returns the text string without leading spaces (Variant / String).
Converts a four character constant to a value that can be used by Dir, Kill, Shell and AppActivate.
MID - Function
Returns a substring from the middle, left or right of a string (Variant / String).
MID - Statement
Replaces a specified number of characters with characters from another string.
Returns the minutes from a given time (Integer).
Returns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (explicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
Creates a new directory.
Returns the remainder after division operator (Integer).
Returns the month from a given date (Integer).
Returns the month as a string (String).
Displays a dialog box displaying a message to the user (Integer).

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