Alphabetical - I

IIFReturns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
IMESTATUSReturns the current Input Method Editor mode of Microsoft Windows (Integer).
IMPThe logical implication from two values (Variant).
IMPLEMENTSSpecifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module.
INPUT - FunctionReads a number of characters from a file (Variant / String).
INPUT - StatementReads data from a file and assigns the data to a list of variables (Long).
INPUTBOXDisplays a dialog box allowing the user to enter some information (String).
INSTRReturns the position of a substring within a larger string (Variant / Long).
INSTRREVReturns the position of a substring within a larger string, starting at the end (Long).
INTReturns the integer portion of a number (data type).
IPMTReturns the interest paid in a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
IRRReturns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
ISCompares two object reference variables.
ISARRAYReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is an array (Boolean).
ISDATEReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is a date (Boolean).
ISEMPTYReturns the value True or False depending if the Variant variable has been initialised (Boolean).
ISERRORReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is an error (Boolean).
ISMISSINGReturns the value True or False depending if the optional argument has been passed to a procedure (Boolean).
ISNULLReturns the value True or False depending if the expression contains no data (Boolean).
ISNUMERICReturns the value True or False depending if the expression is a number (Boolean).
ISOBJECTReturns the value True or False depending if the identifier represents an object (Boolean).
Returns one of two parts, depending on the evaluation of an expression.
Returns the current Input Method Editor mode of Microsoft Windows (Integer).
The logical implication from two values (Variant).
Specifies an interface or class that can be implemented in a class module.
INPUT - Function
Reads a number of characters from a file (Variant / String).
INPUT - Statement
Reads data from a file and assigns the data to a list of variables (Long).
Displays a dialog box allowing the user to enter some information (String).
Returns the position of a substring within a larger string (Variant / Long).
Returns the position of a substring within a larger string, starting at the end (Long).
Returns the integer portion of a number (data type).
Returns the interest paid in a given period in a series of equal cash flows at regular intervals (Double).
Returns the interest rate for a series of unequal cash flows at regular intervals (implicit reinvestment rate) (Double).
Compares two object reference variables.
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is an array (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is a date (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the Variant variable has been initialised (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is an error (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the optional argument has been passed to a procedure (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression contains no data (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is a number (Boolean).
Returns the value True or False depending if the identifier represents an object (Boolean).

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