
Returns the value True or False depending if the expression is an array (Boolean).

varnameThe variable name (String).

* The "varname" can be any identifier that specifies a variable.
* This function is particularly useful when using Variants that contain arrays.
* You can use the ARRAY function to return an array containing specific values.
* You can use the ISDATE function to return True or False depending if the value is a date.
* You can use the ISEMPTY function to return True or False depending if the variable has been initialised.
* You can use the ISERROR function to return True or False depending if the value is an error.
* You can use the ISMISSING function to return True or False depending if an optional argument has been passed in.
* You can use the ISNULL function to return True or False depending if the value contains no data.
* You can use the ISNUMERIC function to return True or False depending if the value is a number.
* You can use the ISOBJECT function to return True or False depending if the variable represents an object.
* The equivalent .NET function is [[Microsoft.VisualBasic.Information.IsArray]]
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to

Dim myArray() As Integer 
If (IsArray(myArray) = True) Then
End If

Dim myArray2 As Variant
myArray2 = Array(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)
If (IsArray(myArray2) = True) Then
End If

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