
Defines the current default directory.

pathname(Optional) The full pathname of the directory you want to switch to (String).

* This changes the default directory used when Visual Basic searches for files without a fully qualified path.
* The "path" may often include a drive. If it does, is the current drive changed ?
* If "path" is left blank, then the default directory is changed on the current drive.
* This subroutine should not be used as it is better to always explicitly include the directory path when referring to files.
* You can use the CHDRIVE statement to define the current default drive.
* You can use the CURDIR function to return the current path of a drive.
* You can use the DIR function to check if a file or directory exists.
* The equivalent .NET function is [[Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.ChDir]]
* For the Microsoft documentation refer to

ChDir "C:\Temp\SubFolder" 
Call ChDir("C:\Temp\SubFolder")
ChDir ".."

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